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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The queen is having a ball (closed)

Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

The high elf only seemed more confused by her reply on marriage. Marriage out of love? That would be like choosing a career one actually wanted to pursue instead of carrying on the family business of generations. How weird! “Hmm, I guess love can exist them”, he replied. “Hmph.” He resigned to not think about such a confusing topic.

“I do love the scent of the sea”, he said as the boat sailed closer to the cove.

Vita soon spoke of mermaids. Based on what she’d said, he pictured them as brutal fishlike creatures. He could tell they were partially human, but could lose or grow legs from what Serena had said. Arundriel assumed their tail must look like a fish with dark, frightening scales and the persona of his ex-girlfriend.

The elf shivered. “I do not believe I’d care to meet such a creature “, he said in his constantly formal tone.

((Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!))
Sarena (played by Cherry_Red)

Sarena looked at the ship in awe as she just listened to everyone else. She was too nervous to say much else afterwards. She had had her fair share with mermaids of all kinds, luckily never with sirens though. They're nasty she had heard. She just hoped she never needed to deal with one.
Vita smiled at Arundriel again, who still seemed confused on the matter of true love. Not that she´d ever really found it herself. Almost maybe. Almost. But it was out of her grasp. And she had personally suffered at the dread of pre-arranged marriage. As if she´d spend her life with someone, who did not care for her, sitting inside behaving herself and never seeing what´s out there, living her dreams. She wanted that for them as well. Especially the queen, Alice, who seemed very conflicted.

Sirens were very nasty and not always depicted accurately. She didn´t say anything more about it, but could tell that they were all in agreement in hoping they never run into any.

She steered them closer to the ship, so that they could board it.

(Happy holidays! Merry christmas and a happy new year!)
Arundriel (played by Pantrane)

The high elf was merely caught in the ideals of a stuffy and traditional society. Part of him had always wondered about love, even simply the chance of finding it. The high elves said they had a free society, but it was only free according to the rules their elves had come up with. The truth was that its conservative way of life stifled and controlled their populace for the benefit of those at the top. They believed they enjoyed it, but they were never as happy as the wood elves and enjoyed less entrepreneurial freedom than the drow.

He should have been arraigned for marriage by now, yet the women he was set to marry ran away from the town to avoid being locked into a marriage with Arundriel. It wasn't that she disliked him. She simply didn't believe in the concept. Arundriel was always confused as to whether she was right or simply being irrational.

This was part of the reason why he asked. The other women also seemed to feel as if true love existed. The township wouldn't issue Arundriel another marriage as they felt his original might show back up.

"I do enjoy being on the water", he said. "It's always an adventure."

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