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Sohati Kelly (played anonymously)

It would not be an overly far hike. As the party drew closer to the location of the cabin they would at first smell the smoke. As they came close they would begin to smell the aroma of cooking meat mixed a scent of various spices that could easily be described as overpowering, particularly for any with sensitive noses.

Once the cabin was in view, the group would be greeted by the sight of the cabin itself with a large fire pit several yards in front of it, a long log laid lengthwise to the fire along with a long object shrouded in a decorated cloth. Stretched across the fire pit were a series of spits with various cuts of meat on them, a female figure in grey robes carefully tending to them with a dedicated hand and an visible anticipation to her movements. Alternating between sitting on the log and standing to tend the meat the woman kept her back turned towards the forest, appearing more concerned about cooking than any possible threat.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

After dragging her to the gates of hell, the least he could do was share why he was so far from home. " I am on a journey to strengthen my powers. Once I am strong enough I can become a gate guardian myself. This is also-"

He raised his head once the scent of meat reached his nose. Such a heavenly and savory scent that he could have fallen into a trance. " That must be coming from the cabin." He raised his tail as he started to follow the scent, licking his lips to prevent himself from drooling. He didn't care how far away he was getting from the others right now.

The only thing that stopped him was how powerful the scent got. It was like a punch to his sinuses and brain. His nose wrinkled and his teeth showed just before he sneezed.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

It took Kara a couple of seconds longer than the wolf to smell the cooking meat, as her nose wasn't as sensitive as his. So she was confused when he suddenly took off. Before she could voice a question, she smelled the meat. It smelled absolutely delicious. Considering that she had nothing but bread and dried meat with her, the thought of fresh meat was tantalizing.

As they approached the firepit, Kara saw the figure tending over the spits. Given their interaction with the goblins earlier, she pulled slightly on the wolf's fur hoping he would slow his approach. They needed to decide if the figure was a threat, but they also did not want to threaten her. They were not here to harm her, just hoping to share in the delicious meal she was preparing.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa started to salavae as the smell came to her. As much as she want to run ahead she forced herself to keep pace with the Dwarf.
"I've not seen goblins this far into the woods before. Hopefully they have not found this place.." Said the Elf. "Your first fight?"
A reddish shade flushed over Tonaf's faced like a ripe tomato in response to Rypa's question. "First? W-well-" He stuttered, subconsciously gripping at the newly knitted scar he'd earned moments ago. "I-I mean, I've had rogues and other funny looking tallfolk come a bit too close to my home stump, but noffin' to dig a grave over." Ton explained, a rueful twitch of his lip masked by the curls under his beard.

"I just like t' be left alone." The Wood Dwarf continued. "There's nothing enchanting 'bout me, Dwarf or not."

His nostrils soon caught the aroma of sizzling, spitting meat as soon as his stunted vision caught sight of the cabin's roof exposed beside the canopy of the forest. He'd half believed himself to be dreaming; that he was actually back home in Dukewood with a freshly cooked steak welcoming him to his dinner table. But as the rising smoke from the fire pit and the figure that tended to it would insinuate, the overpowering smell was real. Now, if only he could taste what fine meal perpetuated it.
Sohati Kelly (played anonymously)

The woman's head was quick to snap around towards the source of the sudden, unexpected sneeze. Upon seeing the large wolf and the small woman on his back the woman is quick to take a step towards the cloth covered object. Using her right foot the woman hooks and kicks the object up into her hand in a single fluid motion.

With the object in hand but without taking any type of aggressive stance, she quickly calls out to the woman "It is rude not announce oneself when approaching another's camp. If you are a friend, tell me your name and if there are any others." Now that she was away from the fire pit and facing the pair, it was easy to tell the woman was of draconian decent, the purple horns and scales framing her face a dead giveaway to any who had seen one before.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

He lifted his head and ears in response to her swift movements. He silently cursed his wolf instincts as he slid one paw back. " Getsurei.."

As he noticed more of her features, his head slowly lowered back down to a neutral place. The horns and scales made him think of his draconic Zaiver Kru friends that he once fought beside. ", I didn't mean to intrude. There are two others"

He looked up at Kara with his ears half down. His stomach growled making them flatten more.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara was glad the wolf decided to answer first. She shifted a bit on the wolf before giving her name, "My name is Kara. And yes, there is an elf and a dwarf shortly behind us. They are also friendly. We were just following the smell. We have had a long days journey and the smell of meat cooking drew us here." Kara slowly slid down the side of the wolf. She figured she was much less threatening on her own two feet. She recognized that the woman was draconian. Kara took a couple steps forward and said in Draconic "I am very sorry that we startled you. It was not our intention."
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa looked at the woman tending the fire she was not familiar but it had been a while since she had last sweep. As the gnome seem to have already entered conversation with the woman she decided to leave it to her. She walked keeping her hands away from her weapons.
"hey, Kara whats happening?" Said Rypa in Gnomish.
Tonaf just bit his lip, content to waddle along while the group came to a standstill with the strange woman guarding this cabin of delicious smells. It was a slight awkward to watch dumbfounded as his companions spoke in various tongues in this confrontation; he hardly knew any tongue that wasn't familiar with his home, which was not even Dwarfish!

His wooden axe hung over his shoulder it had before, Tonaf tailed the Elf before becoming the last figure emerging from the woods.
Sohati Kelly (played anonymously)

If there was any shock at being face to face with a talking wolf, the woman did not show it outside of a raised eyebrow. When the other two appeared she gave them a once over. A dwarf and an elf as well? A diverse group to say the least. Staring at the group as a whole, the woman's eyes stop on Kara. Staring the gnome woman directly in the eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time, the woman finally speaks, starting in draconic before addressing the group as a whole with a cheerful tone "Let what is past flow away downstream. I am Sohati Kelly. If you're intentions are pure, then by all means join me for a meal. I always prepare extra in case I have guest. Your other two friends there can introduce themselves while eating."

Without waiting for a response, Sohati reverses the motion she had used to pick up the cloth bound object to replace it on the ground with a heavy thud. Turning back to the meat spits she begins to pull them from the fire before tapping the log with one foot "The meat is ready. I was just adding the finishing touches. It's best fresh off the fire. Sit and tell me what the four of you are doing so far off the beaten path."
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

The red magic sparked from Getsurei's left eye as he walked over to the fire side. The wolf features giving way once more to those of a white haired young man. Even in this form he still held a solemn expression.
He adjusted the collar on his neck, as he sat down, to prevent the fur along his spine from being bothered. " Thank you. You are very generous"

His eyes darted around the cabin for a moment before he looked at the fire. Flames that danced like sprites melted away what tension he clung to. He opened his mouth to share his tale only to change his mind. Two still had yet to introduce themselves after all. It was not his place yet.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara turned slightly toward Rypa to answer her in Gnomish, "It's ok. We startled her is all. I was reassuring her that we are not a threat."

At Sohati's invitation, Kara moved forward toward the fire, "Thank you." She settled herself near the fire and waited for the others to introduce themselves. She had noticed the woman did not express shock over a talking wolf and that was reassuring. She wondered what the woman thought of such an odd group travelling together. Kara saw Getsurei begin to speak and then change his mind. She also waited for Rypa and Ton to introduce themselves. While the meat was being handled by Sohati, Kara pulled out the bread she had and began to divide it up to pass around the group.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa took a seat next to the fire and gladly accepted the food.
"I live the vagabond life going hither and thither." Said the Elf as she ate. "I'm a guardian of these woods; I go where I'm need or the whim takes me. For now I'm guiding This seeker of the arcane on her path."
She centered herself and scanned the hut wondering what this dragonkin is doing out here on her own. She prided herself on keeping the woods clear of the unnatural but nature was not with out it's claws so why was this one living out here on her own.
An audible rumble churned from the Wood Dwarf's stomach like a subtle vibration underneath his skin once he had drawn himself close to the various spits and incenses of beef, mutton, venison and whatever the like had been hunted near and beyond the forest. 'She was a strange one, this lass' Tonaf thought, eyeing the enigma's unique complexion of tall folk skin and scales that he had only seen upon the backs of Dukewood adders. Draconinian origins were something alien to him; fantastical lizards and reptiles from lands he'd never ventured were hardly anything he brooded upon, as he stroked the broad end of his axe, now daubed in the hue of goblin blood.

Ton frowned as he sat beside a log next the others, hoping that his beard would hide the silent contort upon his face -- he felt strangely mundane and out of place. A simple woodcutter out on some wacky adventure with magical strangers whose motives he'd dare not guess. The current aroma was enough to smother any bad notions from his mind, however.

"My name is Tonaf, Miss; Tonaf of Dukewood." He introduced himself, discarding the axe by a nearby bush on the side. "I am a woodcutter of the forest, but the tallfolk merchants just call me 'Wood Dwarf.'" He finished his sentence with a bitter tone at the mention of his nickname, but the smell once again burned away at his spite.

"T-this is all a very nice selection, Miss. All very fresh, too" He complimented with a smile. "How fares the hunt for game with Goblin folk on the prowl?" He asked curiously.
Sohati Kelly (played anonymously)

The way Sohati handled the meat was plain and simple. Sohati producing some strips of clean cloth from her robes, which she wraps the ends of the spits Thanks to their simple stick design, what had once been spits now served as large kabobs which she in turn passed backwards to her new guest. Taking the final spit for herself Sohati stands and turns to view the group again, her face momentarily showing surprise at the sight of a man instead of a wolf "Mother told me of magic from the old country like that...Never thought I'd see it here. I'll have to ask him about it before they leave." she thought to herself.

Covering her surprise up by taking a bite of meat, she addresses the group "Much better now that we know each other. But a seeker, a woodcutter and....a pair of guardians? A strange group....but I suppose a group of dragoons looked just as strange." Smiling cheerfully to Tonaf and Kara, she says "And thank you. The hunting has been well. Goblins included." She stops talking to take another bite of meat from her spit, continuing once she swallows "I find they need to be seasoned heavily like this in order to taste good though...I hope it is to your liking." Normally a rumor, Sohati's remarks about goblin meat gave at least a sliver of truth to the tale about the draconian's willingness to eat nearly anything.
Getsurei (played by LunarValravn)

As Kara tore the bread, Getsurei reached out to help pass it to the others. When all had their bread, he rested his on his knee. His mind wandered off into pleasant memories stirred by the warm fire, pleasant company, and the smell of delicious food. His expression softened and a smile began to show until Sohati handed him his skewer of meat. His lips pulled back and he turned away as he sneezed once more.

" Forgive me" He said as he took the skewer. He noticed her surprise but it was something he was used to by now. " These herbs are truly potent" A look of satisfaction showed as his fangs sank into the juicy meat. To him the flavor was divine. Rich, savory, and cooked to perfection. He listened carefully as he took a few more bites.

Her comment about dragoons made him shake his head. " It's only strange when every element exists in the group or one is singled out" He took another bite now that realized what he had said. What did he know of dragoons? A plea for another to speak sat in his eyes as he looked at the others. Yet should he speak again? This talk of spices and goblins had him most curious. Perhaps this Sohati knew how to make even more delicious and exotic meats.
Kara (played by Rune_Weaver) Topic Starter

Kara went to take a bite of meat, registered the comment about goblins and paused. As the others continued to eat, she shrugged and took a small bite. It tasted good so she shrugged and continued eating. There was going to be way more than what she needed. Being only half the size of everyone else, if not smaller, she didn't actually require a whole lot of food. She ate a decent amount, more than she really needed, and then unwrapped the cloth at the bottom of the kabob so she could lay the meat down without putting it directly on the dirt.

Once she was done she leaned back on her arms and listened to the conversation. She was still turning over the idea that she was a seeker in her mind. She had never been refered to in that way before, though she supposed it was true. She was seeking knowledge of the runes. She found it interesting that Getsurei seemed to always look so embarrased when he spoke. Even though no one seemed to mind. She smiled kindly at him when he glanced in her direction, hoping to reassure him that he could continue.
Rypa (played anonymously)

Rypa loss her apatite on the suspition that she was eating sentient creatures. She looked around the fire at her companions wondering what they thought of their dinner.
"I've not know goblins come this far into the forest how long have you been encountering them?"
The Wood Dwarf was already munching on the succulent chops upon it's stake when Sohati made her remark on it's origin. He paused for a second, letting the crisp flames over his meal crackle and pop before disregarding the notion entirely. He couldn't imagine Gobbo meat tasting anywhere as good as what's on offer here. His dinner was finished within minutes; Tonaf was a broad man and his hunger had yet to be sated.

He licked his lips and wiped the sweat from his heavy brow, holding away at the urge to ask for another portion. But as quickly as Tonaf placed away his gnawed shishkabob, the talk had already switched from food to far less mundane matters. He'd barely registered Geturei morph into the form of a man, shaking his head wide-eyed at the sight was enough of a reaction from him.

For now, he would just listen in to the conversation about the Goblins, hoping the plague of their being did not infect his home forest.

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