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Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calaries an hour.👍👍

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Taken from the rpr home page.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second. ...
All of space is completely silent. ...
There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe. ...
The Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon will probably stay there for at least 100 million years. ...
99% of our solar system's mass is the sun.

#space lover
Sticking with the saliva theme, Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.
Okay, I'll stop with saliva.

People can suffer from a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they're a cow. They then try to live their life as a cow.
Gab wrote:
101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and Mulan are the only Disney cartoons where both parents are present and don't die throughout the movie

((Omg XD
So true.))
Phillip Toddkins (played by S_S_P)

spider_pig_girl wrote:
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Ya like Jazz?
Phillip Toddkins (played by S_S_P)

Did you know that Grandma Brownie's Chocolate Chuncker Wunker Bunkers are now putting even bigger chunks of chocolate chucks into there cereal!?
Every breath you have ever taken has contained particles of someone else's fart .

*drops the mic*
Farting helps reduce high blood pressure and is good for your health.
Fossilized poo is called corprolite.

You can get corpolite jewellery on Etsy.
The full name of the UK is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Sailor Scouts can only be female, that's why there is no Sailor Earth in the Sailor Moon franchise; that title would be claimed by Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru if it was possible for scouts to be male
Birds can be gay. Crows, ducks, finches, flamingos, geese, gulls, penguins, sandpipers, swans, swallows, and woodpeckers, to name only a few species, often form female bird pairs, which court each other, copulate, and even raise chicks — from male sperm donors, of course. :D
Gold would do nothing for you in the apocalypse. Don't listen to people who tell you to buy gold, that's only for one country having an economic crash, because gold is universal. However, at the end of the world, more people will want soap, food, and water. Sorry to burst your inner survivalist's bubble.
The words ghost, host, hostile, hostel and guest come from the same root word.
If you consistently fart for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb!
You can cook a raw fish by putting it in lemon juice long enough. The acid deactivates the enzymes and that's... technically what cooking is.
Android Beta 3- Ab3 (played by jpdelta)

Originally there were going to be six laws of robotics instead of only three. But it was then shortened to three, can you name the three?
Octopuses have three hearts.

Butterflies smell through their feet.

Squirrels can't burp or vomit.

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