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Forums » Smalltalk » free tarot readings! (/semi-hiatus update)


(re: semi-hiatus, i'm doing better mental health wise, but i still have absolutely no motivation to roleplay. if i haven't gotten around to responding to a roleplay with you, i'm very sorry, and i swear i'm not ignoring you, i'm just waiting for my motivation to come back so i don't send anyone really short, sloppy answers)
but on to tarot,

hello hello. i recently got a tarot deck and i'm having a blast lmao, but reading for myself is difficult, for whatever reason. so i decided to open this thread to see if anyone would be interested in me answering their questions by slamming cards down on my bedroom floor.



1. please remember that i am a beginner at this, so if you're like a Tarot Master whose been doing it longer than i've been alive, please be patient with me.

2. in tarot, there's the major arcana and the minor arcana. major arcana represent huge events, while minor arcana represent specifics, like a certain person or place. when a card comes up, i'll always post what it is in my response to you.

3. sometimes in readings, the card is reversed. this means that the meaning will be different than if it were upright, but the book i have that came with my deck doesn't go in depth about reversed cards and their meanings. i get the descriptions for reversed cards from

4. there are several different card spreads i can use to answer your question, but i'm going to go ahead and use this:


it's called the celtic cross spread. according to one quick google search, there's a lot of different ways to interpret it, but i'm going to be interpreting it like the way my book describes it:

card one: heart of the matter
card two: opposing factors
card three: root cause
card four: past
card five: goals
card six: future
card seven: you
card eight: external factors
card nine: hopes/fears
card ten: final outcome



1. again, please be patient with me. interpreting readings and posting them can take around an hour.

2. try to stay away from yes/no questions. for example, instead of asking something along the lines of, "will i ever get my writing motivation back up?" you could ask, "what's the future of my writing motivation?" or something.

3. please only ask one question at a time. after i answer your question, you can ask me another one, and i'll get around to it after i go through everyone else's.

4. if you're not satisfied with the answer, i will definitely give you another reading for the same question, but it may take at least a day because, sometimes, when i try to ask the same question, the cards will just be complete nonsense.

5. i'll try my best with every reading, but after a few tries, if the cards don't make sense, i'll let you know and then try again another time. i promise i'm not ignoring anyone, but sometimes it's just hard to piece everything together.

6. how seriously you take this depends on you and your beliefs.



1. mo_rain
2. Jolee
3. KendraDawn
4. Yumeshi
Id bite.PS....once you get your motivation back you know where to find me.

Hows my future happiness amd wellbeing looking?
haunt Topic Starter

Hikari_Yagaza wrote:
Id bite.PS....once you get your motivation back you know where to find me.

Hows my future happiness amd wellbeing looking?


(that's kind of hard to see oops)

card one (heart of the matter)

ace of cups: minor arcana card representing love's beginning. the book i have says "aces mark the beginning of exciting new phases. since the suit of cups deals specifically with love and emotion, you're in for a real treat. expect to enter a blissful time of health, joy, and friendship. a new love could be on the horizon. you may feel that you're making a whole new start. just go with it and allow this feeling to revitalize your spirit."

so, seems like a good sign for the future. i think the book did a good job explaining what's going on, so i don't have a lot to add. expect Good Vibes in your future.

card two (opposing factors

five of wands: minor arcana card representing feeling scattered, lack of focus, and feeling lost. the book i have says "a card of conflict. you may find yourself scattered, disinterested, tending to everything and nothing. since wands deal with our dreams and goals, it usually means this conflict resides within. your energy moves outward in many directions, yet you are suffering inside. take this card as a warning: find ways to bring calm and focus to your mind, or these troubles will only increase."

since this card is in opposing factors, i think it's encouraging you to remain focused so you don't start feeling lost and scattered. if you're currently feeling this way, it could be saying you need to work through these feelings in order to achieve the positive feelings associated with the ace of cups card. personally, i would take care of this by asking myself why i may feel so scattered and chaotic, and then taking care of whatever it is with baby steps. overall, i would recommend an occasional mental checkup to make sure you're keeping yourself as calm and focused as possible.

card three (root cause)

the star: major arcana card representing hope and peace of mind. "standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the stars and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. even though you can't find concrete answers to life's many questions up there in the sky, you can't help but feel comforted and renewed. such is the energy of the star card. it is not about actions or situations. it's simply about connecting to the part of you that is hopeful and serene. this force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. a lovely card."

i believe this could be saying you find hope and peace, which can lead to the positive new phase that the ace of cups talks about. again, i don't have much else to add but this is a really good, positive sign.

card four (past)

three of cups: minor arcana card that represents friendship, joy, and bountifulness. "the three of cups is a lovely card. it foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you'll forever hold dear. these are not any ol' friends; they are people with whom you feel a rare connection. with them you feel truly like yourself. enjoy each minute of their company. this card can also indicate an upcoming celebration. love abounds!"

i feel like this means that, in your past, you made close friends that also led you into a positive phase of your life, like what the ace of cups and the star talk about. since this is in your past, though, maybe it's encouraging you to reconnect with those friends if you've lost contact with any of them? (if anything like that has happened, of course. if not, feel free to ignore that part.)

card five (goals)

eight of swords: minor arcana card representing feeling trapped and powerless. "surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. you see no way out, no available choices. your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. what keeps you suspended here? yourself or others? the eight of swords demands an answer. you cannot hang here much longer."

the fact that this is in goals is kind of weird, because i have no idea who would consider these feelings a goal. i think what it's saying is that your goal is overcoming these feelings of powerlessness. i feel like this card is actually describing your current state, so in order to achieve your goal, you need to figure out what's making you feel like you have no choices and is giving you anxiety. eliminating these stressors from your life will lead to the happiness the star and the ace of cups talk about.

card six (future)

nine of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a happy, healthy home. "always a welcome card, the nine of pentacles is a time to enjoy the many results of your loyalty and hard work. this may be a promotion at work or a newfound stability and happiness at home. it's even possible that you'll find yourself enjoying the finer things in life, as luxury and refinement oftentimes accompany this card."

another positive sign. i think that, since this is in future, all of the breakthroughs associated with the other cards will lead to you receiving awards for it all in some way. basically, all of your hard work is about to be paid off.

card seven (you)

seven of swords: minor arcana card representing secrecy and self-interest. "six swords hang in plain view, while the seventh is tucked under the sly fox's tail. so goes the story of the seven of swords...a secret is being kept. you're either the keeper or the kept-from, and it's time to identify which. deceit and avoidance linger in the air. face the cause of secrecy or risk ostracizing yourself."

since this card represents you, i think it goes with the fifth card (eight of swords, the one about feeling trapped and powerless). i feel like these secrets may be the reason why you feel so trapped? maybe it's because you're dying to get something off of your chest, and it's making you feel trapped because you feel like you can't. that, or you may feel like someone is hiding something from you, which makes you feel, again, trapped and powerless. either way, i think this is saying that you need to confront the secrecy in order to move on, reach your goals, and enter the positive new phase in your life.

card eight (external factors)

ten of pentacles: minor arcana card representing fulfillment and abundance. "the ten of pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. the number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. so be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. provide guidance to those who struggle. you will be rewarded tenfold."

this is external factors, so i feel like this is saying your journey is almost at an end, and you'll be rewarded in the future. i feel like this is also related to card six (nine of pentacles, the one about being rewarded for your hard work). seems like you're going to be working hard and eventually, it'll all pay off in some way and create a good, positive atmosphere in your life.

card nine (hopes/fears)

ace of swords: minor arcana card representing truth and mental clarity. "when lightning strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. it's as though you can see everything, and this vision lingers on even through the storm. such is the power of the ace of swords. your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. it's a great time to make those decisions you've been putting off."

i believe this is saying that you hope your mind will become clear and it will help you make decisions, and i believe these decisions are related to card seven and card five. i think it's connected because it could be saying that you're hoping for the mental clarity to make good decisions and free yourself of the anxiety and powerlessness that you feel, and maybe the decision is related to the secrets in some way.

card ten (final outcome)

the chariot: major arcana card representing strong will and triumph. "the chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. at points in your life when you feel the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. build a relationship with this part of yourself. try to see the chariot inside you. the more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. with a fixed gaze and sure footing, you will be headed towards all you dream of."

so, in summary, once you work through everything, you will be given mental clarity and confidence. i feel like card two is definitely reminding you to make sure you stay focused, or else you'll risk feeling lost and scattered. a lot of your cards talk about mental clarity, and i think card seven is definitely reminding you to either get something off of your chest or confront someone about secrecy in order to relieve the anxiety that you feel. i feel like it's saying that right now you feel trapped and unfocused, but once you work through these feelings, you'll be confident and enter a very positive phase in your life. i believe it's also encouraging you to reconnect with the old friends that card four talks about, maybe to help you into this new phase in your life. i believe it's also saying that all of your hard work will be paid off and you'll get something very rewarding during this great time.

wow i said positive a lot

so. i hope this helped you in some way, and good luck with the future!
Wow that was amazing and scarily accurate.
Hey, it's fine I'm doing something similar but I'm also going on work overload. Take as long as you need :)

May I ask, How is my future in the traditional and performing arts looking? (Is this a good question? Idk I've never done tarots before but I've started trying to learn rune reading)
Just dropping in to say Oliver, your deck is stunning. May I ask which one it is?
haunt Topic Starter

Demilicious wrote:
Just dropping in to say Oliver, your deck is stunning. May I ask which one it is?

the wild unknown deck on amazon!

I would love a tarot reading. If possible? I'd love one in reference to my very near future well being. <3 If possible, of course. <3
haunt Topic Starter

Crystaldragon126 wrote:
Hey, it's fine I'm doing something similar but I'm also going on work overload. Take as long as you need :)

May I ask, How is my future in the traditional and performing arts looking? (Is this a good question? Idk I've never done tarots before but I've started trying to learn rune reading)

(the question's completely fine!)


card one (heart of the matter)

father of wands: minor arcana card symbolizing charisma and creativity. the book i have says "the father of wands is a man of mystique and charisma. others are drawn to him naturally, and he opens them with open and loving arms. usually you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. he is able to hold steady and still during conflict."

i feel like this could be saying, through the arts, people are going to be drawn to you and you're going to have a boost in creativity (which would help since the subject is art.)

card two (opposing factors)

eight of cups: minor arcana card symbolizing stagnation and ill health. "the eight of cups sends an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. there is no hope of rekindling what's been lost. you must start anew. this card also points to phases of ill health and physical stagnation. the message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. lift your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward."

the card's description is extremely blunt, but i feel like, since this is in opposing factors, it could be interpreted as saying that you're struggling with feelings of hopelessness, instead of directly saying that the situation as a whole is hopeless? i don't know if that makes sense, but i believe it's saying that you're anxious about the situation and you feel like you just need to abandon everything and start over, even though you don't really have to.

card three (root cause)

death: major arcana card symbolizing closure and transformation. "no one loves the sight of a death card in a reading. we spend most of our lives denying death when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think that it's bad. don't let the drama distract you from the message: something in your life needs to end. it needs closure. this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed."

since this is root cause, i believe that this could be saying that achieving something through the arts takes a huge change in your life. i don't have a lot to add here either, but like the description says, a death card doesn't literally mean YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, it's advising that you need to move on from something big in your life and bring forth positive change.

card four (past)

the hanged man: major arcana card symbolizing sacrifice and letting go. "many people talk about the art of letting go. but what does it really mean? how do you achieve it? the hanged man has all the answers; he's the master of non-attachment. this card implies there's a sacrifice or a difficult or painful situation coming up in your life. though you naturally want to resist and struggle through it, be more like the hanged man. find stillness, open your eyes, and use this new perspective to learn something. you're stuck here either way."

i feel like this could be saying that you've had to accept change and sacrifice something in the past. i also believe this could be related to card two; maybe because of this sacrifice you had to do, you're now afraid that the situation you're currently dealing with is hopeless? this is also making you afraid of the change you have to undergo in order to achieve success in the arts.

card five (goals)

five of pentacles: minor arcana card representing sadness, worry, and illness. "the five of pentacles is a card of hard times. it may come in the form of an illness, job loss, financial trouble, or rejection. above all this there will be worry, so much worry. this anxiety is counterproductive and damaging. you must find a way to quiet the mind during this difficult time. rely on meditation or visualization to find peace."

so obviously anxiety isn't really a goal, so i believe this is saying that quieting the mind is a goal for you in order to achieve success in the arts, and find the creativity and charisma that the father of wands talks about. maybe right now you're really worried because of the change in the past and now you're feeling like your current situation is hopeless, but, like the card says, you need to find a way and calm yourself and keep yourself grounded.

card six (future)

mother of cups: minor arcana card representing insightfulness and psychicness. "the mother of cups rivals the high priestess with her natural psychic abilities. she's a gentle, tranquil woman whose insight brings healing to those around her. she thrives when amidst her family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. like a true swan, when the mother of cups is pushed, she becomes aggressive and defensive. she'll commonly see herself as the victim when distressed in a situation."

since this is future, i believe that this could be saying you're about to thrive through the arts. this is such a short interpretation but i don't have much else to say, i think it's just saying you need to overcome the anxiety you feel, and in the short future, you'll be able to thrive.

card seven (you)

daughter of pentacles: minor arcana card representing being responsible, kind, and supportive. "you'll usually find the daughter of pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. she handles details and logistics well--people depend on her. she has vast amounts of inner strength. like all of the pentacles family, the daughter thrives while in nature."

this card represents you, so i believe that it's saying that you're usually very quiet and shy and don't really put yourself out there. maybe you want to succeed in the arts, but your shyness and anxiety is getting in the way? i believe this is connected to all of the cards talking about change because your shyness may be leading you to believe that being successful in the arts is hopeless, and you're afraid to come out of your shell because that would be a huge change for you (the death card). it's important to listen to card five's advice and find ways to calm yourself.

card eight (external factors)

the devil: major arcana card representing addiction and negativity. "though it may feel frightening when the devil appears in your reading, this card carries an urgent message and must be interpreted with total honesty. the darkness of the devil card takes the form of addiction, negativity, and materialism. it can indicate an ugly relationship with a person or substance. identify the dependency and how it's holding you back. the devil's hooves are strong and relentless--their grip will not loosen unless a conscious change is made. free yourself."

i feel like what this is saying here is that you don't necessarily have an addiction, but maybe you're dependent on keeping yourself hidden? relating to the shyness card seven talks about, maybe you don't put yourself out there because you're afraid, so you sort of depend on that to stay in your comfort zone. i feel like this is urging you to step out of your comfort zone and free yourself in order to be successful in the arts.

card nine (hopes/fears)

two of pentacles: minor arcana card representing balance and change. "the two of pentacles signifies inevitable change. since the pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly, a world of possibilities balanced on your delicate wings."

another card relating to change, and i believe this could be talking about both your hopes and your fears? i think this is saying that you're afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there, but you hope that you'll be able to do it and it will be fun. i also feel like it's saying that you hope that a lot of new opportunities can arise from putting yourself out there more and really getting involved in the arts.

card ten (final outcome)

nine of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a happy, healthy home. "'always a welcome card, the nine of pentacles is a time to enjoy the many results of your loyalty and hard work. this may be a promotion at work or newfound stability and happiness at home. it's even possible that you'll find yourself enjoying the finer things in life, as luxury and refinement oftentimes accompany this card."

finally, i feel like this is saying that, after the hard work of overcoming shyness and putting yourself out there, all of your hard work is rewarded. in summary, once you're able to overcome any anxiety you have about the arts, others will look up to you and you'll have a burst of creativity. due to your anxiety, you're afraid that pursuing the arts is hopeless, but the "goals" card reminds you to find ways to calm yourself and quiet the mind. once you're able to accept the change that you currently fear, you'll be able to thrive in the arts. you're afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there, but once you do, your hard work will be rewarded.

(sorry if this reading is really inaccurate, i got interrupted while shuffling the cards twice and i also just?? dropped the deck at some point??? i can redo this if it's very off, though.)
This is actually extremely accurate! Theres a lot of things outside of my art that's affecting my work and causing my to stress out like crazy right now, which incudes a move, a toxic friendship coming back, and more. I think the death card might be relating to needing to cut that off and as fast as possible. And the cards are correct with me dealing with a lot of shyness and anxiety about the art and getting out there. Thank you! :)
Beautiful deck! Amazing for doing this!

I'd like to ask how my future as an author/writer looks...?
psoliver wrote:
Demilicious wrote:
Just dropping in to say Oliver, your deck is stunning. May I ask which one it is?

the wild unknown deck on amazon!

Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful night. Your readings are going quite well, too. Don't give up. You seem to have quite a knack for them. <3
haunt Topic Starter

Crystaldragon126 wrote:
This is actually extremely accurate! Theres a lot of things outside of my art that's affecting my work and causing my to stress out like crazy right now, which incudes a move, a toxic friendship coming back, and more. I think the death card might be relating to needing to cut that off and as fast as possible. And the cards are correct with me dealing with a lot of shyness and anxiety about the art and getting out there. Thank you! :)

you’re welcome, and good luck on dealing with everything!

Demilicious wrote:
psoliver wrote:
Demilicious wrote:
Just dropping in to say Oliver, your deck is stunning. May I ask which one it is?

the wild unknown deck on amazon!

Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful night. Your readings are going quite well, too. Don't give up. You seem to have quite a knack for them. <3

thank you! and you have a good day/night, too.
This seems interesting, I'd like to see my future well being.
haunt Topic Starter

PrettySir wrote:
I would love a tarot reading. If possible? I'd love one in reference to my very near future well being. <3 If possible, of course. <3


(i'm going to start putting everything under collapses so my posts don't get too long)

card one (heart of the matter)

ten of cups: minor arcana card representing "radiating energy." the book i have says "the ten of cups overflows with positivity. your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. you may feel as though light or color radiates outward from you--almost as if you're shining. experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. do not doubt this power."

so, it sounds like in the near future, you're going to meet your goals and feel very positive about life. it also sounds like others may be drawn to you because of your new positive outlook and the energy you have, which is a really good sign.

card two (opposing factors)

five of wands: minor arcana card representing feeling scattered, lack of focus, and feeling lost. the book i have says "a card of conflict. you may find yourself scattered, disinterested, tending to everything and nothing. since wands deal with our dreams and goals, it usually means this conflict resides within. your energy moves outward in many directions, yet you are suffering inside. take this card as a warning: find ways to bring calm and focus to your mind, or these troubles will only increase."

since both card one and card two mention your energy, i think this may be telling you to make sure you stay focused so you can reach your goals. maybe right now you feel lost and scattered because a lot of things are getting in the way of achieving your goals? so, this could be reminding you to make sure you stay focused and direct your energy towards whatever you need to get done.

card three (root cause)

the empress. a major arcana card, but it's reversed, so it's going to have a different meaning if it were upright. my book doesn't go into depth about reversed cards and their meanings, so i had to look it up online. it had a pretty long explanation so i decided to keep it short as short as possible: "The disharmony indicated by The Empress reversed can take many forms. You may be putting others needs before your own to your detriment. Or you may feel so emotionally overwhelmed that you are neglecting those that are important to you. You may also feel unattractive and undesirable and your confidence has taken a knock. You will need to shift the focus and ground yourself to correct this imbalance."

i feel like this definitely goes with the lack of focus that card two is talking about. you feel very overwhelmed and you may be having trouble focusing, so both this card and card two seem to be reminding you to stay focused on what's important and to also take care of yourself so you don't feel overwhelmed and lost. once you take care of all of these feelings and things you need to do, it will lead to the positivity and burst of energy that card one points to.

card four (past)

six of wands: minor arcana card that normally represents victory, success, and rising up, but this one is also reversed. "In a general context, the Six of Wands reversed represents losing, failure, lack of achievement, recognition, endurance, confidence or support."

since this is in past, i believe that it's saying you've had a lack of support and achievement, which could have lead to the feelings of being overwhelmed and unfocused that cards two and three mention. i feel like this is also a reminder to take care of yourself, stay focused, and do whatever it is you need to do.

card five (goals)

daughter of swords: minor arcana card representing honesty and insightfulness. "the daughter of swords is a young woman whose honesty and insights take her far in life. people truly value her frankness. she learns from keen almost seems as though she never stops watching. sometimes this becomes a burden for her, as she can't help noticing this or that small detail that could've been done better. there's a potential for her to hold on to these experiences and become spiteful and judgemental."

honestly i'm interpreting this card in two ways:

1. card three mentions that you may be putting others' needs before your own. maybe the daughter of swords is saying that one of your goals is being honest with people when you feel like you can't do something, or you just need to focus on yourself for a bit.

2. i feel like it could also be saying you're paying too much attention to details and it's causing you a lot of anxiety, which is getting in the way of achieving your goals. i think that, overall, this could be saying that you need to aim to conquer this perfectionism and complete what you need to do in order to reach the positivity mentioned with card one.

card six (future)

the high priestess: major arcana card that's also reversed. "The High Priestess reversed in a tarot reading indicates your intuition is trying to guide you and your instincts are correct. However, in the reversed position this Major Arcana card shows that you are not hearing it. You may be more focused on the opinions of others or winning other people’s approval than your own inner wisdom. It can also indicate that you are neglecting your own needs to take care of others. You need to take the time to connect with yourself and listen to your inner voice. Trust yourself. You have all the wisdom and knowledge you need."

i feel like this is another reminder to take care of yourself in order to achieve what you need. you need to focus on yourself and remind yourself what's important, and then go from there. since this is in future, i believe that this could be saying that you'll soon contemplate on what you need to get done. since the past mentions lack of focus and achievement, i believe that it's leading you to become worried about what others think and leading you to be very perfectionistic, and all of this anxiety could be getting in the way of doing what you need to do and focusing on what's important. because of that, i feel like this card is definitely encouraging you to reflect on what's important sometime soon.

card seven (you)

the hermit: major arcana card representing solitude and meditation. "the idea of being a hermit is not supported in our society, but in the realm of tarot, hermits are highly celebrated and valued creatures. through meditation, solitude, and stillness, they bring wisdom to all. when this card appears, it's time to step back from the business of day-to-day life and focus on your inner realm. become more self-aware. if you're intrigued by meditation, start now. spend time by yourself. your inner fire is ready to be lit and it will shine for all to see."

since this is you, i believe it's saying that you're going to go through a period of introspection and meditation. the high priestess also mentions that you need to listen to your inner voice, so i believe that the hermit card could be telling you to seek solitude and meditation in order to find this inner voice. once you regain clarity and know what's important to you, you'll be able to overcome the anxiety and feelings of being lost, and then you'll be able to achieve your goals.

card eight (external factors)

ace of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperous beginnings. "in the center of even giant redwood trees, a tiny seedling once stood. such is the energy of the ace of pentacles--it's the seed that takes the root, grounding you for the future. you're in the beginning phases of a prosperous adventure. stay grounded. go outside to take time to appreciate nature. you may also find a windfall of wealth headed your way."

this is another good sign for the future. i believe it's saying that you're currently in the beginning stages of achieving your goals, you just feel lost and overwhelmed. another reminder to stay grounded and focus, clear your mind, know what's important, and go get everything done. once that's complete, you'll have a very positive mindset and be very energized. the future looks very bright from there.

card nine (hopes/fears)

justice: major arcana card that represents decisions and karma. "with their tails entwined, two cats look directly at you, waiting for you to choose between them. which one is right and which one is wrong? the justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. all of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future."

i feel like this is also reminding you to decide what's important and needs to get done soon, and what can be put off for awhile. due to the lack of clarity you may feel that's referenced in a lot of the other cards, you may be having trouble deciding what you need to get done, and you may feel very overwhelmed. i feel like this can definitely be interpreted as both a hope and a fear; you hope you make the right decisions, but you fear that you won't. remember to meditate and listen to your inner voice. don't let others' opinions control you.

card ten (final outcome)

three of cups: minor arcana card representing friendship, joy, and bountifulness. "the three of cups is a lovely card. it foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you'll forever hold dear. these are not any ol' friends; they are people with whom you feel a rare connection. with them you feel truly like yourself. enjoy each minute of their company. this card can also indicate an upcoming celebration. love abounds!"

it sounds like that, after all of your hard work and soul searching, your efforts will be rewarded with celebration and new friends, which is obviously a great sign!

so, in order to achieve your goals, you need to take care of yourself, keep yourself focused, and realize what's the most important through deep thought and contemplation. once that's done, you'll find success and, possibly, make new friends in the process. you may feel lost and chaotic right now, but the beginnings of a great new period of your life are just starting, so don't get too discouraged. maybe in the past you were met with failure, so now you're being very perfectionistic and worrying about what others think, but try to not let this anxiety overcome you. take care of yourself and achieve the clarity you need in order to make the right decisions, and once you do, you'll be met with great times, energy, and celebration. once you achieve these goals, you'll be feeling more energized and positive, which will draw others towards you and you'll perhaps be making new, long lasting friendships.

i hope this was accurate and helpful, and good luck!

This was incredibly accurate with my current situation and what I want. I believe it's honestly telling me that I am getting in my own way here and I should focus on myself. I'm getting in my own way by constantly avoiding to how much concern I have for how others feel, rather than focusing on self care for my own mental illnesses. I have very recently in the last 24 hours started to take steps toward my own self care, but unfortunately it was due to my having a break down.

Thank you very much for giving me a tarot reading. This was absolutely insightful and has me feeling positive for the future. <3
haunt Topic Starter

PrettySir wrote:
This was incredibly accurate with my current situation and what I want. I believe it's honestly telling me that I am getting in my own way here and I should focus on myself. I'm getting in my own way by constantly avoiding to how much concern I have for how others feel, rather than focusing on self care for my own mental illnesses. I have very recently in the last 24 hours started to take steps toward my own self care, but unfortunately it was due to my having a break down.

Thank you very much for giving me a tarot reading. This was absolutely insightful and has me feeling positive for the future. <3

you're welcome! i'm sorry to hear about your breakdown, but i'm glad you're feeling optimistic about the future and on the road to recovery :)
haunt Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:
Beautiful deck! Amazing for doing this!

I'd like to ask how my future as an author/writer looks...?

thank you!


card one (heart of the matter)

ten of pentacles: minor arcana card representing fulfillment and abundance. "the ten of pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. the number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. so be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. provide guidance to those who struggle. you will be rewarded tenfold."

it sounds like you're going to have a very positive future in writing. since this card indicates completion, i believe this is saying that you will finish one of the stories that you're working on and your hard work will be rewarded. maybe people will also end up asking you for writing advice.

card two (opposing factors)

four of swords: minor arcana card representing stillness and mental power. "though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness and without fear. the four of swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. it's important to rest. seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. take this time to recuperate and move inward before the swords strike."

since this is opposing factors, i believe it's telling you that you may be having difficulty coping with the pressures you feel, like hurrying to finish up a story or having the motivation to write (or whatever may be currently stressing you out.) this card may be warning you that, if you stress yourself out too much over writing, you may become too overwhelmed and give up. so to prevent that from happening, remember to take breaks and find ways to calm yourself down if you're feeling too stressed.

card three (root cause)

mother of pentacles: minor arcana card representing "domestic, loving, patient." "the mother of pentacles excels in the home. she knows exactly what to do while raising a family and tending to the tasks of daily life. there's a potential for her identity to become wrapped entirely around her children and home, which leaves her needy and attached. this is the cause of most of her turmoil. she often has qualities of a healer and is very connected to nature."

this one kind of confused me a bit, but i believe that it could be saying that you need to be patient in order to find success in writing. i feel like it could also be reminding you to take care of other day-to-day tasks along with writing; don't become so stressed and focused on writing that you forget to do anything else. this might be a bit of a stretch, but i hope this interpretation is accurate?

card four (past)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

i feel like this could be connected to the stress you feel that card two talks about. maybe something huge changed in your life, and now you could be putting too much pressure on yourself to get everything done. just remember to step back when you need to and find ways to calm yourself when you start to feel too anxious. the change you went through that the tower talks about is the start of a new beginning, and the new beginning you're experiencing sounds like it will be the start of a very successful writing career.

card five (goals)

eight of pentacles: minor arcana card representing craftsmanship and skill. "the spider is a true master of her craft. she weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. the eight of pentacles requires a similar approach. hone your skills. you are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. pay attention to all the details. in some cases this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. start a project. become good at it."

i think this is saying that becoming even better at writing and finding confidence is a goal for you. like the card description says, you're close to mastering it, so make sure to not let yourself get too stressed so you can master writing and jumpstart a career (or whatever it is you would like to do as an author.) remember to take breaks when needed.

card six (future)

death: major arcana card representing closure and transformation. "no one loves the sight of the death card in a reading. we spend most of our lives denying death altogether, so when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think it's bad. don't let the drama distract you from the message: something in your life needs to end. it needs closure. this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed."

i feel like this could be saying that, in order to be successful in writing, you need to let go of something that's causing you harm and causing you more stress than you need. maybe it's making the pressure you're putting on yourself even worse? either way, the cards seem to be urging you to let go of something to relieve stress and anxiety, which can get in the way of writing.

card seven (you)

daughter of pentacles: minor arcana card that represents being responsible, kind, and supportive. "you'll usually find the daughter of pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. she handles details and logistics well--people depend on her. she has vast amounts of inner strength. like all of the pentacles family, the daughter thrives when in nature."

i believe that this could be saying that, despite any introverted tendencies you may have, you're working extremely hard on your writing. it also sounds like people depend on you, which is reminding me of card one, because it implied that people may seek you out for writing advice in the future.

card eight (external factors)

mother of swords: minor arcana card representing being sharp and perceptive. "you'll often find the mother of swords putting her sharp perception to use as a therapist, doctor, or teacher. she's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. some think of her as all-seeing. this card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. she may be recently widowed or divorced, and usually without children. during this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar."

i think that this is saying you're very experienced with writing and have a lot of knowledge with it. i feel like it could also be saying you may be going through a difficult time, and you may be overly-critical of yourself. this can be a part of the pressure and stress that you feel, but, again, remember to find ways to calm yourself down. take a short break if you feel yourself getting too stressed.

card nine (hopes/fears)

four of wands: a minor arcana card that normally celebrates completion and celebration, but it's reversed, so the meaning is different. "This Minor Arcana card when reversed can indicate failure, lack of achievement, neglect, instability, insecurity and being transient or uprooted. It tells you that you may experience self-doubt and that your self-esteem may be low when it appears."

you're worried that you won't be successful in writing, and these fears are causing low self-esteem and self-doubt. i think all of the cards together are now telling you that you are very knowledgeable about writing and that you have a very promising future ahead, and that others even look up to you/will seek you out for advice because of your writing, but you're putting too much stress on yourself. you need to find inner-strength and peace of mind before you get too discouraged. make sure to take care of yourself and remind yourself of your promising future and potential.

card ten (final outcome)

the high priestess: major arcana card, but it's also reversed. "The High Priestess reversed in a tarot reading indicates your intuition is trying to guide you and your instincts are correct. However, in the reversed position this Major Arcana card shows that you are not hearing it. You may be more focused on the opinions of others or winning other people’s approval than your own inner wisdom. It can also indicate that you are neglecting your own needs to take care of others. You need to take the time to connect with yourself and listen to your inner voice. Trust yourself. You have all the wisdom and knowledge you need."

i believe that this can be saying you need to just slow down for a bit and think. you need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself; this is causing you to have low self-esteem and doubt yourself, and, as a result, it's making you start to worry about what people think. try to find ways to combat this anxiety and healthy ways to deal with the stress. since this card is in future, i think it's telling you that sometime soon, you need to get back in touch with your inner voice. take a break for a bit and figure out healthy ways for you to deal with stress. be patient and don't rush yourself or else you'll be dealing with even more stress. find what you's holding you back and let go of it; it may be painful, but it seems to be causing you more stress and getting in the way of your success. you may have went through turmoil in the past and a huge, unexpected change, but when the chaos settles down, your future will be very bright. you have a very promising future ahead of you in writing, but you also need to take care of yourself. find ways to stay strong and all of your hard work will be very rewarding.

i hope this was accurate; sorry about the confusion with card three, though. if that kind of threw everything off, i can definitely do another reading.
psoliver wrote:
damnationfromafar wrote:
Beautiful deck! Amazing for doing this!

I'd like to ask how my future as an author/writer looks...?

thank you!


card one (heart of the matter)

ten of pentacles: minor arcana card representing fulfillment and abundance. "the ten of pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. the number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. so be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. provide guidance to those who struggle. you will be rewarded tenfold."

it sounds like you're going to have a very positive future in writing. since this card indicates completion, i believe this is saying that you will finish one of the stories that you're working on and your hard work will be rewarded. maybe people will also end up asking you for writing advice.

card two (opposing factors)

four of swords: minor arcana card representing stillness and mental power. "though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness and without fear. the four of swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. it's important to rest. seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. take this time to recuperate and move inward before the swords strike."

since this is opposing factors, i believe it's telling you that you may be having difficulty coping with the pressures you feel, like hurrying to finish up a story or having the motivation to write (or whatever may be currently stressing you out.) this card may be warning you that, if you stress yourself out too much over writing, you may become too overwhelmed and give up. so to prevent that from happening, remember to take breaks and find ways to calm yourself down if you're feeling too stressed.

card three (root cause)

mother of pentacles: minor arcana card representing "domestic, loving, patient." "the mother of pentacles excels in the home. she knows exactly what to do while raising a family and tending to the tasks of daily life. there's a potential for her identity to become wrapped entirely around her children and home, which leaves her needy and attached. this is the cause of most of her turmoil. she often has qualities of a healer and is very connected to nature."

this one kind of confused me a bit, but i believe that it could be saying that you need to be patient in order to find success in writing. i feel like it could also be reminding you to take care of other day-to-day tasks along with writing; don't become so stressed and focused on writing that you forget to do anything else. this might be a bit of a stretch, but i hope this interpretation is accurate?

card four (past)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

i feel like this could be connected to the stress you feel that card two talks about. maybe something huge changed in your life, and now you could be putting too much pressure on yourself to get everything done. just remember to step back when you need to and find ways to calm yourself when you start to feel too anxious. the change you went through that the tower talks about is the start of a new beginning, and the new beginning you're experiencing sounds like it will be the start of a very successful writing career.

card five (goals)

eight of pentacles: minor arcana card representing craftsmanship and skill. "the spider is a true master of her craft. she weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. the eight of pentacles requires a similar approach. hone your skills. you are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. pay attention to all the details. in some cases this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. start a project. become good at it."

i think this is saying that becoming even better at writing and finding confidence is a goal for you. like the card description says, you're close to mastering it, so make sure to not let yourself get too stressed so you can master writing and jumpstart a career (or whatever it is you would like to do as an author.) remember to take breaks when needed.

card six (future)

death: major arcana card representing closure and transformation. "no one loves the sight of the death card in a reading. we spend most of our lives denying death altogether, so when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think it's bad. don't let the drama distract you from the message: something in your life needs to end. it needs closure. this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed."

i feel like this could be saying that, in order to be successful in writing, you need to let go of something that's causing you harm and causing you more stress than you need. maybe it's making the pressure you're putting on yourself even worse? either way, the cards seem to be urging you to let go of something to relieve stress and anxiety, which can get in the way of writing.

card seven (you)

daughter of pentacles: minor arcana card that represents being responsible, kind, and supportive. "you'll usually find the daughter of pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. she handles details and logistics well--people depend on her. she has vast amounts of inner strength. like all of the pentacles family, the daughter thrives when in nature."

i believe that this could be saying that, despite any introverted tendencies you may have, you're working extremely hard on your writing. it also sounds like people depend on you, which is reminding me of card one, because it implied that people may seek you out for writing advice in the future.

card eight (external factors)

mother of swords: minor arcana card representing being sharp and perceptive. "you'll often find the mother of swords putting her sharp perception to use as a therapist, doctor, or teacher. she's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. some think of her as all-seeing. this card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. she may be recently widowed or divorced, and usually without children. during this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar."

i think that this is saying you're very experienced with writing and have a lot of knowledge with it. i feel like it could also be saying you may be going through a difficult time, and you may be overly-critical of yourself. this can be a part of the pressure and stress that you feel, but, again, remember to find ways to calm yourself down. take a short break if you feel yourself getting too stressed.

card nine (hopes/fears)

four of wands: a minor arcana card that normally celebrates completion and celebration, but it's reversed, so the meaning is different. "This Minor Arcana card when reversed can indicate failure, lack of achievement, neglect, instability, insecurity and being transient or uprooted. It tells you that you may experience self-doubt and that your self-esteem may be low when it appears."

you're worried that you won't be successful in writing, and these fears are causing low self-esteem and self-doubt. i think all of the cards together are now telling you that you are very knowledgeable about writing and that you have a very promising future ahead, and that others even look up to you/will seek you out for advice because of your writing, but you're putting too much stress on yourself. you need to find inner-strength and peace of mind before you get too discouraged. make sure to take care of yourself and remind yourself of your promising future and potential.

card ten (final outcome)

the high priestess: major arcana card, but it's also reversed. "The High Priestess reversed in a tarot reading indicates your intuition is trying to guide you and your instincts are correct. However, in the reversed position this Major Arcana card shows that you are not hearing it. You may be more focused on the opinions of others or winning other people’s approval than your own inner wisdom. It can also indicate that you are neglecting your own needs to take care of others. You need to take the time to connect with yourself and listen to your inner voice. Trust yourself. You have all the wisdom and knowledge you need."

i believe that this can be saying you need to just slow down for a bit and think. you need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself; this is causing you to have low self-esteem and doubt yourself, and, as a result, it's making you start to worry about what people think. try to find ways to combat this anxiety and healthy ways to deal with the stress. since this card is in future, i think it's telling you that sometime soon, you need to get back in touch with your inner voice. take a break for a bit and figure out healthy ways for you to deal with stress. be patient and don't rush yourself or else you'll be dealing with even more stress. find what you's holding you back and let go of it; it may be painful, but it seems to be causing you more stress and getting in the way of your success. you may have went through turmoil in the past and a huge, unexpected change, but when the chaos settles down, your future will be very bright. you have a very promising future ahead of you in writing, but you also need to take care of yourself. find ways to stay strong and all of your hard work will be very rewarding.

i hope this was accurate; sorry about the confusion with card three, though. if that kind of threw everything off, i can definitely do another reading.

Oh gosh. This is so interesting to read! I used do tarot but specifically not for myself. I like to have my own questions be asked to other people and cards read but other people. It's been a rule of mine for a while. I stopped tarot like 5 months ago or so for some reason.

These are all very very in line with my current emotions and worries. I've been dealing with productivity guilt. Meaning I am feeling guilty and depressed about not getting my current book done quick enough and due to this depression and guilt I am getting even less done. I am edgy and impatient lately. I really so need to breathe, and be patient and take care of other things. I need to feed my body and my soul and only then will my muse and inspiration be fed as well.

I'm grateful to see that if I am patient and focus on the right things and cut myself some slack that the future looks good. That is reassuring definitely.

As for card three, that actually hit me the hardest.

Specifically: "there's a potential for her identity to become wrapped entirely around her children and home, which leaves her needy and attached."

For me this hit me in a way that I hadn't ever really wanted to admit before.

I put a lot of work and my heart and love and mind into my writing; to the point where when I am not getting something done fast or quick enough, I feel like my worth and value is down. I feel as though I am not enough. I tend to wrap myself and my personality and heart around my writing and I get sometimes to a point where I'm uncertain who I am outside of writing. And get very needy for validation with my writing.

That's what the card means to me.

Thank you so much for doing this!
I've been having a difficult time reconciling my self-identity with the expectations my family has placed on me. Our relationship is currently incredibly strained. Might I ask the future well-being of our tenuous familial ties?

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