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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The queen is having a ball (closed)

Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

"To be honest, I think sailing the seas on a ship would be fun, exploring the world." She smiled at Vita and she put her hands in front of her and then looked down, she was starting to feel better around her so she decided to say something to her. After she spoke she wouldn't speak unless spoken to, she was just that kind of person.

((I'm sorry that my responses are shorter))
Alice clutches the compass close to her chest before gathering up just a little bit of the extra fabric pooling around her feet. "I will get to ride a pirate ship. Today has become the greatest day of all 20 years of my life. I've never been on a boat before Sarena this will be my first time. I can't wait to smell the ocean breeze it's going to be the most amazing thing ever. Hopefully I don't fall from the boat." She felt beyond giddy and overjoyed; today she going to fulfill a wish she has had since she was a little girl. In the distant the young queen heard her name being called and all that joy goes out the window. No she was going to get on to that ship and this time she isn't going to let the elders ruin this for her. She does an about face to see who was coming. It is indeed one of her council members; the older woman stands at the edge of the dock with a worry look upon her face.

"I...I'm going to get on a boat and I will be back l...l...later so please don't worry about me I'll be alright." She gave a small curtsy before turning her back to her. The woman looks at the people with her majesty before shaking her head and leaves.

(its fine)
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

Arundriel watched with interest as gifts were exchanged. There was a slightly quizzical look on his face as it made him wish he had something to give right now. It would take time to make the items of clothing he tried to visualize for each person. Thoughts of being near the sea and then seeing Vita's ship filled his thoughts.

The high elf enjoyed seeing the Queen's enthusiasm at the prospect of seeing a ship. His eyes widened and softened in excitement. "Hopefully it won't trouble you too much to let us have a look." He wasn't sure if the ship would be ready to sail, but he'd be happy to even see the vessel. The ships he had traveled on had been mundane compared to a true pirate vessel.

Turning to Sarena, Arundriel smiled and asked, "Have you ever been on a ship?"

((Sorry. I've been working on some things OOC.))
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena looked at him "no I have not, I wonder what it's like. I have this secret dream of me being at the very front of a ship and holding my arms out like I'm flying. Feeling like I'm floating on air and being free." She smiled and blushed softly, she never really told people that. It was just a silly fantasy she never thought possible. She would dream about it once in a while, floating on the ocean, pushing all the troubles behind her with every wave the ship hit as it sailed forward in the open water.
((That´s alright, no worries))

They all seemed to have a positive attitude towards her, and Sarena was even smiling at her. She seemed a bit more relaxed and warm towards her. Vita was glad that she´d warmed up to her a little. She could understand why she hadn´t since they´d only just met and Vita had proclaimed that she was wanted for piracy and had come to kidnap the queen. "That is one of the perks of being a pirate. You can go wherever and see things from a different perspective," she replied to Sarena with a knowing smirk. Someone, who was even more excited about it than Sarena - which was no surprise - was the queen Alice, and Vita couldn´t help but chuckle at her excitement. "It´s the least I can do for you, your majesty Alice," she said. Arundriel had looked a bit quizzical for a moment, but his eyes widened at the proposal and he, too, seemed excited, although he showed in a more... elegant or professional way if you could say that? "Not in the slightest," she replied to Arundriel with a smile. "And like I said: I owe you as much, but it´s not docked here, we need to go elsewhere first. It is a pirate-ship after all, so we couldn´t take any chances, you understand," she added and gestured for them to follow her.

She looked at Sarena and listened as she spoke. Her face was genuine and there was emotion in her voice, a sort of longing that Vita knew all too well. "I can make your dreams come true." She winked at her and started to untie one of the smaller rowing boats. "Jump in, it´s sturdy enough," she assured them and held it steady for them, so they wouldn´t fall while boarding the small vessel.
Alice thought about what Sarena said she thinks she would like to do that on the ship as well, but she was already worrying about falling over board. "Yes of course if any of my soldiers saw a pirate ship in the kingdom's dock, sadly I won't have met you." She thrill looks over to the sandy beach. "Oh I think it would be amazing if Arundriel made you a fancy pirate wear. Oh I'm sorry if I spoke for Arundriel." She quickly covers her mouth sheepishly looking over to Sarena. Correcting herself she attempts to keep eye contact with Sarena. "This will be my first time outside of my castle without my elders and guards. When we get back to the palace I must really give you and Arundriel special gifts as well. So even when you'll all sadly have to leave me I want you each to have something to remember me by."

The young queen looks to Vita "It's just Alice Vita." Alice carefully gathers up her dress cautiously she steadies herself before jumping into the row boat. Her eyes seals themselves shut as she took the small leap out of reflex. Peeking open one eye she see that she did it, she whips around to look at the others with a big goofy smile spread across her face.

((Its okay))
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena smiled at Vita and nodded. Could she really do that for her? If she could she would never be able to go back home. She looked at the boat nervously and then her dress, how was she supposed to ride in a small boat like that with her big dress on. When Alice spoke about gifts, Sarena shook her head "it would be very hard not to remember you Alice, you needn't gift us anything" she said, sure that the others would agree.
Vita nodded, when Alice confirmed that they likely wouldn´t have met if they saw her ship. "Not to mention that the whole mission would be wasted, which it is anyway," she said and shrugged her shoulders with a smile. She couldn´t help but chuckle at Alice, when she jumped in and how excited she was. She then turned to Sarena, and she could see the uncertainty in her eyes. "There´s plenty of space, don´t worry. You can make it. And hey, if your dress is somehow ruined I´ll mend it or get you a new one, okay?" She said with a smile and was ready to catch her, while still holding the boat steady, so they could board.

"I know that you have no reason to trust a pirate, but how about a friend?" Vita looked pretty secure. Not just her expression and confidence, but where she stood. She was planted firmly and kept her balance very well, but her life as a pirate suggested that she´d had plenty of training. She was used to it by now and why wouldn´t she be? "If it makes you feel better Arundriel can go first?" She looked at her quizzically and waited patiently for a response.
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

"And I'll have to leave you something to remember me by as well", Arundriel told Alice warmly. Getting to know her along with Vita and Sarena was a real pleasure.

"I have a sewing kit not far from here", Arundriel said after Vita mentioned she could mend Sarena's dress if it were damaged. The high elf could tell that sitting so low in a seat could pull the fabric around Sarena in a way that might be uncomfortable. "Perhaps if you stretch out lengthwise, all will be well."

He moved to enter the boat soon after Vita mentioned him going before Sarena. The tailor scrunched himself up into a corner, tucking his legs against the other side at a narrow point to allow more room for the ladies. Arundriel was tall, but used to balling himself up to fit into spaces. The elf turned and offered a smile to the three ladies. "Well. On we go now", he said happily to Sarena. Although he was tucked away in the opposite corner, he prepared to lean over to help steady her on entry.

The boat rocked slightly after the elf's movement, but it looked stable. Bubbles rose to the surface as a decent sized fish darted away from the vessel's movement.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena let him help her in the boat. Her heart raced as she panicked slightly as she struggled to get inside the small boat and was afraid she was going to fall in or tip all of them. Once she got on the boat though and sat down, she tried to keep herself comfortable in the dress.
The young queen smiles while fidgeting with her fingers. "This will amazing. We'll get to be on a real life pirate ship. My stomach feels like there's hundreds of butterflies in it." Scooting as close as she could to edge of the small boat to make and to also get closer to the water.
((I´m sorry it´s been so long! Lots of things came up and I lost track of time!))

She waited til everyone had gotten into the boat, before she gently sat down and started and pushed them off and on they went. "Well," in-between rowing and getting them ahead quickly. "It´s going to be a short while, so anyone have any interesting stories or questions until we get there?" She looked over her shoulder at them. Sarena looked slightly uncomfortable, and Vita tried to shoot her a reassuring smile. She could sympathize. After all, the dress wasn´t made to be in a boat such as this or with this many people and they hadn´t planned to go here. It hadn´t really become reality until Vita realized how badly the queen wanted it and needed it. And to be honest, it was probably best to get her out of the palace for a little bit. She chuckled gently at Alice´s words. "Yes. She is a sight to behold, my ship. Beautiful. Been captain of her fer a few years, you see. I can´t bear the thought of leaving her in someone else´s care," she said and stared ahead towards something further away. From here it just looked like the side of a cliff, but if you looked close enough there appeared to be the entrance to a cave of some sort.

"But to be honest," she said, still staring ahead and continuing with the fast but steady rowing, "I can´t even believe I´m doing this," she exclaimed and gestured to her new friends. "Visitors... guests... a bit unusual," she mumbled, but smiled. She seemed pretty excited about it though. As though she´d been longing for company.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena smiled "I've got a few stories, although none of them are true. They are just stories my father told me when I was a girl, some may or may not be true, that is for you to decide I suppose." She smiled at Vita softly when she gave her the reassuring smile. "I wish I knew what it was like to care about something so big, the ship I mean." She said to her.
((I'm back))

Alice had begun to fiddle with her sleeves in an anticipation. She couldn't wait to see Vita's ship. Her ears perked up at Sarena mentions of stories that her father had told her. The young queen parents really didn't do any of fun things she would hear or read about other children were doing with their families. "Excuse me Sarena if its not too much of to ask you, but may I hear one of these stories. I do enjoy a good tall tale." She tries her best not to lean up against Sarena too much. Even she saw everyone as her friends she still had no idea about their personal boundaries; Alice didn't want to make any of her new friends uncomfortable after just gaining them.
Vita smiled, when Sarena mentioned how her father used to tell her stories. She seemed to be loosening up a bit, and opening up, which was good. After all, how could they be friends if they didn´t? "Well," said Vita, "we´re all sewn together differently, you know, miss Sarena. We´re... individuals. Different dreams, hopes and expectations. I´m sure you have something you´re passionate about as well and if not you will find it. Or maybe you just don´t realize it. My great passion is the sea and the ship means a lot to me, not just as a means of transportation, but because it was my childhood," she admitted and looked out at something in the distance, reminiscing.

She looked over her shoulder at Alice and smiled widely, while nodding in agreement. "Indeed! Let us hear one of your stories! Please don´t be shy," she encouraged Sarena, and hoped she would tell them something more.
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

"All right all right" she said as she thought of one.

"There once was a mermaid named Ariel, Ariel wanted so much to become a human, even for a day. She had a fish friend named Flounder, and they did everything together. From finding human artifacts to running away from sharks at shipwrecks. There was an evil witch who could grant Ariel legs in return for her voice. Ariel had three days to get the prince to fall in love with her and she could keep her legs and get her voice back, but if she didn't, she'd remain a mermaid forever and lose her beautiful voice.

So with the help of her sea life friends she met the prince. The Prince was captured by her beauty and only wondered what she sounded like. He taught her how to write in his native language and they talked. When Ariel said that a witch had taken her voice for legs, the prince was angered by this. But when she told him that he only needed to fall in love with her, he looked at her and said 'if I do then I might get to hear your voice?' he asked. She nodded and he got close to her and kissed her."

"There was a bright light and Ariel sang for him when she got her voice back, the prince knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and they got married and had children together, the end" she smiled at them, proud of her story. "Did you like it?" She asked them.
(I´m crying on the inside at not having recognized your username. Literally have the brain of a gold-fish, I´m so sorry!! xD))
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

((I had to check lol)
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

The elven tailor’s attention had been piqued by the story. There were many thins he wondered about it. “And what did this... Ariel.... Look like?” He smiled as he looked across the sea to Vita’s ship. He was excited about going sailing once again.

“And marriage so suddenly? And without being prearranged?” His voice was full of curiosity. “How long did they stay together?” His expression softened into a smile as he looked from Vita to Sarena to Queen Alice.

((Sorry. We can bring it back. Things had gotten so busy.))
((I´m just gonna reply if that´s okay :) Hope Membrane can join again soon, but it´s no rush ^^))

Vita listened quietly to the story, looking over her shoulder at Sarena and the others every once in a while, while she steered the ship towards the entrance of the cliff where her ship had been docked on the other side. When Sarena was done, Vita couldn´t help but laugh at Arundriel´s response. He seemed slightly confused, but clearly intrigued by the story.
"It might be new to some of you, but there are people who marry out of love. The ones, who have the freedom to do so," she replied to his comment about pre-arranged marriage. "I´m personally glad to finally have that freedom. To not have to get attached to someone I do not care for or... anyone at all really," she said and continued sailing the little boat.

They were almost there.

"As for mermaids," she trailed off, "they aren´t always nice. They can be, but sirens are the ones you really need to watch out for, believe me. Although women are mostly safe," she added. "Mostly," she repeated. She steered them through a passageway that was just big enough for them to pass through. Her ship had come around from a different side. When they came out on the other side it was like a huge secret cove. And in front of them a bit further down was a big beautiful ship called The Avenging Angel. Vita sighed. "Home sweet home," she mumbled.
She then turned to the others. "I present to you my pride and joy: The Adrestia. A real pirate ship," she said with a wink.

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