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Forums » RP Discussion » Create your own Kingdom!

I thought I would pop back in to the RPR and spawn an idea~

What if...members of the RPR were to gather around and form teams of a sort, and create their own kingdom with their small groups. The groups could be gathered in 2's, or 3's, for smaller kingdoms/cities, and 4's and 5's for larger kingdoms.

But this isn't a first come, first serve deal!

Kingdom/city designs should be brainstormed with the group! How can this be done? With the ease of the chat-room on the RPR, of course~ Nobody wants to leave for a few hours and come back to a dictatorship, unless that's what was decided~

As for the kingdoms themselves, there are the 3 M's that are mostly standard as focuses. Money, Might, and Magic. Picking out what a kingdom's interests are can shape where they are located at. If a city's focus is money, and the setting is a desert, then they would likely want to be a trade town, smack-dab in the middle, with camels being their most valuable resource. Or near an oasis, and charge those who want a drink of water an outrageous amount of coin.

The setting can also be voted upon, by the groups, or the players, if they would rather have the setting first.

Together, the group can also decide on the kingdom's alignment. Is the Kingdom of Whatchacallit the selfless protector of the smaller kingdoms? [Lawful Good.] Or does it dutifully follow a larger kindgom's orders? [Lawful Neutral.] Or does it regularly bribe bandits to keep its peasants in order? [Lawful Evil.] And Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil. For more information!

Some other things to consider are the kingdom's dominant species (be thy place full of humans, orcs, or pointy-ear'd savages?), or is the kingdom a mish-mash stew of peoples? Is the kingdom small, with tight security, but few troops, or is it large, with much more crime, and requires a lot more resources?

As for those that are wise to the rolling of dice and wish to add to the experience of your fellow players, there are random encounter generators on the internet. Here is one of my favorites, because it includes both monster and charts, . Groups can choose their GM, or game manager, to fulfill all of those npc roles, or help narrate, or what have you. Or the individual players can trade off every now and then. Depends on what is decided, so nobody is stuck being the GM if they don't want to!

There will be political intrigue, sword waving, magic spewing, daggers and cloaks, pirates, monsters, fancy dresses, really tall walls, people randomly turning into animals and back! Plus much more!
This seems like an interesting idea. I'm new to this site, but for what my humble opinion is worth this would be pretty fun. I'm assuming Magic would be like a magocracy or something similar and might would be all about armies and stuff?
Miss Topic Starter

I'm glad you find it so interesting, and yes, your assumptions are correct. Magic is mostly related to how magical the kingdom is, whether they are focused on one section of magic, like conjuration, or highly educated in the use and the miss-use of magic. Or, whatever can be thought of, truly~ Might is weapons, armor, people that can use both, and martial training. Could also be a strong navy, or siege-weapon building, or horseback riding, or tactical formations and planning.
Actually, I was looking to create a forumsite quite like this!
I'm just figuring out on how to get it all started, but maybe you'd like to work along?
Miss Topic Starter

I wouldn't mind working alongside another, so sure! What are your ideas so far?
I was thinking creating a new domain, preferably for free, to see how it'll turn out. I'll have to see how I'll do that, however, I've never done it before.

It would be an RP site, sort of like this one, but people can choose a faction each time they create a character.

Example 1: I create a human warrior, so I'll make him join a human kingdom.
Example 2: I can make an elven mage, so He joins an elven faction.

It doesn't have to fit, of course. However there could be disadvantages.

For example: A human realm and an Orc realm are at war. If an orc character chooses to join a human realm, it will be looked at with dark eyes by NPC's.

I was thinking to set kingdoms diplomatic relationships to one another, and maybe alter them as some RP may turn out.

example: A human kingdom and an orc kingdom are at war, but a mixed RP between the two make diplomats sign a ceasefire treaty. Then we could change the diplomatic status between them.

Do I make any sense at all? :p
This idea sounds very interesting, to say the least! I have some experience with leading a roleplay/DMing. This ought to be fun. Count me in!
Sounds like good idea. If you want to make a forum, I suggest . I often roleplay in a forum a friend of mine created using that site.
I'll look it up, thanks for the tip!
Ilmarinen Moderator

Why not just make a group on RPR? :) Your own forums and site combined with a great RP community. This sounds really interesting to me!
This is legitimately awesome. Be sure to update the OP with details once it gets up and running so we know where to go!

Also I strongly second Heimdall's idea. You would be wise to take advantage of the ready-made player base of thousands of rp-minded folks here. Bear in mind that signing up for yet another forum can be a deal breaker for many people, even if it's free.
Here's the group link. I'll post some forum tabs for the different kingdoms later tonight, I'm going running right now.

Miss, I'll make you admin when you join! it was your idea as well, after all :p
I'm getting a blank white screen instead of the group page, not sure of the cause.
Kim Site Admin

That appears to be a link to the appearance settings of the group, rather than the public part of the group. It's correctly failing to offer you the group's settings, but failing to give you a useful error. Can someone toss me a bug report so I can be sure to remember to look at this when I get back from the doctor today?
Kim Site Admin

Much better! :)

And thanks for the bug reports, guys. I'm back from the doctor and I fixed that bug.
Miss Topic Starter

I am honored to be made an Admin, truly, but I'm not sure if my idea coincides with yours, Olthain.

Only for these reasons:

The way that I am understanding what you suggest is each character that is created is enlisted into the same racial kingdom as him/her. The kingdoms then seem to be pre-made by the GM(s) and not the players. If the kingdoms were made by the players, and every time they wanted a new character to play, would they create their own kingdom upon entry? If so, there will be quite a few kingdoms spawning all over the place!

What I had in mind was the player's characters deciding their diplomatic approaches. For instance, if the orc and the human kingdoms are at war, but character A learns that the elf kingdom is the true evil, she/he could try to convince the players of the orc kingdom or the human kingdom to demand a ceasefire and a temporary truce, instead of automatically setting the two kingdoms into a ceasefire.
no no you misunderstood :p any race can join any kingdom, but if that char was an orc and the kingdom is at war with orcs, it'll give tension.
also, characters can join different king doms, not nessecarily all the same.
furthermore, players are allowed to make kingdoms. I just made two in advance
that second part is exactly what i'm trying to explain xd
Miss Topic Starter

Two kingdoms in advance? As in, npc kingdoms? If so, that is alright. Though I would rather have the players join the proposed site and brainstorm their kingdoms together, unless the player would rather create a kingdom and have the other players either fall in line with her/his ideas, or create a new one.

And ah, I see. Very well, that seems acceptable~

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