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Forums » Forum Games » That Feeling When...(RP pet peeves)

The feeling when you have a decent RP going on then a new character appears with a post that barely makes any sense in the context of the story. Have they even read the last page or so worth of posts? Pretty obviously not.

(And they're usually super sexy/cute, sometimes moody, but invincible half demon who just wants to help everybody.)

Juls wrote:
The feeling when you have a decent RP going on then a new character appears with a post that barely makes any sense in the context of the story. Have they even read the last page or so worth of posts? Pretty obviously not.

(And they're usually super sexy/cute, sometimes moody, but invincible half demon who just wants to help everybody.)
This post right here speaks to my freaking soul

Murkysoulwaters wrote:
When someone's character is making themselves so hard the center of the plot especially just so they can be rescued and your expected to cater to it. Even though you're playing a normal high school student and it's totally impossible for them to do something halfway believable so you kinda just let them throw their own werewolf character into the zoo? Who captures a wolf outside a college campus and just takes them to the zoo anyway. It's got to be way more complicated than that to install a new animal.

If I'm correct I'm in the same Rp right? if so that's why I left the school while they were fighting I just got bored with it and my character wasn't meant for fighting.

The feeling when your profile says you're fine with romance but you don't want to do it in a certain Rp and you make it very clear but then somebody tries to get in a relationship with that character and when you tell them to stop they use the excuse "But ur profile said you're fine with romance"... AHHHHH it just makes me want to leave the Rp then and there.

I know this seems very specific but it happened to me a few times. and I'm not focusing this on on person

When someone says they love the rp and you see them rping but they won't Message you for some reason

That feeling when... You are well in to an RP when a co-writer of the tale vanashes without a trace. This has been said here many times already, but it is a pet peeve of mine. If it happens I need to quit an RP for whatever reason, I will give word to the other writers out of courtesy and usually will write my character out of the scene in some way. It's the polite thing to do.
8TigerBunnyTora wrote:
That feeling when...

Your rp partner clearly hasn't done the necessary research to properly and accurately portray a profession their rp character does. (I see this a lot in my business-oriented rps.)

Oh yea...that has happened too many times. And then it takes you right out of your submersion because you're like "wha...?"
Dndmama wrote:
That feeling when...

You're numerous pages into your rp and the story is amazing and the characters are amazing and the writing chemistry is amazing and you both have so many plans for the future and then your partner (often times through no fault of their own) can no longer continue to respond and you're just left reread your beautiful, unfinished rp and dreaming of what might have been. You had such plans...such beautiful would have been glorious...

Every time you find that right only happened to me three times in my life. And they were absolutely perfect...

That feeling when...

You have to hold your partner's hand through the rp. Like...I'm tired of doing all the work, take over! Make something happen on your end. Spice it up! Just because I am the GM doesn't mean I have to do everything. And see, I tell people beforehand; don't be afraid to take the wheel sometimes. Sure that time around it might be my plot but that is always subject to change. We can make arcs or something. But no...I'm stuck with creating all the NPC's, the disasters, and any other conflict to move us along. I may as well go write my own story.

P.S. Also, someone mentioned auto hitting? I don't mind that at all as long as they aren't supposed to be fatal hits (like something that is supposed to kill your character instantly). Most of the time I can take auto hitting if the other person can take them too. if executed correctly, it adds hype to a story. I totally have examples from another site that states auto hitting can be a beautiful work of art.
That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and you know it's probably just coincidence or the weekend or something but your brain starts freaking out and wondering if it's you and what you did wrong and why no one likes you or your writing any more, even though this has happened before so you know it isn't a bit deal but your brain refuses to listen to reason.

On a similar note:

That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and so you stare at your screen, bored and lonely, and even though you know you have too many rps going at the moment and that as soon as they start responding again you're going to be overwhelmed you still find yourself in the LFRP forums thinking 'Ooh, that's an interesting plot idea...'

Kingofknights wrote:
People giving info for a rp and leaving

I have to crack up at the fact there is a line through Kingofknights name. Ironic much?

Dndmama wrote:
That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and you know it's probably just coincidence or the weekend or something but your brain starts freaking out and wondering if it's you and what you did wrong and why no one likes you or your writing any more, even though this has happened before so you know it isn't a bit deal but your brain refuses to listen to reason.

On a similar note:

That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and so you stare at your screen, bored and lonely, and even though you know you have too many rps going at the moment and that as soon as they start responding again you're going to be overwhelmed you still find yourself in the LFRP forums thinking 'Ooh, that's an interesting plot idea...'

I so get that! Used to get overextended because I'd get into a good RP while waiting for older ones to get moving, then they all start moving and I have to do an allnighter to try and cover them all!

A pet peeve...
When someone posts in an established IC 1x1 RP that has stated such in the opening post with a "can I join?" post.
It is bad etiquette and I hate the rudeness of it.
Hanasian wrote:
Dndmama wrote:
That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and you know it's probably just coincidence or the weekend or something but your brain starts freaking out and wondering if it's you and what you did wrong and why no one likes you or your writing any more, even though this has happened before so you know it isn't a bit deal but your brain refuses to listen to reason.

On a similar note:

That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and so you stare at your screen, bored and lonely, and even though you know you have too many rps going at the moment and that as soon as they start responding again you're going to be overwhelmed you still find yourself in the LFRP forums thinking 'Ooh, that's an interesting plot idea...'

I so get that! Used to get overextended because I'd get into a good RP while waiting for older ones to get moving, then they all start moving and I have to do an allnighter to try and cover them all!

This... actually just happened to me starting early last week. I don't know if it was because of me, but if it was, I think I know why. My character, Talrav, was just made when all the posts stopped coming, his backstory is really messed up, morally and written-wise. I have one singular RP (pm) going and it annoys me. The person is good, and I want to continue the RP. But when you're stuck waiting for replies, it gets boring real quick. Though I guess most of their posts fill me with anticipation as I wait...

ANYWAY! Pet-peeve:
When you state there are things you can't do in an rp, which your partner(s) try to make you do anyway.
Once upon a time, in a land only two years ago, I had an RP partner. I told them specifically the things I could, and could not do, and that if they tried to incorporate these ideas in, at ANY TIME, I would give them a single warning. If they did it again, I would leave. I actually was nicer, having given them four warnings total before I up and left. I messaged them a week later about it and they were steamed.
8TigerBunnyTora Topic Starter

Dndmama wrote:

That feeling when...

All your rp partners stop responding all at once and so you stare at your screen, bored and lonely, and even though you know you have too many rps going at the moment and that as soon as they start responding again you're going to be overwhelmed you still find yourself in the LFRP forums thinking 'Ooh, that's an interesting plot idea...'

This is pretty much the story of my life XD

That feeling when...

You tell someone you need to hold off for a bit for IRL purposes and they can't take it and just vanish (and delete their account too like wth...)
When you need to/want to end an RP and you tell them as nicely as possible and explain yourself but the person ends up being mean and passive aggressive and pretty much insults your intelligence and writing abilities to point that you end up literally crying. 😔

I'm probably just too emotional but... It happened two weeks ago and I still feel like crap about it.

damnationfromafar wrote:
When you need to/want to end an RP and you tell them as nicely as possible and explain yourself but the person ends up being mean and passive aggressive and pretty much insults your intelligence and writing abilities to point that you end up literally crying. 😔

I'm probably just too emotional but... It happened two weeks ago and I still feel like crap about it.

That is pretty crappy and rude and not on to abuse a co-writer. Then again, blocking someone you purported to be friends with is pretty damn low too. I'm sure you had good reason to end the RP, and it is sucky they would make you feel that way for doing so. You likely felt the same way about blocking someone who had actually sent you money for one of your calls for $ too. Which brings me to another pet peeve...

When co-writers can't respect boundaries and keep in mind that RP writing is a pastime for the enjoyment of life, and not life itself.
That feeling when...

You ask for a detailed, literate roleplayer, and you get a pm saying that they are literate, you get really excited, and then they give you one line without any detail. For example:

Character: *Waves* Hi!


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