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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The queen is having a ball (closed)

Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

Arundriel glares at Vita. Despite her internal feelings, it should be clear to her how sensitive the Queen is. There is a time and a place to rant and try to gain support for uneasy feelings, including anger. But right after somebody tries to reach out as a friend is not appropriate at all. Arundriel isn't impressed by the woman's talk of being so gruff and terrible. Hardly. But now he wasn't even free to connect to whoever the woman was, because she chose to put herself against everybody. How could Arundriel even comfort Aurora after she literally chased the host away?

The elf's eyes looked down to Vita's shoes and then back to her eyes. He turned and walked away from her, motioning for Sarena to follow him. "Your majesty, wait. Do not run away from us." Vita had made him so angry. It was such a selfish angle to take against somebody who had been so nice. "That other woman speaks for no one."

He turned to shoot Vita one more look. If she dared push things farther, she would not like the next step. She had better shape up. Arundriel was furious that she turned him against her. What a silly problem to have, his face growing more red by the minute. Any minute now, she would be the one to get flustered and make him feel bad. All she was doing was creating an issue where none was. Gaslighting, the dwarves called it...

He cared none about her true name, nor social status. It was not a big deal at all.

Instead, she might want to be so brave and bold to apologize. That might actually take courage to admit one was wrong, as opposed to whatever mysterious voyages on the sea that she just couldn't seem to get out of her head. Not even for one glass of wine or ten minutes in a cellar.

The elf found the Queen moments later. "I don't know what she was talking about, but she doesn't matter. At all. But if you don't feel comfortable, we can go."

(I'm glad you're recovering. I skipped Sarena because I didn't want to leave the story hanging like that. I'm not sure she's aware how fast this particular RP responds.)
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena was shocked to hear the girl speak like that to the Queen, and it took every ounce of her not to smack her in the face. She stood up and ran after the queen, complete rage storming through her because of Vita's words. That was not okay at all and that girl needed to learn her place.

When Sarena found the queen she hugged her, not caring at all whether she'd get in trouble or not. She knew the girls words hurt her and she was just trying to comfort her since she didn't do so well in comforting with words. "You're Majesty he's right, plus there is always time for you to get to know us."

((Won't happen again, I gotta get into the habit of checking my home notifications again))
It was never Vita´s intention to chase the Queen away or any of the others. But perhaps it was for the best. It was what Vita always did. She pushed people away. For her own safety and for theirs. She´d opened up before only for people to run away or backstab her. Not that she suspected the Queen might do that, but she wasn´t safe with Vita and certainly not as her friend. And while Vita meant no harm, Alice NEEDED to know what was happening around and someone had to tell her. For her own good. It was better if she learned to stand up for herself and not let people walk all over her like they so clearly did. The guy, who danced with her and grobed her had no respect for her at all and no fear despite the fact that Alice was the bloody queen! She literally ruled the country and could probably have him executed if she was that type of person. Luckily for him she wasn´t.

When all the others had run away, while giving her deadly glares and shouting at the queen to come back, Vita just stood there. Her arms fell slack to her sides and a few drops of the wine that was left in the glass fell to the ground. The others might have thought she was being selfish, but that wasn´t actually it. Vita said what she did, because she felt bad. She wanted to tell them the truth. Be honest and damn the consequences. She didn´t wanna make any false friendships. Imagine if she had... if they´d become friends thinking that she was a good person and without knowing, who she truly was. She didn´t want a friendship built on lies. Besides, it wasn´t good for any of them to be associated with Vita. With a known pirate. She sighed deeply and gently set down the glass. She started to walk back to the castle and inside. She couldn´t see any of them, but she wasn´t really looking for them anyway. She found a maid and gave her a message before deciding to leave. And so she left and walked through the city, all the way to the docks in her gown. She´d taken off her shoes along the way and walked barefooted.

Shortly after....

A maid found queen Alice, Arundriel and Lady Sarena in the royal sewing room. They were comforting her. She knocked gently on the already-open door before entering with her hands folded gently in front of her. "Excuse me, your majesty? I have a message for you," she said. "It is from the lady Aurora," she added. She walked a few steps further in and looked at Alice. "She said to meet her by the docks before dawn. Mentioned something about an explanation or apology? She told me to tell you that if you didn´t show up she would be gone by morning," she finished and curtsied.
She couldn't look up at Arundriel or Sarena not with her face all puffy and red from crying. "Thank you Arundriel and Lady Sarena forgive me for running away; this must be uncomfortable to you for a queen to just up and run away with tears in their eyes. Oh my I'm so embarrassed." She grips her basket closer to her midsection. Alice wanted to just melt into Sarena's arms. She couldn't recount the last time she ever had a hug. Vita's words came back into her mind: she doesn't really know any of them. She slips out of her grasp and turns to see the maid at the entrance.

Alice mutters a thank you to the servant; her still shaky hands fidgeting through the basket. Making her way to the sewing chair; she plops down into it keeping her eyes down at the swatches. She was going to sneak out and see Vita; she felt like she had to prove something to herself. "Lord Aru....Arundriel do you think....that I'm gullible?" Her voice was barely audible. A few tears rolls down her face. She stills tries not to face them; her fingers are just mindlessly touching the fabric.

She quickly wipes her face with the back of her hand. Trying her best to do calming breathes. She stills down her basket and stands up on her feet; Alice finally looks at them hopefully she doesn't look too bad. She pulls at her gown "I look a mess don't I?" She shifts from foot to foot.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena let go of the queen when she pulled away and just stood there in silence. When the queen said that she looked like a mess, Sarena shook her head "beautiful as ever your majesty" Sarena said, trying to make her feel better. She thought about helping the young queen freshen up but she thought best suggest it unless she was asked to. She just stood there with her hands folded in front of her, looking down a bit.

((Off to work, will reply when I can))
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

"No. You don't look a mess at all", Arundriel said. His eyes looked exhausted in a way. It was the emotion. He dreaded being confronted with emotion. It hit him head on, especially during a challenge. Part of him was glad he hadn't said what was on his mind at the moment. He knew Vita didn't exactly mean harm. Still. The tone set him off in a way that made it feel as if a bell rung in his head.

"Besides. Looks are not the most important thing in the world." This could be odd, coming from a high elf who makes a living from selling fine clothing. Although the group seemed emotional, he was glad he could open up and have them do the same. Arundriel thought of the maid's words.

"It would be nice to see what the Lady has to say", Arundriel said speaking of Vita's mention. "And Your Majesty", he said along with a gentle expression. "Please... Try to relax." He knew they could offer as much support as they wanted, but the Queen would have to steady herself and focus on something positive. She was here with people who supported her. Letting Vita's thoughts creep into her head was a terrible idea. Those were Vita's own worries.

Arundriel hoped he and Sarena's presence comforted the Queen at least a little. He knew one couldn't just brush aside certain feelings. "Think of the sky", he pointed as a dark shape flew nearby. "That bird there. Feel the grass. The world blooms around us." When he felt anxious, focusing on nature helped him. It was elven nature to try connecting to the land when in turmoil.

"Shall we head to the docks?" It seemed like the Queen didn't want to be at the party anymore anyway. A walk might be good.
Vita hoped that the queen, Alice, got her message, but she was sure she did. Until she did Vita waited. She was in a room that she´d rented for a while, getting changed. The motel was down by the docks and she had a window with a view of the ocean. She sat on a chair in front of the mirror with her hands in her hair, removing the the jewelry, pearls and pins that held her hairstyle together for the evening. She sat in silence. Behind her the gown hung on the closet door, and beside the bed was a belt and a gun. She sighed deeply and when she was done with the hair, she walked over behind a screen and got changed into something else.

She wondered whether the queen would show up and how long it would take her to get here. She had to get past her guards and council members after all. Vita considered whether the lady Sarena and Arundriel would be with her or if they would talk her out of it. Vita didn´t know Sarena and while she didn´t know Arundriel as well either, she´d talked to him long enough to know that he likely wanted an explanation, so if anyone would want to go here with or without the queen it would be him. That much she knew. Vita felt bad about what she said. Felt bad about calling her gullible and implying that she was weak. She didn´t mean any harm. When some animals feel threatened or scared, they attack. And that was also Vita. She said what she said in the heat of the moment, but some of it was true and she only meant well. She had seen and heard about how they´d walked all over her and she couldn´t take it. Never the less Vita shouldn´t have said it like that. But maybe if she was lucky the queen would be mad enough at her to not want to be her friend. Because Vita would only hurt her in the long run and besides... she couldn´t be associated with Vita´s kind. When she´d gotten dressed she put on her belt, got her gun and headed outside. She placed herself somewhere in the shadows, where no one would see her.
Alice close her eyes trying her best to relax her body and stop the shaking. "Thank you both. Yes I would like to go down to the docks. Going with you two might be wiser then me just sneaking off by myself." She looks down at her torn gown grimacing at it. "Please excuse me for a moment I must change into something more myself." The young queen walks over to door the far corner of the room and disappears behind.

After about ten minutes the queen reappears in a long robe like gown that's too long at the bottom. The extra fabric drags along the ground as she walks back to her guests. "The ballroom should be empty at this time with the others down in my reserves. This is the perfect time to just walk straight out of castle." She is getting excited about going to the docks; she would get to see Lady Aurora and proves that yes she might know her but she is friendship worthy. Alice is guilty to admit that most of her excitement is over being able to see the ocean in real life.

"Lady Sarena, Lord Arundriel we are friends. And since we're friends I would like to request that you both refer to me as Alice. In my story books friends call each other by their names without any titles. I also want..." Her eyes avert their gazes and takes a step forward opening her open out; blood quickly rushes up to her cheeks as she hugs them. Just as fast she embraces them she letting go and powering to and out the sewing room.

Peering into the ballroom making sure that everyone did indeed left. She gestures to her newly required companions that the room was indeed empty. Alice struggles to lift the barricade, but she able to remove it from the door. The young queen pushing opening the door just enough for the three of them to slip through. Once outside Alice's anxieties came back fully force. Her palms become clammy but she goes on forward only to stop mid step. Turning to the others looking down at her fingers that she was twisting with a bashful smile. "Do either one of you know which way the docks are?" She felt embarrassed that she didn't know where they were.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena didn't expect the queen to call her a friend, much less request that she called her by her name, Alice. It was indeed a beautiful name for a queen and she'd be sure to tell the lady some day that she thought so. Sarena continued to stand there in silence when Alice hugged them both. She had the brightest smile when she saw that Alice was feeling better and it warmed her heart.

When they started to head down to the docks, Sarena looked down at her dress, totally unbefitting for going to the docks by the ocean. Alice asked where the docks were and Sarena looked around before nodding "this way your- I mean....Alice." she corrected herself as she began to lead the queen to where the docks were.
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

As the Queen excused herself to change, Arundriel turned to Sarena and offered a smile and curt bow. "Pleasure to meet you, M'lady. Eventful day so far, yes?" His angular features warmed and softened as the tall man resumed his posture.

The pair exchanged a bit of banter until Alice had changed. Arundriel had seen similar tails on dresses, but rarely received any orders for such clothes. "Great style", he told Alice on her exit from the dressing room. "I shall have to meet your tailor sometime."

With the trio completed, the group found their way our of the palace and onto the road. Lady Sarena guided them along the winding path, including a turn from the woodland path towards the docks. It wasn't too long until the coast was in sight. A small settlement which catered to dockworkers stood in the backdrop of the wooden paths stretching from shore to sea.

"Hmm, I'm not sure where she wanted us to meet her", Arundriel said as they moved closer and closer to the docks. Their shapes would be visible from far away, moving down from the open trail.

((I hope the festival went well!))
((Hello everyone, I´m back! And thank you Pantrane, it was amazing!))

Vita stood in the shadows at the corner of a building. Where she stood she had a good view of the docks and of the way leading there. After a while she finally saw three figures up ahead. It couldn´t be anyone else, and she could see one of them wore a dress with fabric that sort of dragged along the ground as she walked. The queen herself no doubt. She smiled slightly and waited for them to get closer before she approached them.

When they finally got close enough, she opened her mouth to greet them, still hidden. "I was hoping you´d show up. I wasn´t entirely sure, but I figured as much," she said as way of greeting. "Let´s just get to it, shall we?" She asked and didn´t wait for a reply. She stepped out of the shadows and into the dim light. She looked way different than she had at the ball. Her hair was down, still a bit curly from the hair-do she´d had, and she still had makeup on, albeit more natural. Her lips were still as red as a rose. She´d discarded the dress for more practical attire. She wore a white shirt, but with a sort of corset, tight pants and long dark boots. She also wore a brown belt and attached to it were a set of keys and.... a large gun. She swayed to one side and crossed her arms. She ignored whatever looks she might get and faced the queen. "Your majesty... Alice," she began. "I asked you to come here, so I could.... apologize," she said. "And the least I can do is give you an explanation, tell you the truth. But whatever you think or do after I can´t control. I´m telling you the truth and that´s it. Either you believe it or you don´t," she said. She took a breath. "When I said you don´t know me, I meant it. You don´t. How can you unless we´re honest with each other? I didn´t mean to chase you away or hurt you. It´s just... you treated me with a kindness that I don´t deserve without even knowing the truth. If you knew why I was there tonight, you wouldn´t have treated me like a friend!" She threw her arms in the air and then placed them on her hips and sighed. "I´m truly sorry for the way I behaved. I´m sorry for upsetting you... all of you," she said and looked at both Arundriel and Sarena. "I´ll just drop the bomb," she said and shook her head. She pulled out a sheet of paper from her pocket and unfolded it. "I´m a pirate," she said and held up the piece of paper to show them. It was a wanted poster with her face on it and underneath it said Vita De Luca: Dead or alive - wanted for theft and piracy.

"I wasn´t there to mingle or flirt." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms again. She looked Alice straight in the eye. "I was there to kidnap you actually. Plain and simple," she admitted. "And before you attack, just cool it, will ya?" She took a step back and held up her arms. "I didn´t actually do it after all. And I´m not going to," she assured them. "I lied, because I couldn´t exactly tell you, who I really am. But this is me: I´m almost 23, and I was born into nobility as little as that means. I ran away and joined a crew on The Avenging Angel around age 7. I´m a pirate and I love the sea. That´s the truth. Also, I´m captain of my own ship," she finished and waited for their response.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena of course continued to stand there in silence until she looked up with a confused look when Vita mentioned wanting to kidnap the queen. How stupid honestly? Of course Sarena didn't hesitate to step in front of Alice a bit in case Vita still planned of kidnapping her. Although after hearing the girls words she doubted it a bit, but she learned the hard way not to mess with pirates.
Alice reaches out from behind Sarena and takes the wanted poster from Vita's hand. She looks it over it couldn't be right, but here's the pure evidence. Vita is indeed a pirate....this amazing she and actually pirate. She had only read about pirates in her story books and rumors that she over her from the servants. She was pulled out of her thought by the words kidnap. Vita was going to kidnap her and do what hold her for ransom? "You were going to kidnap me?"

The young queen didn't know what to do in situation. Vita has been kind to her and know that she thinks about it Vita had a few opportunities to kidnap her but she didn't take them. Alice steps from around the other woman walking up the pirate holding the wanted poster. "I still want to be your friend. You easily could have hurt Arundriel or Sarena and snatch me away, but you didn't." Without better judgment she hugs Vita.

(Welcome back I'm glad you had a great time)
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

The high elf listened to Vita speak. It was clear she had a lot on her mind from the start. Arundriel could sense her anxiety as she spoke. His eyes were calm and had no furrows of judgement.

His eyes widened and he took a step closer. Thoughts raced through his mind. He had taken a voyage or two across the sea, but he had never met anybody like Vita. “I apologize for showing hostility as well”, he said as Vita apologized and made eye contact.

His expression was calm until Vita mentioned being a pirate. They perked up excitedly. “Wow, a true raider... Well. This doesn’t make me think less of you”, Arundriel said.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena didn't know how she felt about the situation, as she had just met Vita not that long ago. "I apologise as well, I hope we can move on from this and become friends. Any friend of Alice's is a friend of mine and I'm willing to try" she lied. A part of her spoke the truth, but right now the other part couldn't trust her. Even though Vita said who she was and what her plan was, she was willing to give the girl a chance to be her friend.
((I am so sorry. I just got busy and other things came up, but I´m replying as fast as I can!))

Vita looked at queen Alice, when she asked her. She nodded as confirmation. "Yes, that was the plan at first, but I deviated... after talking to you I couldn´t bring myself to do it," she admitted. She smiled at Arundriel, when he apologized. Wasn´t sure that he was going to, but he was a gentleman. "I appreciate that, thank you. I forgive you," she said. And when he seemed - honestly - excited about her occupation and said he didn´t think any less of her, her lips tugged upwards yet again. It was more of a grin or a smirk and she chuckled. "I´m glad, yet surprised, that you don´t. A true adventure-lover, are we?" She asked him and chuckled. But her attention quickly fixed to the queen, when she said that she still wanted to be her friend. She couldn´t believe it! After all she´d said and after all she´d done! This queen had a heart of gold and a lot of faith no doubt. Vita was going to say something, when the queen suddenly jumped her and embraced her. She gasped in surprise and held her arms up. She looked at the queen. "But-but... but what are you doing?" She was confused and didn´t quite know what to do. She started to pat her back, not really knowing what to do in this situation. She then quickly embraced her and let her go.

She put her hands on her shoulders and tried to look her in the eye (the queen had been rather shy). "I will always be your ally, your majesty. Alice, was it?" She smiled kindly as she spoke to her. She looked at Sarena, when she said that any friend of the queen was a friend of her, but Vita could see in her eyes that she had different thoughts. She didn´t point it out, didn´t want to expose her and understood why she lied. "Look," Vita said and pulled back slightly. "Like I said: I´ll always be your ally. But I´m not sure I can ever be your friend. To any of you. I think of you fondly, but with my occupation a friendship.... is gonna be hard. And like I said earlier: you cannot be associated with a known pirate and I cannot leave my ship and crew. Besides, I´ll be sailing the seven seas. When will I ever see you? And for all I know I could be incarcerated tomorrow or I could die days from now. Are you sure it´s a good idea?" She let go of the queen and looked at her, at all of them. She seemed concerned. And sad. There was sadness in her eyes and it seemed like it was hard for her to say that. She hadn´t many friends or met kind strangers.
Taking a few steps back from Vita, she thinks about she had just for second before swallowing down the anxieties that were creepy up into her throat. She locks eyes with her as she beings to remove her sapphire earrings; holding the out to Vita giving her a soft smile. "An Ally is still a friend in a way. I've read many books on pirates and just like I can't leave my people I don't expect you to leave your crew. I want you to have these as a sign of alliance and plus from what I read pirates likes gems and gold." Alice glances to the water splashing about around the dock. "And seeing that we are" She shifts from foot to foot looking at the sea "maybe we could enjoy the nice breeze and maybe even enjoy the water."

She hopes that they would just stay out of the palace walls so for once she could what was like to get just walk around with friends; Alice wonder if maybe the elder would come looking for her but she pushes the thought away. This day she had been deeding has actually brought her more joy and even something better then marriage, friends and an 'ally'. "Oh I just remember Arundriel, you asked about my tailor right? I really don't have for my basic gowns like this one. I make them myself. And Sarena I've never asked you about yourself." The young queen is so overjoy by the thought of getting to be outside without walls and people likes; she didn't realize she begun to ramble. She seems like a young child who has been to allowed to eat as many sweets as they please.

((Thanks you guys are the best oh I won't be on Saturday or next Saturday I'm going to be at my bridal showers))
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

Arundriel could sense excitement from the Queen at Vita's revelation. It lifted the corners of his face along with his lips into a wide smile. His elvish eyes squinted with happiness as he looked amongst the group. He hadn't realized Vita was a pirate. Surely this was something she must have felt uncomfortable about sharing in public. It was only understandable that she would be tense in such a public forum.

He listened to the Queen speak, excited on the prospect of seeing more of the ocean. It was also very interesting to be around such a seasoned mariner. He had only traveled as passenger on two ships.

"Seeing more of the ocean would be amazing", he said as he moved closer to Vita. "I hold no judgement on your career." Turning towards the Queen he said, "And speaking of dresses, I can make more than such." He looked towards Vita and Serena. "I'd like to suit something to each of your style sometime. Lady Vita, I would love to work up something comfortable and vibrant for a mariner's life. After all, a pirate needs flair."

After a moment he laughed and blushed slightly. "Ugh, not to bring up work... Shall we move closer to the shore?"

((Enjoy the bridal showers!))
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena just tagged along, it was clear she was the quiet one. When Alice spoke to her Sarena shrugged "I um- my father bought my dress, if not then it was my mother's. I come from a place not far from here, my father is the leader of that place and when he heard about the ball he demanded that I go out of respect and so here I am." She said softly but loud enough for them to hear her.
Vita listened to the queen and couldn´t help but smile. She was surprised, when she handed her the sapphire earrings, and Vita slowly and curiously held out her hand to recieve them. When she got them she held them up to look at them. They glistened gently in the dim light of the lamppost nearby. They were beautiful and as blue as the deep and vast ocean. She was surprised that Alice would give her something so precious. She tucked them away carefully and safely, then faced the queen again with a knowing and genuine smile. "Some treasures," she said, "are not treasures, because of what they´re made of, but because of the sentimental value that they hold," she finished and curtsied. "I will keep them as a reminder of your compassion and mercy," she said. "Here," she said, "you should have something as well," she added. She fiddled with something in her pockets before taking something out, something that also glistened, and handed it to her. "It is one of my most prized possessions," she said. It was a beautiful slightly ornamented golden compass. It looked old, but judging by the state of it, it was clear that it´s holder had taken good care of it. "Perhaps it will remind you of that pirate you once met and of the ocean. Remind you of the travels you´ll have one day, a sort of promise," she said and shrugged.

She then turned to Sarena and Arundriel and smiled at Arundriels comment. She did not move, when he stepped closer, but simply stayed put with a smile on her face. "You´d be one of the first," she replied, when he told her that he held no judgement on her career. She smirked, when he said he wanted to make them something, and make her something vibrant and comfortable that would suit her life. "I´m intrigued," she said and couldn´t help but chuckle at him, when he blushed and then suggested that they move closer to the shore. "I´m up for it. I could even take you to my ship if you wanted," she said and smiled at them. She listened to Sarena with interest. "Yes, this ball really has brought many people from around the world."

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