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Forums » Epic Week 2018 » Archery symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the archery symbol in Epic Week 2018. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people noodling together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help.
The first clue makes me think of prehistory.
Reading the clues available at the moment makes me think of Horizon Zero Dawn for some reason?

Archery - Alloy, the main character, uses a bow as her primary weapon
"In an age defined by its unusual wildlife" - The fauna in that game is very unique, it's comprised of mecha creatures
"Found at a place, at a time, with a key" - This one stumps me, I haven't done a ton of the side missions or the DLC (no spoilers please) but there could very well be a specific place that you can only access at a specific time with a key?
Clock. Sun. Sundial. Is the key a metaphor?

I've got a pal with a bday on the 26th, so she might unlock the last clue by tomorrow.
Im having some BOTW vibes? Possibly Zero Dawn Horizon?

Could this be somethring from the game of Skyrim?
Claine Moderator

... Could it be Dragon Age? (In an age defined by its unusual wildlife)

Is there an item which can only be "Found at a place, at a time, with a key"?
Really what isn't found at a time and a place with a key in a video game? Lol. I think the second clue is crucial for this one.
I was thinking Ice Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age, etc., but Dragon Age sounds better.
The first clue makes me think of a tree, or well the rings of age in a chopped down tree. Could it be something like that?
The answer to this riddle is found at this place at this time with the key being this answer. But I highly doubt that is true.
I thought of Dragon Age first, like Claire, but I've never played the games. However, I do have a friend on this site who's a pretty big buff for it. Hopefully, I'll get somewhere. In the meantime, we should really focus on getting that second clue unlocked...

Claine wrote:
... Could it be Dragon Age? (In an age defined by its unusual wildlife)

Is there an item which can only be "Found at a place, at a time, with a key"?
Maybe its refering to the eluvians within Dragon Age? You need a different key to open each one (power, knowledge, etc.)
I strangely think pokemon....
Claine Moderator

CassandravH wrote:
Claine wrote:
... Could it be Dragon Age? (In an age defined by its unusual wildlife)

Is there an item which can only be "Found at a place, at a time, with a key"?
Maybe its refering to the eluvians within Dragon Age? You need a different key to open each one (power, knowledge, etc.)

The third clue of has been unlocked "There are many of them"

You could be right!
There are a lot of them?

So, whatever the answer is, its in an age defined by its animals, in a place that needs a key and certain time, and there's a lot of it in that place.
I thought maybe the Royal Arms from FFVX, but that didn't work.
Maybe by defined by its wildlife, it means the age is named after the animals or creatures there. Im the same vein as Dragon age, but maybe age isn't strickly in the name.
According to Google and stuff, "Key of Korth is a plot item and key in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. It is one of the four keys needed to unlock the Avvar Deep Crypt in Vigil's Keep - Basement."
Maybe this has something to do with it? Would 'four' count as 'many' though?

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