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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Dominic Reyes (played by ToaNuva)

((I'm down to play.))
-other characters- (played by -CoolShortie-)

((I'd like to try and revive this, if it's not too much trouble. Any character requirements?))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((Not really :) just a si-fi character))
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((Do you think that Charlotte would work? I can adapt her to fit the storyline if needed.))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((yea that's good, sorry if I don't reply my notifications not working via email so if you want just pm me if i haven't reply in day))
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((Alright, thanks. I'll be sure to, and I'll get a post up soon.))
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove)

((Mind if I use tommy? He has a good armed martian warship.))
Aron Stake (played by thousandfool)

((Hi guys can i join in at an opening? im a bit new))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Aron Stake (played by thousandfool)

((cheers I dont know heaps about RP but I have watched some youtube videos on it and it looks pretty cool))
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((Yay, new person! Since Tommy's seeming to not be here anymore, I'll go ahead and post a thing. Maybe Aron could meet Tyhan and Charlotte on the planet?))
Aron Stake (played by thousandfool)

((ok cool))
Kyle Willis (played by Snuugie)

((This sounds very interesting.... I can alter kyle to fit as well, or I can create a new character to fit this new world. Either way, i can see me having some fun with you guys. ^^ ))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((sure if you want you can be like cbountiy hunter after tyhan and one hat help her get away))
Kyle Willis (played by Snuugie)

Tyhan wrote:
((sure if you want you can be like cbountiy hunter after tyhan and one hat help her get away))

((Im not sure I follow completely. If im a bounty hunter, why would I help you guys get away?))
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

((I think Kyle in his dragon form would work well on the green planet. I'm going to try and make it sort of a safe haven for a bunch of creatures.))
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Kyle Willis (played by Snuugie)

((I can work with that easily. Ohh boy, hes going to be out of his element again XD
Here we go, ohh, yeah let me know when I am able to post.))
Aron Stake (played by thousandfool)

((got to go guys will be back in a few hours))
Aron Stake (played by thousandfool)

((ok im back))

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