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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Camp

Amy (played by Moomins2081)

"That should keep em busy." She grins maniacly as smoke bellows out from the open window. She leads Claire swiftly along to the garage, hoping they're not spotted
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I get to the car, throwing my bags and yours into the back. I hop into the passenger seat. "You're driving, I'll hotwire it." I say as I find the wires, quickly sparking them and the engine turns on. "I brought some money here, we can use that for gas since I probably have some food in my bag." I say as I buckle in.
Amy (played by Moomins2081)

Amy laughs whole heartedly and shakes her head. "You move too fast girl. Who said anything about leaving camp?"
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

"Sorry, my mind is just thinking way too many ideas right now." I chuckle a little. "What are we doing?" I say as I get out and kick the car's side to turn it off.
Amy (played by Moomins2081)

She takes out her bag from the backseat and throws it over her shoulder once again. "It's all for the rush. Just watch." She takes out a small hand held phone and starts to record the smoking cabin in the distance. "Hell of a sight, no?" Trust me this isn't half of the fun, but you've got to take a step back and enjoy the show.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I nod and watch it from the garage. "Nice.." I say quietly as I see part of a wall burn out.
Amy (played by Moomins2081)

"Kinda wish we had some more gas would of been more of a spectacle." She smiles, the first genuine smile since she arrived at camp. She turns and points toward the gas tank of the car, then to a dirty rag that she had stored away in her pocket. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
Amy (played by Moomins2081)

"To be fair that fire won't last long. It'll just burn out. We can do better."
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Ater finishing putting the net in the river, he went back to the camp ground and he notice a black smoke from that cabin. "What in the?!". He quickly went to the office and grab the fire extinguisher and then put the fire off. " OKay how did this happen?"
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She stepped away from their cabin as it burned, as she watched allec put the fire out, she walked into it and went into every room looking for the girl, “Claire and Amy aren’t here...” she looked over at allec. She had a worried expression on her face.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He puts the fire extuinguisher down "Your right and what could be the cause of this fire anyway"
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“I don’t know...” she walked out of their cabin seeing the garage was open, “did we leave the garage open..?” She looked back at him.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

"Shit.. I whisper to Amy. "We have to go. Their gonna find us." I say very quietly, knowing we shouldn't put gasoline on it now.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He looks at the garage outside "Thats funny...I though I already close it before I go..."
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

“Alright...I’ll go too..” she looked down at her hip then back at the garage as she slowly walked to it with caution.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

He nod and follow Jess to the garage
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

She leans against the side of the garage and pokes her head in seeing guess who, Amy and Claire in her dad Jeep, she steps out placing her hands on her hips, “mine telling me what you are doing?” She raised a eyebrow.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I tug Amy to the back entrance. I take Amy and our bags and go up the largest, tallest tree, putting our hoods up and trying to camouflage into leaves as much as possible.
Jessica (played by A__Girl)

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

(( Now this is getting interesting. 2 trouble makers XD))

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