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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Shaded Truth [Group RP] -OPEN-

Burke Wilts (played by SeraphicStar)

"Oh, it won't. Believe me. Ooops, did I say this aloud? I did." With some luck none of the two had heard that, but just to be sure, Burke turned around and returned to the hideout he had just left in order to properly stalk his target. Maybe if Fial had really good eyesight, he could see that that barely noticeably thing next to the trash can had just moved a little bit.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

She eyed the man who sat next to her, just a quick scan to see if he might be worth her time. He was; after all he bought her a drink. That drink was gone already, but why not cozy up and beg for some more?

She sat with her back to the bar, arms resting on it to push her chest out, legs crossed. "What's your name?"
Reis (played anonymously)

His reply took a while to come - Reis acknowledged the question, but wasn't in a hurry to answer it. He was slow to get one of his decks. He was slow to skim through the cards, until he found the King of Hearts, that was his business card of sorts, if you forgive the pun. He was slow to hand said card to Ilo. He remembered the day he had scribbled those words to a woman. He could not remember the woman, but he could remember scribbling those words.

The words were: "Call me Lord".
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

She didn't like the idea of calling anyone Lord, to be honest. She scowled at the card and then looked back to the man. He was odd, she surmised, but he had bought her a drink and that was all she cared about at the moment. She finished her first and gladly accepted his. She raised the glass to him momentarily and tipped the contents into her mouth.

"Thanks," she said when she was done. She waited for him to say something else as there exchange was not as fast paced as she was used to.
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

Fial's sensitive ears picked up the sound indeed. They flicked and he glanced behind them. "...did you hear something?" It was a silly question, how could she have as good hearing as he did? "Maybe we should go inside somewhere." But where? The only place nearby was some bar or club building. He carefully herded Erasai towards the building. "I think it's safer in here..."
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

He definitely seemed to be a bit more nervous now. Was he like this all the time? She, herself, hadn't heard anything, but if it made him feel better, she would disappear with him into the bar.

She had never been in such a place like this. She had never had a reason to do so. If it made Fial comfortable, at least, she would tolerate it. There were lots of people here, so hopefully it would calm him down. Her eyes glanced about, noticing two people from earlier. The quiet one that had been with Fial at the bench, and the rude, arrogant one that kept giving Fial trouble. "Great," she said to herself and gently touched Fial's elbow to stop him. "Are you sure you want to be here?"
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha was twitching now. Anyone who bothered to look over her would notice the sweat glistening on her face and her laboured breathing. She ran the back of her hand over her forehead, trying to calm down. It would seem calming down was a lost cause at this point, however. She screwed her eyes shut. Then they snapped open.

The woman stood sharply from her seat, simultaneously pulling out her pistols. She pointed them at some poor man and fired until he was dead. She would shoot at the first person to scream.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo was on her feet the moment Zasha's chair moved so suddenly. She'd been in enough bar fights to recognize the first signs of unrest. Then Zasha started firing. The pirate was on her guard, forgetting her drink and her new companion. She side stepped in the direction which Zasha shot next, holding her armored arm in front of her chest like a shield. When the bullets sought to make contact with her body, they were deflected. As soon as they were parallel with her arm, a purplish pink ripple occurred, bouncing them backwards. She used her mana infused arm as a barrier, except with each bullet it got weaker.

"What the hell is your problem!?" She screamed at Zasha as she glanced behind her to see if that first screamer had gotten to safety.
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

Fial was about to answer Erasai with a rather worried 'I'm not sure', when gunfire started. Fial was the first to scream, a rather girly scream, and he quickly pushed Erasai down to the ground as he dover for cover as well. "What's going on?!" he whimpered. He watched as the one woman deflected the bullets. It was mass chaos in moments, people screaming and running for the exits. Fial was tempted to do the same thing, but these people could get hurt if anymore bullets were sent out. He stood up and pushed through the crowd towards Zasha, summoning forth the sparking energy in his body.

Tendrils of magic snaked form his fingertips and he thrust his hands towards the guns. He was too far to touch him, but unless stopped or dodged those tendrils would wrap around the guns and jerk them to point at the floor.
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

Erasai had been thrown to the ground, confused by the sound of gunfire in the room. This was hardly what she expected from her first visit to a bar. Fial had whimpered, and there was a person dead. She could see him through the shuffling feet as she scooted under a table to avoid being trampled.

There was a warmth in her chest, and she felt herself begin to panic. 'No,' she thought, and she steadied herself with her hands on the ground. She took deep breaths, trying to control herself, but was distracted when Fial stood and began using a type of magic, which was acting to turn the guns from harming anyone else. The warmth within her chest began to fade and she slowly stood behind the table, trying to see what was happening.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"Well aren't you full of surprises?" She dropped her hand on her hip and watched Fial. "I guess I really didn't need to intervene, Lady." She had decided that would be his new nickname and she pat him on the back in all the chaos. While the guns were moved away from where they could hurt people, Ilo came behind Zasha and remove the guns from her hands entirely, keeping her left arm to the woman's neck.
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha started as the tentacles approached her and successfully drew her fire away from anything breathing. She was all shakes and muttering as Ilo took her weapons.

"N....need to.." Zasha's eyes were wide and vacant as she stared at the floor. Apparently she didn't even notice Ilo. Or anyone else, for that matter.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"Need to sit," Ilo offered as she pushed a chair into the back of Zasha's knees, causing them to buckle. A blade shape formed from Ilo's hand, it resembled a katar and she kept it aimed on the woman as she circled her. "What the hell was that all about?!" She gestured the man full of holes across the room and the few who had been hurt by the ricochets.

She looked over her shoulder to Erasai and Fial. She frowned, the orange-haired girl had been rather obnoxious to deal with earlier. Her eyes sported magenta plumes of magic around them as she looking at them. "Either of you know healing magic?"
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

Zasha landed hard on the chair, the strength already having left her legs. Her eyes now focused on the weapon pointed at her.

"Give my guns back." The sentence was halfhearted and pleading. Her voice was shaky, lowered to a near whisper. She stared at Ilo, her expression frantic and desperate.
Fial (played by CelestinaGrey)

Fial blushed, just relieved that he had actually helped. When there was the question of healing magic, Fial lifted his hand. "Uhm...a little." He felt sick though. Wounds always made him have an upset stomach so he didn't often try healing magic. He ventured towards the nearest injured person and did his best to at least stop the bleeding, then moved on. Surely medics had been fetched by now. Fial watched Zasha afterwards, wary of the female.
Erasai Hawke (played by kuroi_neko)

"Fial, that was amazing," Erasai said, joining him by the victims he was healing. "That was very brave of you." She kneeled down, trying to steady the next person he planned on healing, trying to making it easier for him. She was also very grateful that he had intervened, stopping the process of magic as it tried to force its way out of her.

She glanced to Zasha, being vary wary of the female. She began to have a sneaking suspicion as to why she had been so nervous and zoned out back by the river.
Reis (played anonymously)

If the silent stranger was hardly noticeable before the bar fight of sorts started, then the moment gunfire was heard (followed by a big, HUGE commotion he didn't want to be a part of), he became virtually invisible, swiftly leaving his seat and hiding amongst a very, very agitated group of people. Not without some curiosity, he watched the show set before him. Each one of those people was strange and unusual, and he was intrigued.

Sadly, the group of people he used as camouflage would soon scatter, running towards the exits. He did not. He just stood there, watching and smirking. He was aware of the morbidity of his interest in that congregation, but he didn't care one bit.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"I don't think so lady." She kept her weapon focused on Zasha and she motioned toward Erasai with her other hand. "You want to call the authorities? You seem to be good at that. Maybe we have our murdered from before." She shrugged. She didn't really care that much: she hadn't gotten hurt, but there might be reward money. She was sure to keep the lady where she was until she was sure.

Ilo eyed those who were still in the bar. The injured were being cared for and everyone else seemed to be scrambling out. Except for the man who had bought her a drink, which she now lamented as it was destroyed in the commotion, and the two ladies from earlier.
Zasha Chernabis (played by Minkja)

"Please!" She practically screamed the word at Ilo as she jumped out of her seat, moving sideways to try to avoid being pierced full on by the strange weapon. When she spoke again, her voice was low and shaky. "'t let them..I can't.." It was probably gibberish to any who actually tried to listen.

"Have to.." The woman's eyes now looked past Ilo, unfocused and terrified...and crazed.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

"Right, that was convincing." She made sure there was no way Zasha was going to get out unless it was through her. And hopefully not literally. "What is your malfunction, lady?"

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