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Forums » Forum Games » Describe the character above.

Blaise (played by Dregnosteel)

A dwarf fighter who likes to fight.
Aelle (played by AgitoAceXIII)

A half-phoenix, loyal to those he cares about, and bites with a fiery vengeance to those who hurt them.
Alex Scott (played by AlexSilverX)

A stoic clone whom blindly follows orders.
Lilith (played by Rigormortiful)

Alex Scott wrote:
A stoic clone whom blindly follows orders.

A playboy mechanic with a dark, mysterious history.

*I could do better but my cold medicine has officially kicked in.
Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unta (played anonymously)

"Bitey 'umie wiff noice gubbins an squishy bitz. Kinna remindz me of tha spikey Elda gitz."
Rose (played by FujoshiQueen00)

An orc in desperate need of English lessons.
Quinne (played by Rook)

A person with too much compassion. Freeing orphans isn't saving them, when they've got nowhere to go!
Maiev Shadowsong (played by MordosKull)

"A very well dressed human with refined tastes.. but.. hmm.. I sense the taint of undeath about him."
Aelle (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Well, clearly...Some kind of elf who tends to have sense over fashion and seemingly, that applies to other tastes. Hmm.
Taluna (played anonymously)

"A golem of really good quality, ooor.. some kind of tall fetchling? Either way, someone that could benefit from fairy dust to become a real girl!"
Damon Lanski (played by jeondoe)

He laughs hysterically, "A frighteningly strong midget!"
Tidus O'Neil (played by Lanx12)

A guy who really gives off that I’m a killer and I love it type.
Meyneth (played by Enter)

An incredibly skilled mechanic.
Guren (played anonymously)

An Ice-Light Goddess

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