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Forums » Looking for RP » (Still open)New rpgroup idea! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ah hah. Where does that place him in terms of legal authority? or, more usefully, is there a real-world position you could compare it to?
I'm also kinda figuring that at the very least they're going to have to deal with this patrol of cops before heading off.
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

i wouldn't know what realworld position to compare him with. But the character itself is base don Martin brenner from stranger things
Sadly not a show I'm familiar with at all. '^v^ Don't watch a lot of shows, really.
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter oh ok , this is a good link what explains who he is.
Ah-hah, so, like... chief scientist for a government research facility, and functionally given legal power for his purposes which he abuses. Got it! ^v^
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

Yes like that
Wonderful. So.... do you mind getting this first squad of cops involved for a little? They should be close at this point. Let me know what you decide, and I'll finish my post so you can get ready.
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

Yes that's ok !
Perfect! one sec. ~v^
Go ahead. Angry cops time. I've sorta been hoping they might be relatively open to bribes? Seems like the kind of unpleasant place where police corruption is kinda common, yeh?
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

Sounds good
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

And now for the power of money. :3
Hopefully. I don't exactly have a shield generator in this RP.
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

gotta go see yah tommrow
See you! ^v^
Is Seo just doing a net search, or using whatever databases she can get into thanks to her family's position? Sox's personal numbers would probably be unlisted (though she may be otherwise messageable through social media, etc.), though the Sunspark Materials Manufacturing Ltd. contact number would probably be findable, and she could work her way through bureaucracy. Probably pretty easilly, honestly. Which way do you wanna do it?
Cookiesareyummie Topic Starter

she used her family position

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