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While he does give the hand a wary look, he doesn’t flinch away, and the grounding is much needed and appreciated. The confirmation that this was indeed the place to get help also has him visibly relieved, in spite of his sheepish smile.

“Sure—I’m not really sure how my own… “powers”? I guess? Would help with that kind of thing, even if I wanted to. Powers." He made a face. "Wow, that sounds weird—no offense, I meant, for me? If I can stop them from popping up everywhere on their own, though, MAN that’d be fantastic.”
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura nods thoughtfully to Time Ghost. "Yes, I can see how that might come in handy. Are you able to do it such that matter doesn't affect you, either? Say, to dodge a punch that might just go through you? Or is it time only?" She paused, realizing that she wasn't sure how a person could leave time but not space, or space but not time, but sometimes powers were complicated. She shook her head, turning to Jeremy and giving his shoulder a comforting pat. "Getting them under control is absolutely the first step. I promise, your life is about to change, and you're going to have your own choice in where you go from here. Can you tell me anything about what it is that you can do, or what it is that you want to STOP doing?"

Over in the training bay, the word "Cheating" fades away, and is replaced by rather more words: Object of simulation: hone physical reflexes for use when offensive powers are unavailable.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Ack--sorry, again." Zyn added, feeling like a bit of an idiot when the creature settled for spelling out the message instead. He did look kind of cute bouncing around, but she wasn't about to dare admit that aloud. "It was still better than mine though. I can see why no one ever asks me to play charades anymore."

She let out a slight laugh at her own joke before quieting down again.

"Nearby Geneweaver, huh? I can see why you'd be super smart after that. Just soaking up all the, uh... science." she finished, rather lamely. "I haven't studied it much myself, but wow, can you imagine being able to physically make anything that pops into your head?"
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Having given her TV interview(?) Vector gives a little twirl and wave to those present, and blows kisses apparently randomly on her way back over to the teleporters. "Great meeting you all! See you on the second day of this little open house, I bet." And with that, she exits the scene.
Seraph (played anonymously)

"Not built for evasion sadly dear, but sound advice all the same I assure you. everything else can be done with the right words though, so I suppose this was indeed fun regardless." He didn't seem to care much, freely exiting the machine with a wide grin decorating his features. "Might not use that particular mode in the future myself, but I assume its more useful for others. I learn better through reading anyway, not much of the physical sort."
“It’s been pretty wild already, not gonna lie. Absolute hell trying to keep my students from catching them.” He chuckles again, mostly out of fondness, but there’s still that uncertainty. “Might have to show you instead? Kinda hard explain, the whole thing’s a little... yeah.”

He holds out a bandaged hand, and it takes him a bit—maybe stage fright, especially with the person just leaving—until a small light hums into his palm. It stretches out slightly, and soon enough, a small, red outline of a stickfigure stood, unmoving.

“...It’s uh. I can get it to move too, but I don’t think you can touch it? Like, look—” he waves a hand through it, demonstrating it phasing back and forth through the conjured image.
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Physically make anything...? Even the Geneweaver couldn't do that... but perhaps compared to other people, it might appear as though he did have such powers. Sylyntz certainly admired their creator's abilities, even though they had been created with certain physical compromises. They certainly had capabilities that more than made up for it! Though they could not particularly show such things off without the correct equipment. Sylyntz offered Zyn a thoughtful flicker of the antennas to display their comprehension of her words. Their posture was one that seemed a little like they were experiencing a sense of wishing to be reassuring, head tilted in the opposite direction to their hips, antennae raised.

With the training room once again vacant, Sylyntz retired their drone back to its holster, powering it down as it slotted in, the charge metre on said holster's energy gauge dropping in value a little as it recharged the drone within.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura watches closely as Jeremy demonstrates his odd power, and after a moment, understanding seems to dawn on her. "Oh! This looks like a... hmn, how should I put this... Basically, there's a whole branch of powers that have to do with visual illusions. They can be extremely realistic. Some people are able to do auditory, olfactory or even tactile illusions as well, though most people who manifest an illusion power only have one or two senses that they can influence in this way. Does that sound more or less like a label we can start working with, or am I way off base?"

"Sorry about that," she calls over to Seraph as he steps out of the training bay. "The AI is still very new and not really flexible in its definitions of success. We'll get it trained up, too!"
Seraph (played anonymously)

((I gotta head out guys, getting tired, sorry guys)
April O Neil (played anonymously)

Vector wrote:
An expression of shock briefly crosses the teen's face as April asks who she is, but she quickly shakes it off and turns her star-power smile back on. "I'm Vector, crime-fighting teen, and star of the hit Bisney show 'Vector Explains It All,'" she declares, placing her hands on her hips and popping one hip out in a thoroughly jaunty pose, just a little too exaggerated to be natural. She could easily have her photo put on a movie poster in this moment.

“Ah yeah... I recognise you now... “ April said with a nod... not only was she doing an I for aerial, but one for a rival network. As her interviewee got comfortable, April cued the camera and puffed her hair some before the went live...

”This is April O’Neil reporting live from the Spring Masquerade, and I have with me Vector from the hit show ‘Vector ExplaIns It All’... tell us Vector, what brought you to be here at this masquerade?”

She looks over at her cameraman Jimmy who is ha d signalling that they are only giving the station video feed with no audio and have cut back. Once the light was off April said, “This has to be the worst tech day eva....”
She thanked Vector for trying to interview and she waved to wrap this disaster up.
"Illusions?" He blinks. "..I-I mean, I guess yeah? I never thought about it like that though, since I can just do small stuff. I mean, if I try hard enough I can make them look like characters, but yeah. Oh hey yeah! Works with the whole animation thing. Illusion of life and stuff, you know?” He nods, now a bit excited as if that conclusion made perfect sense.

He dispels the image, practically shooing it out of existence before continuing. “Sounds like a great place to start, yeah! I just… How do I start though?”
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

The small furry alien waved his antennae at her in a friendly sort of way, as if to reassure her. She gave him a small smile, watching as the drone landed in his holster.

It was at that moment a small ringing sound started in Zyn's ear--she'd nearly forgotten about the earpiece she wore.

"Sorry, little guy, but I gotta take this--it was nice meeting you." she said, giving the small creature a little wave. "Don't be afraid to come say hello if we see each other again!"

She had begun to cross the room to find a quiet place to chat, but she stopped when she spotted it--a little, holographic stick figure standing on a man's hand. It struck her that she had hardly seen anyone use their superpowers all day--not that she had noticed, anyway--forgetting all about the phone call, she found herself growing closer to him, bending down slightly to get a closer look.

"Whoa, that's so sick! Can you make it do a little dance?" she asked impulsively, before realizing what had come out of her mouth.

"Er, sorry, you don't have to, if you don't want to--I didn't mean--"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Well... I've never done illusion training myself, but I've seen it done a few times. The best case would be for us to find you someone who is a bit more advanced in their current learning curve, whose powers are similar enough to yours that you could learn from one another. But for now... Here, try this." She dips into a pocket and pulls out a small quantity of what appears to be rich, black dirt. Holding out her palm with the dirt in the center, she narrows her eyes at it ever so slightly, and shortly after a green shoot pushes through the dirt. White roots push from the sides of the dirt shortly, wrapping around her fingers and reaching down her wrist and arm, even as the shoot pushes upward, quickly blossoming into a purple orchid. "Can you try to copy this? Just an outline is alright for now, though bonus points if you can get any colors in your rendition!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz turned their attention to the room at large, moving into a position to get a fairly decent angle on all of the remaining guests, which generally meant finding a bit of space so that the angle of their view was not a particularly unhelpful one. They were quite content with observing from afar, trying to pick up on any further displayed abilities that the Geneweaver might find worth following up on in his search for future clients.
“Whoa! Oh, hey uh.” He’s definitely caught off guard by the sudden addition to their party, but he offers an apologetic grin. “I probably could have, I kind of threw him off, but I can bring him back later, yeah!”

He turns his attention to the black soil with some curiosity, watching their host concentrate and exchanging the occasional confused glance to the young woman. It's all he can not to step back when he realises that something was growing out of the dirt, and not just growing, but blooming? Almost cartoonishly, his mouth is agape, and he has to catch himself to just give an incredulous look. "Okay well. That was amazing first of all. Second of all—Oh man. I think I could. Let me think."

He focuses once again on his own bandaged hand, trying to find the image in the light. Once again, a small hum of light appears, flickering. At first, it seems to just immediately take the shape of a doodle of a flower, the kind you would expect in a child's drawing. "No, that's not—one sec." It phases back into a ball. A deep breath, and then slowly, a small line sprouts from its center. He almost tilts his head in tandem with the motion, as if making sure everything is moving correctly. One outline of a magenta petal blossoms. Then another.

Then it stops. He sighs, a little disappointed. "Um... Kind of has a mind of its own, sometimes?"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura chuckles, bobbing her head in thanks at the compliment. "Tricks like this are very easy now, but they weren't always. When I was growing up, I had a chia pet. You know, one of those clay creatures that you grow grass out of to make it look like it has hair, or fur? One day I was having a tea party with some dolls and I sneezed, and that chia pet erupted. Clay shards everywhere. And my bedroom was covered in an inch of grass clippings. My parents were pretty mad, but baffled. For a long while they had convinced themselves that I'd left a window open or something. So, I definitely get it. Even when I thought I had things under control enough to go to school, I still gave my classmates crazy hay fever through most of elementary and middle school."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Still. Super cool." Zyn added, not seeming to realize she was intruding. "I mean, imagine being able to do something like that when tracking down a monster. You could tangle him up in vines, or make a wall appear in front of him that he only thought he couldn't walk through."

"Er... sorry." she added, stopping herself again. "Name's Zyn." she added, for Jeremy's benefit. "I don't have any super powers myself, and I'm not usually allowed to play around with anything that... well... does anything cool." she finished off again, quite lamely.
He swears he’s trying his best to be polite, especially since at this point he’s pretty sure she really is their host, but he can’t help but snicker at the story. “S-sorry. Hope no one got hurt! But that’s amazing, like. I don’t know, again, this is an entire new world for me. And yeah!” He nods in agreement with Zyn. “You could actually do stuff!

“Oh, hey! I’m…” He pauses. Should he have a name? …But everyone was a super here, so it should be okay. “I guess, Jeremy is all I have for now! I didn’t have any powers until recently, it was.. uh. A bit of shock.” He holds up the bandaged hand. “No joke, literally.” He paused. “…Well, maybe kind of a joke. Cool stuff though?” What on earth could be considered cool by their standards?
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura shakes her head. "Oh, I had a few scrapes, but it was nothing really. Mostly, I was just in shock." She looks thoughtful, mouthing "Jeremy" to herself in silence, and then says, "We should give you a temporary call sign for now. You can make a decision about a permanent one or whether to forego one entirely later on, but I don't want to close any doors for you this early. What about... The artist? Doodler?... Pencil?" She scrunches up her nose, trying to think of something simple to go with for now. "Stick Figure? The scribbler? Just, something like that for now. Until you find something more permanent."

Then, she turns to Zyn. "Zyn, is Jeremy the sort of person that your, uh... organization looks out for? If locals get spooked by his manifestations?"
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Uh, I mean imbued things. Like, ah... certain 'supers' are powerful enough to essentially give their powers to odjects. Like, for example..."

She reached a hand into her pocket, pulling out a plain, unassuming cork and holding it out for his inspection

"...This thing. It can plug any hole, but it's kinda specific--that and it doesn't always work for me." she gave the item a slight frown at this. "...But the real cool stuff can be dangerous in the wrong hands. So we're only allowed to use it in certain circumstances."

At Datura's question, she gave the man a sideways glance, seemingly evaluating him.

"We are sort of short on hands at the minute. I mean, I'm the only one really available for field work. But there's other stuff to do too. Cataloging for example, aka getting to play with stuff like this all day." she added, holding up the cork again.

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