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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Pizzard McWizard (played anonymously)

"Mhm. Full of oversized pizza cutters, enemies, flying blue and orange anchovies, more pizza cutters, boiling hot sauce, more boiling hot sauce, even more enemies, yadda yadda." Pizzard then said to Abigail.
Abigail (played by Alliyus)

"How interesting." Her voice was blurred, sleepy. She laid her head on the table and fell asleep again.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Natasha Kitty wrote:
Sits at a table with some soft tacos on her plate, food for her eyes and her stomach. Savoring each bite of them.

"Natasha, have you seen Ragna? I hope he didn't quit. I don't want to have to hire new a new bouncer...."

I'm right here just as usual.
Arigona (played by Alliyus)

Arigona sat there in a Victorian style of clothing. She had a black top hat. She had long blond hair curled up into a bun. Her lavender-purple eyes. She was a beauty from the past. Resurrected just for the reason of the 19th Century Era from London. She was drinking Ceylon leaf tea.
(Sorry, I know I haven't been active lately. Real Life sure knows how to keep me busy.)
Ragna The Bloodedge wrote:
(Sorry, I know I haven't been active lately. Real Life sure knows how to keep me busy.)

((Don't worry about it!))
Karlach wrote:
"I can be a bouncer if you need one."

Gently tugging on Karlach's sleeve, Noah then pipes up with a question, his ears folded as he shuffles his paws. "C-can I come with you?"
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

Karlach smiles at Noah. "Sure thing, sweetie." She gently pats him on the head. Her touch feels very warm.
Karlach wrote:
Karlach smiles at Noah. "Sure thing, sweetie." She gently pats him on the head. Her touch feels very warm.

Noah then lets out a soft squeak, his tail wagging as he smiles, before he instinctually held out his paws. "Hehe, okay!"
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Sits cross legged on the couch across the fire, staring into the dancing flames and absorbing the warmth. A shiver brought from her world of chilly white landscapes of snow, and dipping temperatures. She curls up and huddles into the couch.
... I suppose you know My Brother?
Yeah. I was just outside guarding the bar. Did something happen, Mathius?
"Yeah, your paycheck is in the office, and your steak fajitas are in the kitchen. It's break time for you"
Noah Taylorsen wrote:
Karlach wrote:
Karlach smiles at Noah. "Sure thing, sweetie." She gently pats him on the head. Her touch feels very warm.

Noah then lets out a soft squeak, his tail wagging as he smiles, before he instinctually held out his paws. "Hehe, okay!"

He brought the cub some apple juice and honey cookies. "here you go, young man. Enjoy a treat"
Karlach wrote:
"I can be a bouncer if you need one."

"Wonderful. I have two bouncers now; you're hired. Fake Peppino is the other chef, Natasha is the waitress, my son does a chunk of the baking, Ragna is the other bouncer, and my wife Astoria does the office work. Make sure people put their weapons in the weapons box, and we have a strict 'no fighting' rule"
Holding out his paws with stars in his eyes and a wide grin, he then squeaks, tail wagging happily.

"Wow~!" He chirps, his nose twitching like crazy. The honey treats were freshly baked, and the apple juice seemed really fresh. He then giggles, before gumming on one of his new cookies. "Phank you, mistewr!"
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Yeah, your paycheck is in the office, and your steak fajitas are in the kitchen. It's break time for you"

Oh, Thanks.
Arigona (played by Alliyus)

Arigona sat there, hunched over the chair at the table, asleep. She wore a black Victorian coat, with a black hat. She was silent as she slept.
Alice (played by Alliyus)

The sun was going down into the night. A young girl that stood at 5 feet, with bright lavender-purple eyes walked through the door. She wore a white and light-blue Victorian style Crinoline dress, with white pumps on. Her vibrant white hair blew in the soft breeze of the cold night. She seemed not cold though, which was unusual, but not certainly strange for some people. Some people may not be very prone to being cold if they lived in the East or South. She was from Antarctica, so the cold here didn't do anything to her. She didn't seem like someone from all the way down South, but she was. It was strange. She knew this place existed for people to lounge and have fun, and she was in the area already, so she wanted to certainly have time to check it out. She seemed really interested in this place. Not because Arigona and Abigail was here, but because Culebra was known to stop by here somewhat and sometimes a few. She always wanted to meet Culebra, the pure Aztec Goddess of Creation, a Divine species or race that seemed to conquer the universe a long time ago. She didn't seem to know where this would be, or when, but she did have hope.

Knowing this, she seemed to be standing out, not from around here. She walked through the door, the winter cold breeze blowing behind her, ruffling her beautiful white and blue crinoline skirt that flew up then down from the heavy gust of wind they flew through the door. The skirt flattened around her as she took a black backpack off her back and softly placed it down onto a wooden chair at the table/counter. She let the straps go. She took a soft warm sigh of relief when she finally got where she was trying to go. She looked around, confused for a moment. Not many people were standing around or talking. This place didn't seem very active at the time, which kinda saddened her, not that much, but it did. Sometimes she knew what would happen if she was a real outsider and didn't seem to know when something like this happened. She sighed, kinda annoyed at the moment. She looked forward to the counter that she was currently looking for someone who helped her and might get a drink. She straightened, standing at only 5 feet tall, not even as tall as the counter. She was around 20 years old, so she looked way younger than she really was. It was strange that a girl can't get above 6 feet normally, while boys seem to do it with ease. it was funny to think about.
Tri-Headed Dragon (played anonymously)

Rhokax and the boys were preparing to head back out for a new adventure.

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