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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Week 2021 Chat

10, 15 minutes?
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

oh wow
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

is there any way to know who sent it?
I have like, 11 of them. Got them from the new years event a while back. I stockpiled and every now and them I send one out because its funny
It should tell you at the top of the screen when it first goes off, same kind of notification as getting an item from dobutt I believe
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

oh then I totally missed it
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

well that sucks
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

I hope there's another way
Dont know if there is.oh wait. Right,Tom, that was me who sent it,
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

ahh alrighty
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

well thank you!
No problem, hope to rp and talk with you sometime.
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Anytime! just send a message whenever you'd like :)
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

actually we already had an rp if I remember correctly
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

I would like to publicly commend you on your rping skills Nerdy :)
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

(no idea how to do a kudo)
Go to their page. One of the links under the profile image will be "Give Kudos." For characters, it appears as a link at the top of the page. :)
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Tom wrote:
(no idea how to do a kudo)
profile >under portrait, there should be an option
Tom (played by dabomb217op)


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