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Oh! Dammit, now I remember! "Hut hut hut hut"

My grampa was attending my parents wedding, when he saw the court house that the blues brothers had. So he kept taking pictures of that saying "hut hut hut hut". One pic of my parents wedding. XD.

Its fun up here. Cold, but fun.

The south. If it was invented up north, it would be called the teethbrush.
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

XD I can't help it, I bust up every time I see the little dudes running around saying "hut hut hut hut"
And then Steven Spielberg eating the sandwich.
I could keep going xD

The north sounds fun. Every time I meet a northerner I'm just like "mmmmmm :3 keep talking I like your voice"

LOLZ. How grammatically correct

I Just fell off my chair. XD I... cant.... stop.... LAUGHING! That's funny. I've heard southern accents, and while I hate rednecks with a passion (Hope you aint a redneck. That would be awkward...), I don't mind their accents.

I had to say that. Its funny.
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

No, I'm not even close to a redneck xD I'm up in north Texas and I don't think there are very many rednecks up here. Below Austin and you can't hit a dead cat without hitting a pack of them.

I love accents soooo much- they're so fun to imitate and listen to. Northerners have the best in terms of U.S. accents, and Californians too.
I love New York/Boston accents. Can't get enough of them.
But I live in the boring part of Texas so I have no accent at all xD

XD. Did they run over the dead cat? Or shoot it?

I can do a british/irish accent if I tried. Dunno why, though. Weird. But I'll keep that in mind. XD
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

Probably ate it, if we're talking about the hardcore boonies.

I can do a lot of accents, which is why I'm an interper. Posh British, London, cockney, Irish, Australian, southern- those are the ones I'm best at. I'm working on my New York and Boston and Californian accents along with my German. It's fun

XD That's true.

What? XD I'm confused, but I understand. How does that work out...
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

How does what work out? All the accents?

I honesty have no clue how on earth I picked up British but if I hear an accent long enough I can file it away and use it later.

XD I watched Monty Python. That's how I got my british.
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

Monty python is the best.

"One day, son, all this will be yours-"
"What, the curtains?"
"No, not the curtains! The land!"
"But father, I just want to sing..."
"No no, none of that, none of that!"
"But father!"


"Im a lumberjack and I'm okay! I sleep all night and work all day! I chop down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatory! On Wednesdays I go shopping, and have buttered scones for tea!"
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter


Help. Police. Murder.
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

*extremely high pitched and rather loud shriek that I am apparently good at doing, especially in public*

LuciferBrimstone wrote:
*extremely high pitched and rather loud shriek that I am apparently good at doing, especially in public*

*BLAM* oops... The safety wasnt on... Now I gotta lug this around...
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

-.- wow

"Siri, where do you hide a dead body?"

"You take that body, fold it up, and shove it where the sun don't shine"

That is, the closet. Or a suitcase.
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

I think I can fit in a suitcase without having to be folded up xD

Short, much?

Sigh... Somehow, I'm sad again... I don't know why...
LuciferBrimstone Topic Starter

4'11" and three quarters. *unceremoniously faceplants*


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