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Forums » Epic Week 2022 » Official Farm Game Chat 2022

Dragonfire Moderator

Hahah. That's what I've been doing, too.
Dragonfire Moderator

My laptop has a tendency to try and lift off when running the farming game for more than a few minutes.
mine only got angry when the wheat field in the mega-farm was completely full
I had to go rescue someone on a phone from a wheat harvest. ^^;
What? In the farm game?
Yeah. It was making them totally freeze up. Mass harvest in particular can be devastating if you have a less-than-fantastic machine.
Plus, if I remember right and unless Kim changed it, the site's actually set to prioritize processing posts in the forums over stuff happening in the game, so lag can get pretty weird at times.
She's improved game lag a lot this year.
for sure
Yeah, I noticed. ^_^
there's not been as many people in game as last year though, I wonder why
Still amusing watching peoples' avatars spaz as they run around. >.>
It seems like there's been less people involved in general this year, but that might just be a perception.
I saw someone moonwalk the other day
er... yesterday
With the farming game, for me personally, I quickly hit a point where I'm just going through motions and just kinda... stuck in it. Not really having fun, but feeding on the mindless activity, I guess.
Thanks, Mercy, for planting seeds.
Probably doesn't help how much I kept being left alone to make sure there was wheat and corn for animal feed last year. >.>

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2022 » Official Farm Game Chat 2022

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus