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Forums » General Roleplay » Official Event: Spring Masquerade

Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The teen's eyebrows go way, way up, and she mutters something about not realizing it was going to be that kind of workday. She glances around quickly as if checking for the location of any possible recording devices, her eyes skating over Sylyntz once more. Her voice is suddenly all business, loud and commanding. "Okay, first thing's first, who's a civilian? Hands up if you want to be taken to safety!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Now that was odd... just as Sylyntz was trying to nudge their belt into a position to better secure the letter with subtle hip movements - if one could call what they had 'hips' - there was an odd vibration throughout the building. Sylyntz tottered about a little trying to work out just what was going on. Nothing... it was... nothing...?

Sylyntz's head turned left and right, eyeing the west side of the building in confusion. Maybe it was just an earthquake? They were of course totally oblivious to the mayhem that was unfolding behind them.
Absolutely beaming, Jeremy is about to continue with his gratitude. But then comes the alarm, and he falters with a frown. "What? What do—"

He falls back with a loud swear, wondering what on earth that horrible sound was. When he manages to find its source, his face pales, looking between the wall and Datura. Those guys definitely did not look friendly, and he quickly scoots back, eyes between them and finally resting on the grand arrival.

The evil laugh was impressive though, he had to give him that.

Part of him nearly obeys the teen's call for evacuation, before realizing that oh, wait a second. First looking at his hands, then to Datura, Zyn, Sylyntz, Vector and the other new faces, he eventually decides to stand, rather shakily, at their side. It's more awkward and hardly as brave as he would liked it to appear, but he's doing the best he can. Help now, panic later. ALL the panic.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

It was almost something of a relief to Zyn as she caught Jeremy--no, sorry, Keyframe's--friendly wave at her. In response, she lifted a hand in a rather casual-looking salute, giving him a sly grin.

Maybe today wouldn't be so bad?

Naturally, as soon as that thought had floated across her mind, the whole building started to rumble and shake, causing the girl to nearly loose her footing as she quickly groped for something to hold on to--in this case, a nearby railing. Within seconds, one of the walls crumbled inward, revealing a huge armored vehicle and a bunch of goons that looked like they had stepped out of a summer blockbuster.

"Major Pollution?" she echoed rather causally, adrenaline pumping through her veins as she wrapped her fingers tightly around something on her belt, pulling a small knife out of it's sheath, one that looked an awful lot like the sword she had used in the simulation yesterday. "Were all the good supervillain names taken?"

It definitely looked as if she had brought a knife to a gun fight, but this was no ordinary knife. seconds later it's etching began to glow an ominous green-blue, and it quickly doubled in size, causing the air around her to shimmer in a haze of light.

Please be enough. Please, please be enough. she thought to herself.
Sentinel sensed the rumbling and quickly rushed over to see if he could help. "Time to get to work." he whispered to himself.

He summoned his double-sided scythe to his hand as he got closer. He looked around to see if there was anything he could use to his advantage.

The villain's laugh was pretty good though. It definitely was better than a lot of the ones he was used to hearing.
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Vector stares at Sylyntz just standing there as the wall caves in behind them. "Oh," she catches herself before she can swear, and finishes, "poop." She blurs over to the weird little furry creature, stopping just long enough for the human eye to register her complete silhouette locking an arm around their furry center. Assuming no resistance, she vrrrrrrrroooms them over to behind a metal console built into a corner of the room, depositing Sylyntz there, hoping it's enough cover to protect them from the laser beams flying through the air. "Mybestsideistheleft," she motor mouths, barely managing to slow her speech down enough for the human ear to understand her. "I'mgonnawantacopyofthis. Thanks." She gives them a blurry patpatpat on the head, and goes streaking back over to the group of supers standing defiantly in the center of the lobby, pausing JUST long enough for a heroic pose, ponytail fluttering over her shoulder in the wind of her own speed, then blurs again, and returns holding one of the weird sci-fi guns she apparently just took off a goon. "I'vereallygottapaymoreattentionattargetpractice," she mutters, but she does manage to look real cool holding it.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Panels in the Super Center's ceiling slide back, allowing mechanized turrets to lower from the ceiling and take aim at the approaching army of goons. A bona fide laser fight begins, green lasers from the Super Center, red lasers from Major Pollution's forces.

Datura throws her arms up, and the garden at the center of the lobby erupts into a near jungle of vines, stretching from wall to wall and floor to ceiling, hiding the defenders from the rapidly closing force. The occasional red laser comes PEW PEWing through the wall, leaving sizzled plant matter behind. Still, it makes the goon's fire much less accurate when it comes to the small group of defenders.

"Keyframe! Try to distract them! Give them false targets if you can. Vector, Zyn and -- whoever you are -- " she says, indicating Sentinel, "Get ready to rush them when I drop this wall!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz was... at a total loss as to what just happened. One minute they were looking for a source of an earthquake whilst they felt the impression of movement around them that did not match previous patterns. The next, they were being whisked away and... deposited...? They managed to just about catch sight of Vector as they glanced around trying to find the source of what had moved them, then spent a few seconds getting their bearings. They were... behind furniture...? Equipment. A console. This was certainly quite far away from where they were before. Sylyntz peeked out from their hiding place...

And the penny dropped.

Oh noes! Someone had crashed into the wall! No wait... that wasn't an ordinary vehicle. Were those guns...? Goodness! Was this an attack...? One thing was for certain. Sylyntz was not equipped for warfare. Not without...

Sylyntz used their neural transmitter to send a distress message back to the lab. With any luck, the Geneweaver still had that spare teleportation watch. Which meant... he could send it through...
He’s only momentarily distracted by the serious looking guy from earlier, wondering what on earth he could—“Oh, damn.” He breathed. That was a COOL weapon.

No, wait, concentrate. He focuses back, or at least tries to in the middle of the whole chaos. He’s about to fret and fully panic when Datura’s instruction brings him back, having him nod wide-eyed.

“Okay, alright, h-here we go—“ He focuses on his hands, watching a ball of light come to life, growing, and growing. At his chest’s size, it’s just another stickfigure, with a crudely drawn sword, but it will do. It’s stretched out again for good measure, this time comically elongated, and with some concentration...

The figure takes on the poses expected of a normal walk, ending with a swish of its sword, before actually walking off in a straight line towards the minions, looping those movements. Right, that wasn’t too bad. Now if he can get three more out there—
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Vector takes just a moment to gawk at "Keyframe's" weird power. Was he gonna end up working with the Bisney channel too? Luckily, it's a moment to her, so it goes by fast enough that only another speedstar could have seen it.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

Zyn didn't think she'd find herself using the previous day's training quite so soon, but now she was extremely thankful it had happened. She slid to the side to dodge a laser that had been shot in her general direction, and was trying to prepare herself to do it again when the huge wall of vegetation grew up from the floor, providing a barrier between them and the goons.

With a nod to Datura to show she understood the instructions, she twirled her blade around in her fingers, taking a deep breath and trying to steady herself. She was trying to take it seriously, but was somewhere between 'holy-fritos-we-could-all-die' and 'holy-moly-this-is-really-cool'

"Focus, Zyn!" she reminded herself through gritted teeth. She allowed herself a brief glance at the heroes beside her, taking note of the way they prepared themselves for battle.

Man, maybe if she survived this, they'd allow her to play with some of the cooler gadgets back home. For, ah, self defense, of course.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Ready!" Datura calls to the group of defenders, "3, 2, here we go--"

When the wall of foliage drops, there's a thick green-grey fog rolling out of the vehicle's open hatch, filling the room with noxious gas that makes the eyes sting and throat close up. That explains the gas masks all the goons are wearing. Spectacularly backlit by red light, a tall figure in black armor, sculpted to look like a set of very masculine muscles strides out of the hatch, cackling maniacially. His black cape billows behind him, his own gask mask in the shape of a bug-eyed skull. Wherever he steps, an acid-like substance pools and sizzles, eating into the very metal of the floor.

Datura's vines go from wall to whips, harrying the goons and attempting to entangle them, but the small army continues to fight its way forward, squeezing off shots at the defenders. Behind them, Major Pollution stretches a hand out toward Datura in an almost-claw like attitude, and from his palm streams a fire-hose torrent of neon-green toxic waste. It even glows faintly. Datura dives aside, but where ever the spray splatters her vines, they rapidly die back.
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

With a flash, a new arrival enters the building via the teleporter. But it is neither superhero nor media nor even plucky sidekick... no... instead, a sleek mechanised machine stands proud and at the ready, a couple of feet taller than a human, its humanoid shape both sporty and elegant. Futuristic and robust. And open upon its torso, a small cavity, far too compact for a human to fit into sits ready. A cavity... suspiciously proportioned to fit a certain someone. Large powerful-looking fists at the ready, the mech bounded forth a couple of steps, then skated across the ground atop an azure-blue energy cushion, its destination Sylyntz's hiding place. Once the mech had reached the fluffy bean, it lifted them up and carefully deposited them in its torso, hatch closing with a satisfying whoosh sound.

No longer controlling the mech remotely, Sylyntz surrendered their senses over to machine and took direct command. They were raring to go. Data from various sensor readings flooded into their mind to make up for their deafness. The mech turned to face the conflict and took a ready pose as it prepared to charge into the fray.
“Oh… yikes—“ the quip costs him, already coughing at the foul smell from that distance. His eyes are fine for now at least, what with the mask, and the gas still working its way through, but honestly for how long with a Halloween mask—

He pulls his shirt up by the neckline over his nose, and it only somewhat helps. The appearance of the machine was a surprise, but definitely a welcome one once he realises it's on their side?

Can the others see, at least? He sends off the other three stickfigure sword men, glowing red as they entered the toxic fog, unstopping. In his own hand, he prepares a blue light, waving it to the others. “G-guys…window?! Or, or wind!” If only someone could summon a tornado, or—"H-hey! Vector?" He coughs again, searching for the teen. "H-how fast can you go?"
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Vector squeezes the trigger of her super cool laser gun several times, but it quickly jams, not really meant to be fired off at supersonic speeds. She wrinkles her nose, slapping the gun, but quickly drops it and glances toward Jeremy. "Uhh... Faster thanaspeedingbullet? Literally? Likeliterallyliterally. It's inmythemesong?"

This speech accomplished, she blurs forward into the cloud of toxic gas, running in speed-blurring circles to kick up enough wind to corral the bulk of the gas in a mini-tornado. Unfortunately, there being nowhere else to send the smoke, she seems to be stuck continuing to run these circles and dodging goons. This definitely annoys her as she can't stop to do more cool poses, but she's professional enough at supering, not just teen TV starring, to keep at it anyway. "OhgeezohgeezohgeezohGEEZ," she mutters, watching her silver-white costume almost curdle to black in the noxious smoke. "DunnohowlongIcandothisgang!"
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

Zyn let out a series of hearty coughs, sincerely wishing she had bought that crazy whole-face mask now. She could hardly see through the tears that were welling up in her eyes, and would be extremely relieved later that she had managed to spot one of the goons taking aim at her.

Going on the offensive, she ran toward the goon, pausing briefly to dodge another laser, feeling it nearly graze her shoulder as she ducked into a slide, ramming the broad side into his ribs. He gave a hefty grunt and fell over, flailing and saying something intelligible.

Another shot caught her attention, this time deflected by the shield conjured by her weapon. It seemed she was not the intended target however, but rather someone behind her, waving a blue light through the fog, presumably in an attempt to gather their allies.

Scowling deeper, she made a run for the goon, raising her weapon, hardly aware of the goings on behind her.
Sentinel looked upon the battlefield. "What is it down there? A noxious gas?" He then noticed the mech. "Oh. Sweet." He began to think on a power to adapt. He then began to conjure the winds around him, forming his own wind tunnel. "There's a storm brewing now!" He then began to push the wind forward, hoping to either dissipate the gas or push it away. After that, he began to charge.
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Thankyouthankyouthankyooooou!" trills the teen to Sentinel, as he assists with his own wind tunnel.
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz let loose with the energy-assisted boots, skating onto the battlefield, throwing luminescent sparks out with each motion. They raised the arms of the mech out forward, energy welling up in the flared cuffs that accompanied the wrists. With a low-sub-sonic blast each, rings of blue energy shot forth, pushing aside a pair of goons ahead as though they were solid objects. Sylyntz skidded and drifted to a stop amidst the carnage and adjusted their pose to one more in-line with martial arts than energy-slinging. It was time to punch some bad guys!
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

As what remains of Major Pollution's forces close with the defenders, they sling their guns and pull out nasty, serrated blades, their edges gleaming with that neon-green toxic sludge. No doubt not healthy to get onto skin, to say nothing of a cut. Several attempt to surround the mech, and another handful charge at Sentinel and Zyn. One even finds itself confusedly slashing at Jeremy's stick figure.

"They're a distraction! Concentrate on Major Pollution if you can get free!" Datura calls, her vines attempting to wrap around the Major's arms and wrists, temporarily restraining him from aiming properly before he can snap them and pull away. Green lasers ping off his armor, leaving dents in the oil-slick shimmering surface.

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