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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Gifora Mystic High

"what a majestic bird"
"Okay, but can I try something first?"
she looks at siren and nods
Siren opens the stall door and grabs Olivia. A second later, and Olivia is gone. "She has powers if she is touching me, for some reason."
((*She h-has if she is t-touching me, for some re-reason* I'm tired.))
she nods and smiles"you are definitely not like any other human i have seen"
She blushes. "S-Sorry..."
Celestria Navi (played by Skykitty)

((How Shall I hop in?))
((Just interact with Vei, Ben, or Ramoth. Elisora might not be on though))
her tail sways"it is good"
"Kinda j-jealous that y-you have a tail a-and I don't..."
"i some days wish i did not have it, but it is useful"
"we should probably go back now, odd that all you are doing is speaking now"she smiles
"Eh..?" She turns bright red, and walks out quickly.
she follows close behind
Ramoth Silverblood (played by Elisora)

Ramoth quietly exited the library, a book in hand which she was reading, seeming to not pay attention to were she was going but somehow avoided running into anything and she strolled down the hallway.

((My bad, i got really sidetracked ;-; ))
Siren is muttering to herself, trying not to die inside. ((Hey Elisora? Come to us so we can time skip after getting everyone's phone numbers.))
she puts back on the piece of fabric on her back
Siren was worried about something, that's for sure.
she looks ahead to see if they are about to run into anyone

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