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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

There's a bit by me. Spawn area, upper farmable land.
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Oh god my internet hates me
so guess what my mom took me to lunch to go eat todya..
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

fruit salad
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Tom (played by dabomb217op)

ngl playing dauntless rn
@nerdy if you come to the screen with the cows and chickens, some strawberries are about to grow
.. bug happened again..
I can collect them for you if you want!
just, it's gonna take a while before the game let's me load map data.
or not
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Server appears to be experiencing a lag spike
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It looks like it's clearing up
Tom (played by dabomb217op)

Oki do!
Two more sets of strawberries for fruit salads coming soonish, I'll collect one just in case

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game

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