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Forums » Art & Creativity » Christmas Tarot Card Readings - CLOSED


So last year I did tarot card readings for ten of my friends for Christmas. It was a simple three card spread (past, present, future), and I really liked doing it. This year I've decided to challenge myself.

For the first 20 people who give me two or more of their characters I will do a reading for their character. It will come in the form of a dream from one of my characters. There will be a little bit of pre-written stuff, but 50% or so of it will be just for your character. I will use their profile to get to know them a little bit to help me with their reading. If you want to give me a question for the characters to ask in the dream, I will totally accept that!

I will then wake up early on Christmas day (or do it after midnight) and send out your reading to your character. You have my permission to post the reading on your characters profile or keep it secret or tell your best friend late at night during a sleep over. I only ask that you credit me, please.

From the people signing up, please, please two or more characters, but don't over do it. I know some people have 50+ characters and it's hard to pick one when I see so many choices! I do want choices, though, so that you can get a sense of Christmas surprise, like opening a package from that really weird cousin that stands WAY too close to you.

So yeah, I figure there are about a bajillionty people on this site I can rustle up 20 people!

(To be fair, I will be accepting the first twenty comments I see with two or more characters linked. I will keep track here :3)

1. Sanne <3 (Sulan or Darth Sinnice) Done

2. Strangedisease <3 (Blue or Kiah) Done

3. EonRising (Kristof 'Doc' Vectorscchenk or Natalia) Done

4. Amirrora (Number 64 or Piper Cross) Done

5. Jinxy111 (Ambrose or Jeremiah) Done.

6. MadRatBird (Luna Song or Panna) Done

7. LuciferBrimstone (Jason, Leon Nicky or the Twins) Done

8. illantis (Krotos, Vexam or Azhai) Done

9. Miss (Crow or Tannis) Done

10. Rynh (Bender of Iron Will or Crystal Hail) Done

11. virusghost18 (John or Emil) Done

12. Paich (Lear Cace or Everenne Cace) Done

13. CrucifiedGod (Holy Ghost or Tsukutomi) Done

14. PenGryphon2007 (Hunter or Zeke) Done

15. KingofHaddock (Bohtimbhar or Xaria) Done

16. Copper_Dragon (Typhus or Quickfoot) Done

17. Anon! (Blake or Blizzard or Errown or Feldar) Done

18. Fox. Your name is hard to type, so I'm not going to. (Matthieu Vega or Kitain Harran or Darrell) Done

19. Heimdall (Bolverk or Heimdall or Magnus) Done

20. Audisey (Shadra or Orion) Done
Sanne Moderator

I LOVE these things!

Darth Sinnice andddddd Sulan!
TheLily Topic Starter

I had a feeling you would be the first one to reply, Sanne :3
Whoot!! I want to enter Blue or Kiah. I'll pm specifics about questions later when I have time to think about them!
Natalia and Doc :3
TheLily Topic Starter

17 spots to go :3
Give me a minute to think about this, but I definitely want to reserve a spot! I'll post my charries in like two minutes :3

What's the limit on this, how many charries max can I post here?
Perhaps Number 64 or Piper Cross?
I've always loved tarot card readings!
Jeremiah or Ambrose. This sounds fascinating.
Ooh! Luna Song or Panna! :D.

This is exciting.

I hope it's not too hard! :c
TheLily Topic Starter

LuciferBrimstone wrote:
Give me a minute to think about this, but I definitely want to reserve a spot! I'll post my charries in like two minutes :3

What's the limit on this, how many charries max can I post here?

I would say probably five - and I'd just like you to know that I'm only offering it to the first people with 2+ characters I see. No reserving slots unfortunately!
Ok, I've picked my charries. I'll do Jason (, Leon (, Nick (, and the twins (

Have fun with this! I can't wait to see which one gets the reading :D
Krotos, Vex, or Azhai?

This looks interesting!
TheLily Topic Starter

12 more to go :3 All sorts of interesting characters coming up :3
Aha! Sorry, forgot to give a link to Panna!
I like this idea~ Tarot cards always remind me of Persona. My two characters will have to be Crow and Tannis.
Oh I do like this idea! That sounds like tons of fun. I've never actually had a tarot reading, so it'll be interesting to find out what exactly it is like. If you could do a tarrot reading of Bender Of Iron Will or Crystal Hail I'd appreciate it very much!
Could you make either Emil or John? It would be sweet to see either on as a tarot card!!! XD
TheLily Topic Starter

Less than half the slots available!
TheLily Topic Starter

there are still nine slots! Come on, I want 20!

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus