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Since a lot of holidays are coming up, it got me to thinking, what is everyone's favorite holiday?

Mine is Halloween. Even when I was a little kid, I loved to dress up! I really didn't even care about the candy haha. It was my Mom's favorite holiday too, and so we would always decorate the yard and house. Fall is also my favorite time of year, so that might have something to do with why this is my favorite holiday. What about you guys?
I love Christmas!! I love decorating, and putting up the tree, and singing songs!! Love it love it!! I love giving people gifts, more than receiving, because I like making people happy. I think that is the best thing ever!
Halloween is the obvious choice. I love everything about it! A close second for me though, would be thanksgiving. Any holiday that's purpose revolves around me stuffing my face with as much food and wine as my poor body can handle is okay by me!
kuroi_neko wrote:
I love Christmas!! I love decorating, and putting up the tree, and singing songs!! Love it love it!! I love giving people gifts, more than receiving, because I like making people happy. I think that is the best thing ever!

Seriously stop being the same person. I love me some Halloween but in the past few years it hasn't been any fun. Shopping for people and finding them the right thing to make them smile is extra rewarding.
I like halloween, despite the fact that I haven't been able to actually enjoy it since I was a small child.

Thanksgiving. Any holiday that I can just sit on my butt and eat good food is good by me.

Christmas, simply due to the fact that I enjoy winter, and it's nice to give gifts to others.
Sanne Moderator

We don't have Halloween here, so that one's out for me. (Although it's making a slow emergence in our country the past couple of years, we're far from celebrating it with trick or treating.) We do have Sinterklaas, which my family treated as a minor holiday with Christmas being the big one.

And while I love the candy that is sold for Sinterklaas, I love me some Christmas more! ;) I have so many fond memories of this holiday I can't claim anything else to be significant. My mom has a knack for decorating beautifully and always put amazing amounts of effort into making us candy plates. She bought bags of candy, chocolates and cookies and put those on a silver platter for each of us in a nicely decorated fashion. :D

I remember we were given a toy store's magazine that listed all of their products and prices, and we were allowed to make a wishlist of stuff we wanted. We had to keep the prices in mind but that ensured we were never disappointed when we got out gifts. We got what we wanted and then some extra.

We had dinners with my dad's side of the family, and in retrospect they're a less favorable part of my family history because of things that happened in my teen years. But, as a child, we were allowed to bring toys and other things with us to the dinner so that the adults could talk and we kids could play without disrupting the people around us. No gaming consoles of any kind, just dolls/barbies, little toys, portable board games and the like. Usually some of our Christmas presents. :) It was always fun and rarely boring.

Now, when I think of Christmas, I just get this deep, happy and fuzzy feeling. Every Christmas I get it again, a warm comfort that is unmatched by any other holiday so far. Happiness.
Mine was Christmas but now that I am older... It kinda sucks. My family has no money for gifts because my brother's mooch off them. I guess now my favorite holiday is Halloween. There is just so much to do before the holiday is even here. Festivals, haunts, and parties. I may be to old to trick-or-treat but I am not to hold for the festivals. :D

I love halloween, and most other holidays stress me out to the point where I hate them. I like Yule though. I make a "feast" every year for my husband and I since no one else ever comes when invited. We snuggle up and eat, and watch movies. It's my favourite simply because that close to Christmas, it lets me relax between bouts of worrying.
I used to love Christmas the most because it was the one time a year that family got together and we were all happy. We'd pack into my grandmom's house and just enjoy each other's company. Sadly the family isn't how things used to be (we won't go into that sob story) so Christmas has lost it's great love from me. Plus I work retail and let's face it greed is a number one problem that time of year.

Therefore I'd have to go with Halloween. That is the one day a year where I can be whoever I want, dress however I want, and not a soul will judge me. Of course the next day when I still have crazy hair or dark makeup they're back to judging. But oh well!
Halloween has never been very big in my home country, in fact it was heavily frowned upon when I lived there, but when I moved to the states I was swept up in the spectacle of it all. Costumes and haunted houses, parties and shenanigans, what's not to like?
It's a tie between Christmas and Thanksgiving for me. I'm a pack creature if there ever was one, anytime that I can get together with my family is a good time.

Also, Christmas in MN is usually cold, snowy, and awesome. With the added bonus of my mom decorating like a fiend. And, you know... food. Really really good food.

When I was younger I used to love every Holiday. Halloween (dressing up), Thanksgiving (omnomnom), Christmas (presents) and Easter (another little present). Even Valentine's Day, my grandmother would buy or make me a little stuffed animal. ^_^

None of them really are the same for me anymore, but that's okay. I like to see other people happy, and the sight of decorations (especially colorful Christmas lights) will always make me all bouncy and excited.

Although, I do wish I had more days besides Halloween to wear costumes. I love buying assorted clothing pieces and putting my own outfit together! Usually wings and masquerade masks are included.
Kim Site Admin

I love NaNoWriMo! And Talk Like a Pirate Day! But also Halloween. :) The other holidays in a year I... often forget about until the last minute or until after they're over. Of course, when I do events for them here I'm much better about it. ;)

Saturnalia, for certain :)
disducibus wrote:
Saturnalia, for certain :)

I think I <3 this answer most, though Lupercalia is kinda interesting too. :)
Yule, of course c:
Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm tempted to say Hobbit Day, but I always forget about it. >:) So I'm going to go with Generic Winter Holiday. My family cooks delicious food and I get to hang with my parents and other family. I sort of have two winter holidays... secular Christmas with my parents (we're atheists, but Christmas was important to them growing up, so that's what we calls it) then a sort of weird conglomerate winter holiday with my partner and housemates. The cheer is sorta... spread out over time. My favorite part is the present giving. My partner and I do nine days of giving each other presents, ending with winter solstice.
I'm one of those crazy people that gets way, way too excited over it-- everything from the decorations to the gifts to the lame holiday music and mall santas. My birthday falls on Christmas Eve, so a large part of that is for that reason alone. I'm not religious by any means, so I don't associate it with any of that, I just really love the season, time of year, and overall attitude. I do understand why many people don't like it, but I'm largely sentimental with it and get extra cheery.
For me it's always been a toss up between Halloween and Christmas lol. Halloween for the costumes, and Christmas for fun of it. Ito me Christmas isn't a religious thing, never have I gone to church or said grace on the holidays. It's a tradition thing with me between family, decorations and the food (especially the baking I love to bake). And Christmas is even more fun as a parent lol, it's fun playing Santa.

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