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Forums » Smalltalk » To those in Boston.

This is for those that reside in Boston.

My/Our hope & prayers go out towards the people in Boston. Let them find strength and support to get through this. And much love to my/our friends in Boston & the people affected by this horrific tragedy.

Useful information:
Red Cross - To list yourself as safe & well, or to find information about someone.
Google Person Finder - People who are looking for someone or have information about someone can make reports there.
From OKC, my thoughts are with everyone there today. Our bombing memorial is in 3 days... this touches so close to home it makes me sick :(

New Yorker here. My thoughts are with those who are in the area, or have family from there.
I'm definitely praying for everyone involved. It's such a sad situation :(
Oh, no. I just heard the news! That's terrible! My condolences to everyone suffering from this. This is truly a sad day :/
Saw the news today while sitting down to have lunch. I'm absolutely no where near Boston, but my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who was at the marathon today and anyone who knows anyone who was there today. :c
Lisbet (played anonymously)

I've been watching the coverage all day, it's absolutely horrific. My thoughts and best wishes go out to those effected and their families. May you find peace after such a tragedy. I hope those who are responsible are found and brought to justice with no mercy.
posting from Indiana here. The people and families of those involved have my prayers. Stay strong.
Kim Site Admin

I was deeply shaken by what I saw on the news today. There are no words for this situation.

Be well and be safe, to everyone in Boston and beyond.

To those in Boston, everyone's thoughts are with you.
Sanne Moderator

I saw the video of the explosion and didn't know what to do with myself for a while. I feel a lot of pain, anger and sadness for the victims of this useless and hateful crime.

There are no words to provide comfort, but if anyone of our community has been affected by this in one way or another, know we care and we're here for you.

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » To those in Boston.

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus