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Remnant (played by Daleks) Topic Starter

I felt a vibration that was shared with the planet and the air and focused on it. Attempting to get my mind focused, and memorize the feeling.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( I'm officially Retardis. I don't understand what's going on. 😭😭😭😭 ))
Remnant (played by Daleks) Topic Starter

((We are in another universe))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember would slowly step towards it "Can you.... Hear my thoughts?" Thought the wolf,The crystal in his chest glowing a brighter red
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( Go on.... ))
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( I feel trapped. I don't understand and I don't have enough time to think and I don't know what to do or say and now I can't breathe and- ))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((Deep breaths))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((We are basically in an alternate dimension))
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( But what else???? 😭 ))
Remnant (played by Daleks) Topic Starter

"GOT IT" I thought to myself, Realizing this was in fact a pocket dimension, rather than an alternate universe. Locking in on the frequency i vibrated my armor at the frequency of the pocket dimension, phasing in and out, until i landed back in the normal world. I ran straight to the ship and started tinkering with something to get the others out.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( Oh.... There...... ))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

((The one who brought us here said:"I can send you all to wherever you want, with whatever you want, with however amount of power you want. All you have to do is submit to the void.))
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( That's better..... A way out. 😊 ))
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

(( No submit please.... 😊 ))
Mastic (played by Nedly)

Despite Mastic seeming to have control over his dimension and all entrances and possible exits. There was someone else in here, that if reached could help them leave.

Mastic's thoughts seemed to enter Ember's mind, the most leaning and independent of them all.

"Complete control over those you convert to the void; I could teach you various abilities of the void. Of course you would be vulnerable the farther you move away from Aero. Of course, that goes the same for me. I could very impose direct control over you. I will relinquish this side effect one time only if you swear to never betray me."

Mastic's offer was very one sided, Ember could simply betray Mastic, however Ember would surely lose all power if she did.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

Ember was slowly being drawn to it,He wanted to know the ups and downs of submitting to him,Anything that could gain him power,He looked back at tardis,And turned back.A tear falling out of his eye
((Remnant is probibaly gona get us out))
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

The wolf would speak back,Albeit with his own mind "Can the others hear me?" "How long would this contract last?,Will I have control over myself?" The wolf was thinking about this,Perhaps talking to him
Remnant (played by Daleks) Topic Starter

I found the tuning rod i was looking for, and hooked it up to a generator that has the frequency of the alternate dimension. I grabbed the new generated and vibrated the armor at the frequency of Universe 5, and was phased with the machine into the pocket dimension, I ran over and motioned for Laz, Ember, and Tardis, to come with, and place their hands on the tuning rod.
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

"Will my wife and son be spared?" Thought the wolf,Pausing for a second to think about it
Mastic (played by Nedly)

Mastic noticed Rem's attempts to leave, and although he failed to change the frequency. Mastic started to manipulate the veil, changing the colors and textures of the veil. He changed the frequency so rapidly that any attempt to bridge into the dimension would be met with failure most likely. (However, if Rem rolled a 6 or a 5 on a d6, he would just to happen to succeed with a device correctly.)

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