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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » All Is A Mistake {OPEN}

Avi (played by FlamingPsycho)


Tenebris was quite the war-like planet, their lives revolving around fighting for the innocent and those who could not fight for themselves. But with war came innovations. While swords were still the preferred weapon, they needed guns and bombs, and so they made them. But while creating one of these weapons, something went wrong, and the entire planet went up in flames as the blast shook the universe, destroying the two nearest planets.

Pulchra was lucky. They were close, but not too close to Tenebris, and the strong rocks of their planet reflected the blast and their buildings, with their strong bases, shielded most of the citizens as well as their greatest possessions, though it also sucked the life-giving oxygen from the air and rendered the once colorful, energetic planet non-habitable. And so they waited to start their new lives.

Pax was not quite as lucky, losing half their crops and half their population along with it. They no longer could provide food for themselves, to thrive on, as the soil had been burned away so that only thin dust and rock remained where once-luscious plants grew tall. And so they, too, waited to start their new lives.

Most of Tenebris did not make it. The planet had been split into chunks, and the armor-wearing citizens had been fried. Few had been fortunate enough to survive, and half of them were gravely injured.

The Ruler of Eligantur and, consequently, the rest of the galaxy, new she had to do something about this, about those struggling to survive where they once called home. They converted an old 4-level factory into a home for these refugees, dubbing it the Tutum and hiring staff known as Caretakers to keep the newcomers from panicking, help them adapt into how Eligantur was run, which was much different than how their previous planets cycled through life.

The Tutum was, indeed, a fabulous building, each floor dedicated to one of the four main planets.

The main floor was based off of Eligantur. It was painted in soft, muted, soothing colors, and scattered about with mismatched but still comfortable furniture. Pictures lined the wall of the beauty of the planet that these newcomers would have no choice but to call home.

The second floor was dedicated to those of Pax. It was painted in soft goldens and browns, with a dark yellow-ish green carpet. Pictures of their planet prior to destruction hung on the walls, as well as a few more prominent items they had been able to retrieve from their, such as bolts of cloth with the logo and non-dangerous field tools. The doors are of wood, and lead into additionally modest bedrooms. There are large windows overlooking the view outside, with brown curtains boasting pleasant yet simple gold designs. The beds, too, are in simplistic colors but are soft as a cloud.

The third floor is dedicated to the Pulchra refugees. The walls are hung not just with pictures of Pulchra, but also paintings they managed to rescue, and one large mural covers the ceiling, featuring images of their daily lives and their culture. The carpet is black with colorful swirls and shapes, and the walls are painted in a pleasant royal purple and blue. Each room, instead of having a door, is hung with a beaded curtain. The beds are large and also quite soft, with intricately designed comforters. The windows, like the ones for the Pax rooms, are large and airy, with flowing curtains of various designs.

The fourth is final floor is the Tenebris floor. They, too, have plain designs, although they have a much darker color scheme. There are pictures of their planet and incredibly realistic paintings of their favoured weapons on the walls. The doors to the rooms are carved to look formed of metal, a way of protection, and inside the rooms were many similarities to the Pax floor, although in darker grays and blacks. The windows are also a bit smaller, with shades instead of curtains.

For all refugees, there was one set of traditional clothing from their planet found in the closet, as well as multiple sets of Eligantur clothing. Downstairs, on the main Eligantur floor, there was a cafeteria giving food from all planets, so that they wouldn’t have to suddenly switch their diets.

The Ruler was confident that this would work, that the Caretakers would be able to help all these refugees adjust and forget the trauma that had happened to them.

However, not all of them wanted to forget.


Pax is a world revolving around farming and believing in a simple life. They often wear plain cotton shirts and slacks. The wheel of language stated that they speak Spanish.

Pulchra is a world revolving around the arts. They wear as much color as possible. The language wheel assigned them the Japanese language.

Tenebris revolves around war and the mysterious art of power. They believe their purpose is to fight, and solely to fight. They believe they have no other meaning for life than to protect the innocent and fight for their planet. They often wear full armor. They speak Latin.

Eligantur is a mash of all the worlds, ruled by a queen. It is full of cultures and mainly speaks English.


In this roleplay, your character can be:

The only OCs I would not accept into this RP are:
~Werewolves or werecreatures of any kind
~Feral creatures
~Magic Users // Characters with abilities (like waterbending)
~Characters with functioning wings (if the wings don't allow them to fly they're okay)
~Your character CANNOT be nude 24/7, even if they do have fur

So, pretty much as long as your character isn't popping into separate forms, going to the Bouncing Buns 5k or doing some kind of Harry Potter stuff all is good


1. No OP Characters

2. No Mary/Gary Sues


4. Do NOT God Mod

5. Psycho is the god here. They are SUPREME RULER. Listen to them!


7. Don’t just jump straight in. Psycho will accept you, unless they choose somebody else to do that for them.

8. You can cuss, but don’t use degrading words that can be considered insulting to a certain group of people.

9. Only use a character accepted in the rp, most likely anthro or human, unless the RP allows for something other than human or anthro!

10. No massive drama without my permission. More minor drama is alright though.

11. Thou shalt not kill without the permission of the roleplayer they are killing. Also, venison is an exception to this rule.

12. Only minor, fluffy romance like hugs and cheek/forehead kisses. I prefer if I see absolutely no BLACKOUTS. I mean, you’re on one of my plots. Literally all of my plots are violent.

13. Be semi-lit. Or literate. Honestly, as long as you aren’t using ** to RP

14. Give the others something to work with. That mostly means absolutely NO one-liners.

15. Have fun, my lil band of idiots! I love you all!


The Ruler (0/1)

The Caretakers (1/10)
~Dr. Wilkins (Meme_Knight)

Pax Refugees (0/10)

Pulchra Refugees (0/20)

Tenebris Refugees (2/5)
~Avi Ramune Pegasus (FlamingPsycho)
~Henrik Rutherford (StereotypeAgain)
~Kovac Barnes (CowboyLee)
Lyra (played by Meme_Knight)

Hi there! I am very interested in your roleplay! Although, I am, and will be, a little busy for the rest of the week. If it is alright on your part, I would love to roleplay as a caretaker! If you do not think I am suitable, or you are completely filled up on spaces for that role, I will happily accept any other role you assign to me. I love playing a bunch of diverse characters, so I will be happy with whatever role you give me! That is, if that's okay with you.

Thank you for your time!

(PS- The thing made me post as one of my characters, I promise I will make a new one if you accept me.)
Lyra (played by Meme_Knight)

Thank you, I am very excited to start! I will start forming my character tomorrow! (I'm so excited!) Is there going to be a specific schedule when everyone roleplays at the same time, or is it going to be just a more relaxed type of roleplay?

Thanks again! :)
Lyra (played by Meme_Knight)

Thank you! Quick question; you mentioned something about a form in Rule 5? Where can I access this form?
A'sdam gla'ahsed (played anonymously)

Hi I'm from planet glohereeade where are you from
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Just finished my character! Is she okay?
A'sdam gla'ahsed (played anonymously)

((I'm sorry.__
Kolt Marbine (played by Gregory)

(( Hey is it cool if i join also? :^0 ))
Avi (played by FlamingPsycho) Topic Starter

((Never too late!))

It wasn't that gloomy of a day on Eligantur, surprisingly, considering the current dire circumstances. It was almost normal, except for the prepared Tutum and the crowd of staff at the Docks. A ship was beginning to land, full of survivors of all shapes, sizes, and species. Avi sat among the throng, tail pulled close to his legs. As one of the alien species, Fauvens were surprisingly uncommon among all of the humanoids who had settled on their planets. And, of course, as a Tenebris member, he was already rare anyways, as his specific species strain had begun to end. The stumbled as the ship jolted to a stop, the door opening to reveal Tenebris. A staff member stood there, holding id tags and specific vaccines for each of the running refugees. He nodded and began to rattle off names from a list.
Kovac Barnes (played by CowboyLee)

Kovac Barnes, or just Barnes, was sitting next to a family from Pax and across from someone who he persuaded to carry a second suitcase that was filled with an assortment of items that he wasn't confident he was allowed possession of in Eligantur but he wanted to make sure that the baggage would come in with him. When the time came, he dusted off his khaki pants and stood up, tucking in his light blue dress shirt aswell. He felt the armor plate that he was wearing under his clothing push into his chest and winced at the discomfort. He was told that it would be comfortable and wouldn't intrude on his movement. As soon as he got to his room, he decided that he would take it off. He looked around before spotting man that was holding some Cards that he presumed were their IDs. While listening to the man speak, he looked at the diverse set of displaced people that were sent here, coming to the conclusion that things probably won't be very peaceful for long especially if there are more than a couple hundred Tenebris here.
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Dr. Wilkins was excited. This was her first time working in a professional healthcare facility, and it would allow her to meet, and learn, about new species from Tenebris, Pulchra, Eliagantur, and Pax. An odd-looking man, her new boss, handed her an ID and told her to meet some newcomers to the facility. Walking around, she saw many creatures, from normal humans like her to Fauven, which she had only heard fables about. Sitting at a small desk, Dr. Wilkins looked over some medical history files. Nothing too special. A strange figure walked up to the desk. Dr. Wilkins quietly asked, "Hello, how can I help you?"
Avi (played by FlamingPsycho) Topic Starter

Avi grunted irritably, stretching his arms and looking around, pausing for a moment for some kind of mandatory vaccination. The Fauven flinched at the needle, having never been a fan of those, before heading forward, looking for other Fauvens. Of course, he was alone. Naturally. He didn't know why he bothered doing that.

Looking around the throngs of confused, aimlessly wandering refugees, he headed unhappily towards another Eligantur native who happened to be sitting at a less crowded table, with medical documents. He supposed he probably had to stop there, he had no choice there.
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Looking up from her reading, Dr. Wilkins spotted a Fauven sitting across from her. Hoping she could be of assistance, she asked, "May I help you?" It was a little awkward for someone to come up to her randomly, but she was trained to handle these types of situations. "Have you received your vaccination already?" It was what she could think of at the moment, and it seemed like a sensible question to ask.

Dr. Wilkins realized she hadn't seen or studied a Fauven before and was rather excited to help. She had only been told tales of adventures between mythical Fauven, but that was the extent until now.
Avi (played by FlamingPsycho) Topic Starter

He nodded stiffly. "Apparently I am supposed to stop at this table, although I do not know why." He mumbled, voice soft and slightly musical. In all honesty, he was still a bit shaken about what had happened. He just wanted to get through all of this and then find a place where he could be alone, in silence. He just needed to collect his thoughts. He also really need to remove his typical armor, it was much too warm here to be clad nearly fully in metal, and besides, he doubted there would be weapon-wielding children running around here chucking knives.
He was sittting at a nearby table, wearing a set of pitted armor, what looked like acid burns covering the surface of the metal, a helmet covering his head, hiding his face from anyone who would try and observe him. He was looking around at the collection of races, clutching the hilt of a sword in an old scabbard.
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Realizing the Fauven had come for refuge, she began to ask the required questions. "Which planet are you from, and did you have have any diseases or injuries before you arrived?" She did not want to ask, but it was the protocol to do so. She had dreamed of working with special needs patients and studying rare disorders. That fascinated her, but everyone has to start from somewhere. She took out a tablet-like screen and got ready to take a few notes, for they had no recorded medical history for him.

Looking over the Fauven's shoulder (which was hard for her) she saw this man with an excessive amount of armor on. He looked as if he had a severe chemical burn on his helmet and she planned to check on him after the Fauven in front of her.
Avi (played by FlamingPsycho) Topic Starter

"I'm from Tenebris, and no. I have no diseases or injuries that I know of. Then again, I rarely can feel my injuries. But I see no blood, so I'm sure I'm fine." He shrugged, slowly reaching up and removing his helmet, burning beneath the hot Eligantur sun. Beneath all that metal, he surprisingly was more than just a creature with short, bluish hair. No, and honestly, he looked less grand with his ruffled white main surrounding his face. It was rather amusing, actually.
He sighed, starting to take off his armor, removing his gauntlets first, then placing the heavy metal gloves onto the table in front of him, then slowly removing the rest of it, except for a chain mail hauberk and his helmet, which he kept on while looking at the pile of armor.
Kovac Barnes (played by CowboyLee)

Barnes eventually found his way to a table and signed all the documents that were required to live in Eligantur. When asked if he had any injuries, he said no. What happened to him 12 some-odd years ago didn't bother him enough to get it registered as a legitimate injury. He was probably more vaccinated than most of the refugees here, knowing the dangers of certain biological and chemical weapons.

After receiving his ID, he said thanks to the table worker and headed towards the large building almost eager to take a gander inside. He assumed that they did some renovations to a mega factory, judging by the almost industrial look of the outside. In the inside however, it was a completely different story. It looked grandiose to him, reminding him of the properties he almost bought at Tenenbris before deciding that it wouldn't be a good financial decision, buying property in a conflict stricken planet. Once inside, he glanced at the various signs around and took a map of the building before venturing off.

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