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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth took a left, walking down another hallway, flipping a page of the book.

((Okay sure! What room are ya'll in?))
((by the cafeteria))
Siren is thinking about how Ben is annoying. Basically, the usual.

((By the way, Vei and Ben are a couple. They even own a tavern/shop together. So... feel free to ship those two.))
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth didn't look up but she meandered her way towards the cafeteria, absently remembering she had left her bag there before her full attention went back to the book. She still didn't run into anything or anyone.

((Awww how cute! ))
((I know! It's so awesome, and it's one of the only characters I allow people to ship.))
she stops now and stretches her wings
Siren kept going. She rounded a corner to see Ramoth.

((By the way, it keeps stopping me from sending it.))
she rounded the corner too, her tail swaying
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth walked over to her table, finally setting the book down as she dug in her back, to pull out a bookmark, sliding it between the pages and marking her place before she put the book in her bag and zipped it closed.
Siren walked up first, waving at Ramoth. "H-Hi."
she readjusts her glasses and waves
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth looked up."Hiya"
She waits for Cino to take the lead.
"hello there"she gets a text"well, shit"
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth tilted her head."What is it?"
"my sister burnt down the house due to breaking one of my machines and she will have to spend the rest of the night fixing the house with her magic"
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth cringed."Yikes"
"O-Oh... She should d-do that to Ben..." She giggles, covering her mouth.
"so i need a place to stay for the night"

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