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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

"You c-can stay at my fr-friends house!" Siren said. She seemed a bit happy to have company. "She goes t-to this school!"
she smiles"ok then" her tail sways
She turns to Ramoth. "Y-You should come too!"
"i guess the saying goes the more the merrier, so yeah, join us ramoth"
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth thought for a moment."Okay sure!"
she smiles a bit
((Cino or Ramoth should mention a sleepover. Siren will be against it at first, but give in.))
((did i not say i needed to stay the night))
((As in all girls sleep over.))
((She won't be comfortable with so many people, but all they need to do is remind her that she can just stay with her friends.))
((I vote ramoth, cino would not say that))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Is it finally gonna happen?))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((How should I post?))
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

((So i gotta ask?))
((Just come down to the cafeteria. Make the walking a few posts long, so they can convince Siren to be in. And yes, Elisora))
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

((Oof okay))

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