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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"I doubt smoking anything is going to help anything."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: well clerly you have never smoked but that's why I said that's not much his thing and offered him a shot witch will do the exact same thing as smoking does takes away pain for a period of time or at least help you get over the pain
"Smoking would be against the point of my job as the Chief of Special Inspections Unit, and as a swordsman."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: um? how does pot affect a swordsman and whatever inspector you? no offense but those have nothing to do with each other in general especially the swordsmen part * max chuckled a little * max: and what would you suggest if your wife just ditched you or whoever
"I need to be completely on guard, at all times. Something you clearly have never known."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

mx: ok ya becouse i never need to gaurd myself unless i was being robbed and that's what your fist and a pistol is for * max chuckled * max: plus I wasn't offering it to you I was offering it to mathius sine he seems like he needs it you just seem like you need a different hobbie to get your mind to be at ease so your not needing to guard all the time * he chuckled slightly *
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"I would ask you not to suggest smoking to my father, depending on what it is,, it can be a potential lethal habbit" he said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: ok whatever you guys deal with your family drama sober * he said as he walked outside to his van and played music *
Arthur Zens Salvato (played anonymously)

Arthur stepped inside the bar, hands placed in his pockets neatly and his eyes narrowed.
Peepy (played by Jooters)

"HELLO PRETTY BOY!!!" Screeched peepy
Utahime (played anonymously)

Uta smacks him with a giant mallet says "Bonk" on the side
Peepy (played by Jooters)

Peepy's body deforms to the mallet but puffs back up soon after. Not having any bones or organs that would result in a bonk, the sound was more of a squeak.
Utahime (played anonymously)

Uta turns the mallet into one of those squeaky hammers, hitting them over and over, she was pretty fast with it, but it seemed heavy
After a few minutes she'd sigh giving up-
Peepy (played by Jooters)

Utahime (played anonymously)

"Maybe" she said, bonking him once again "Probably cause I should use an axe instead of a squeaky toy-"
Peepy (played by Jooters)

Peepy's body suddenly turns far more solid and into a metallic color. He is no longer a plush but... A figure?

Eh, I've seen weirder.
Utahime (played anonymously)

Uta proceeds to drop a Acme anvil on Peepy
Peepy (played by Jooters)

The Peepy remained and the anvil cracks.
Olly (played anonymously)

Utahime wrote:
"Have you tried asking people?" She'd ask "Im sure they live in some sort of castle-"

"I avoid asking people because... I feel like people thinks I'm insane and I'm willing to accept thaf, but not in a good way... Just uh... Look. I know I'm a king and all, but... Here. If Olivia comes back here, ask her about the photo I showed you, yeah?"

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