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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

"Nor do I most of the time, i prefer creatures over people most days"
"S-Sorry to disappoint." Siren kind of squeaks. "W-Why did y-you do that, Olivia?"
she sits down
"Olivia no!" The bird flies out and over to you. It's a pretty large owl, with the same feathers as what you found in the floor. Their eyes are blue.
she looks at the creature before her"what a majestic creature, where do you hide it normally?"
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Woah! What happened? Can I join the sleepover?))
((Sleepover hasn't even started yet XD))
((We were waiting for everyone.))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Well I’m here what could I do?))
"It kinda... f-flew here from ho-home." She chuckles slightly.
((Go to Ben and Vei, they're free.))
"if i text my sister, she can teleport here and try to take it back to your home, but i doubt that it will let her touch it"
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((I don’t know where they are))
"NO!" She says loudly. Siren seems a bit flustered. ((Library.))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Celes is already in the library. I don’t know what’s going on now))
((Ben is making a rune, Vei I'm pretty sure is by Ramoth.))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((What are you guys posting now though?))
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

((Uh I think i'm in the library with Ben and Vei but i'm not sure, i haven't been to active today))
she nods"i cannot help them get out without drawing attention, so, how will we do this" she takes out her journal and makes a quick sketch, it looks a lot like him"i am the only one who touches this journal, and that is a promise, so no one will see this"
((Cino touched Siren, Siren ran away, Cino followed, Cino saw Siren acting weird. They're chatting in the bathroom, but her owl Olivia flew into school so they're getting it out.))
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((Oh ok))

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