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Oh, I love tarot! I've always wanted to read tarot for others and myself, but I haven't found the right deck, so to speak. But it sounds like you really have a knack for it! So I guess I'll ask my own question...

"How does my future look when it comes to finding someone for a romantic triad with my current boyfriend?"

If the phrasing is off, then I can always rewrite it! I'm honestly just curious about any sort of possibility, nothing more.

I have wanted one. Here is my question for when you can get to it...

What is the most possible outcome of my oversea scholarship application?
haunt Topic Starter

Mary_Skelter wrote:
This seems interesting, I'd like to see my future well being.


card one (heart of the matter)

eight of cups: minor arcana card representing stagnation and ill health. "the eight of cups sends an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. there is no hope of rekindling what's been lost. you must start anew. this card also points to phases of illness and physical stagnation. the message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. lift your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward."

so immediately this sounds extremely negative and pessimistic, but i don't think that it's anything to worry about. i think that it could be saying that, before entering a positive new phase in your life, you must let go of something and start over. it will be hard, but sometimes it's necessary to let go of hopeless things to move on with our lives and start over.

card two (opposing factors)

five of cups: minor arcana card representing grief and disappointment. "the five of cups indicates a time of sorrow. a relationship may fall apart or an old friend could slip away. there will be disappointment and even regret. when this card appears, it's important to not make any hasty decisions. it may also be helpful to look at the expectations you place on others. perhaps they can never do enough to please you."

more negativity, but i also don't think that this one is anything to worry over. i feel like this is related to card one and whatever you have to walk away from. it's very disappointing to come to terms with the fact that you can't rekindle what's been lost, as card one's description says, but i believe that this card is saying that overcoming this grief and disappointment is necessary to move on. maybe you're clinging to something hopeless because you don't want to be disappointed, but you need to let go to move on.

card three (root cause)

three of pentacles: minor arcana card representing teamwork, determination, and focus. "the task ahead is a mountainous one. usually related to your job or career, the three of pentacles suggests that you must focus all of your efforts. discipline, strategy, and hard work are needed more than ever. if you become weary or overwhelmed, rely on those around you. this is a card of teamwork, so you may need the strength of others to conquer the mountain."

i feel like this card could be referencing the first two. i feel like it could be saying that letting go and moving on can be very difficult, so you may need help and guidance from others. i feel like it can also be saying that, once you start over, you need to focus on rebuilding and may need help in the process.

card four (past)

mother of cups: minor arcana card representing insightfulness and psychicness. "the mother of cups rivals the high priestess with her natural psychic abilities. she's a gentle, tranquil woman whose insights bring healing to those around her. she thrives when amidst her family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. like a true swan, when the mother of cups is pushed, she becomes aggressive and defensive. she'll commonly see herself as the victim when distressed in a situation."

honestly, this one took a bit of thinking, but i feel like it could be saying that, in your past, you had a very clear mind and a lot of insight to offer. maybe through the distress that cards one and two are talking about, you've lost a bit of your insight and are having difficulty regaining focus again. i think that this is definitely here as a reminder to start over, stay strong, and build back up in order to achieve a positive future mental state.

card five (goals)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

since this is goals, i feel like the change the tower is referring to is what you need to walk away from, and the goal is getting it all over with and having a positive breakthrough in your life. maybe you've gotten used to what card one is talking about, but regardless, you need to move on. this change may be painful and confusing, but it will be worth it in the end.

card six (future)

ten of pentacles: minor arcana card representing fulfillment and abundance. "the ten of pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. the number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. so be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. provide guidance to those who struggle. you will be rewarded tenfold."

since this card indicates completion, i feel like that it's saying, once you're complete with accepting the fact that you need to move on and start over from whatever is dragging you down, your life and wellbeing will take a very positive turn. the journey will be difficult, but worth it in the end.

card seven (you)

four of swords: minor arcana card representing stillness and mental power. "though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness without fear. the four of swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. it's important to rest. seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. take this time to recuperate and move inward before the swords strike."

this could be saying that you're having difficulty coping with and accepting the huge change that you need to go through in order to achieve a successful future, so this card may be a reminder to find healthy ways to cope and calm yourself down when needed. you may be working through a difficult time, but this card advises you to find something to help you work through it before the stress is too much to handle.

card eight (external factors)

mother of swords: minor arcana card representing sharpness and perceptiveness. "you'll often find the mother of swords putting her sharp perceptions to use as a therapist, doctor, or teacher. she's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. some think of her as all-seeing. this card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. she may be recently widowed or divorced, and often without children. during this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar."

the description mentions going through a difficult time, so i believe that that's referring to the change that the cards are urging you to accept. during this time, because of the grief and disappointment that card two mentions, you may be overly-critical of yourself. remember that the change is necessary to move onto a positive phase of your life, and find ways to cope during this difficult time.

card nine (hopes/fears)

six of cups: minor arcana card representing memories, childhood, and joy. "a card of beautiful implications, the six of cups focuses on the magic and innocence of childhood. the roots of years past are alight with color and vibrancy. look back upon them, get lost in your memories. old friends may surface and seek you out. all reunions will be joyful. enjoy simple pleasure and wonder in all areas of your life."

it sounds like that, once you work through the challenges and difficulties, you're hoping for reunions with old friends and a general lighthearted feeling with life. the change and moving on aspect was difficult, so once you work through everything, you're hoping that life will feel a lot more simple and enjoyable. having optimistic, high hopes are a very good way to cope with a negative situation, so i would say that this is a great mindset to have.

card ten (final outcome)

three of cups: minor arcana card representing friendship, bountifulness, and joy. "the three of cups is a lovely card. it foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you'll forever hold dear. these are not any ol' friends; they are people with whom you feel a rare connection. with them you feel truly yourself. enjoy each minute of their company. this card can also indicate an upcoming celebration. love abounds!"

so, overall, i feel like the cards are saying that you're going to need to walk away from something in order to have a positive future. this change will be difficult, and you may feel disappointed, so it's important to find ways to cope with the stress and lean on others when/if you need to. during this time, you may also be overly critical of yourself, so it's important to remember to take care of yourself and find ways to cope with the change. the "hopes" card and "final outcome" card both suggest that you may be reuniting with old friends. once you work through the difficult change and learn to walk away, your future wellbeing looks very positive.

also, 5/10 of your cards were in the cups suit. a lot of cup cards in a reading indicate that the situation involves the heart.

i hope this reading was accurate! if not, i'll be happy to do another one for you (i'm just afraid that it's not because the first spread made no sense to me and i had to do another one.) regardless, good luck.
haunt Topic Starter

damnationfromafar wrote:

Oh gosh. This is so interesting to read! I used do tarot but specifically not for myself. I like to have my own questions be asked to other people and cards read but other people. It's been a rule of mine for a while. I stopped tarot like 5 months ago or so for some reason.

These are all very very in line with my current emotions and worries. I've been dealing with productivity guilt. Meaning I am feeling guilty and depressed about not getting my current book done quick enough and due to this depression and guilt I am getting even less done. I am edgy and impatient lately. I really so need to breathe, and be patient and take care of other things. I need to feed my body and my soul and only then will my muse and inspiration be fed as well.

I'm grateful to see that if I am patient and focus on the right things and cut myself some slack that the future looks good. That is reassuring definitely.

As for card three, that actually hit me the hardest.

Specifically: "there's a potential for her identity to become wrapped entirely around her children and home, which leaves her needy and attached."

For me this hit me in a way that I hadn't ever really wanted to admit before.

I put a lot of work and my heart and love and mind into my writing; to the point where when I am not getting something done fast or quick enough, I feel like my worth and value is down. I feel as though I am not enough. I tend to wrap myself and my personality and heart around my writing and I get sometimes to a point where I'm uncertain who I am outside of writing. And get very needy for validation with my writing.

That's what the card means to me.

Thank you so much for doing this!

you're welcome! i'm glad the reading was meaningful to you, and good luck with your writing. (also, i completely understand not wanting to do tarot spreads for yourself lol. i feel like that every time i tried to do more in-depth spreads like the celtic cross, i just ended up feeling a bit more confused. but i like reading for other people.)
When you have the chance, I would love a reading of my future well being. I have had a lot of stuff happen the last year so it could be reassuring.
haunt Topic Starter

8TigerBunnyTora wrote:
I've been having a difficult time reconciling my self-identity with the expectations my family has placed on me. Our relationship is currently incredibly strained. Might I ask the future well-being of our tenuous familial ties?

(momentarily upgraded to my grandma's kitchen table)


card one (heart of the matter)

five of cups: minor arcana card representing grief and disappointment. "the five of cups indicates a time of sorrow. a relationship may fall apart or an old friend could slip away. there will be disappointment and even regret. when this card appears, it's important to not make any hasty decisions. it may also be helpful to look at the type of expectations you place on others. perhaps they can never do enough to please you."

immediately, this sounds like a bad omen, but i believe this card is explaining how you currently feel about the situation. you may feel disappointment and sorrowful because of the current relationship you have with your family because you feel like it's falling apart. as the card's description says, try to not make any hasty decisions right now. find ways to calm yourself.

card two (opposing factors)

five of swords: minor arcana card representing self-destruction. "yet another card of warning, the five of swords depicts the destruction of the self. you'll be lured into another situation or argument you know to avoid. your selfishness and desire for power will lead you to defeat. pain and discord will result."

since this card appeared in opposing factors, i think it's here as a reminder to step back when you need to. the description mentioned being lured into arguments you know to avoid, so maybe that could be referring to what's happening with your family right now? you know you need to avoid an argument, but you end up arguing with them, and it ends up making you feel more stressed than you were before. i feel like this card is here as another reminder to step back when you need to and find ways to calm yourself down before things get worse.

card three (root cause)

eight of wands: minor arcana card representing sudden movement or change. "the eight of wands strikes like lightning. it's a card of news, change, or clarity in an unresolved situation. you might hear from an old friend out of the blue or receive some surprising news that shifts the direction of your course. this card sometimes means that a literal move is on the horizon, so be ready to travel if the opportunity arises."

i think that this could be saying the root cause of the turmoil and feelings talked about in the first two cards is a sudden change that happened, but i feel like it could also be saying that something that helps bring clarity to the situation you're dealing with right now is a sudden change? either way, change is definitely a huge part of everything that's happening right now.

card four (past)

the moon: major arcana card representing vivid dreams and fears. "in many ways the moon card encompasses the idea of the wild unknown. it is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mysteries are born. much darkness can linger here, and if you aren't careful, this can lead to periods of anxiety and self-doubt..almost as though you've lost your way in a house of mirrors. many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. it's where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air."

since this is in past, i feel like that it could be staying you were feeling very imaginative and creative, but now it's led to anxiety and self-doubt, especially with the family situation? this one confused me a bit so i'm sorry if this isn't very helpful.

card five (goals)

three of swords: minor arcana card that normally represents betrayal, heartbreak, and turmoil, but it's reversed, so the meaning's different. "In a general context, the Five of Swords reversed can be a good omen as it can signify the peaceful resolution of a situation, ending conflict and moving on. It is a Minor Arcana card of communication, compromise, overcoming challenges and releasing stress."

so, a goal for you is to peacefully resolve the conflict you have going on with your family, along with accepting your identity. since this card represents releasing stress, i think this is definitely echoing cards one and two. find ways to calm yourself and relieve stress before the situation gets too out of hand, and try to find ways to communicate with your family and peacefully resolve the situation. i know that's a lot harder than it sounds, but nonetheless, good luck on dealing with this really stressful time. remember to take care of yourself!

card six (future)

three of wands: minor arcana card representing envisioning the future. "the three of wands indicates you've had continued support from others (perhaps from your parents or two good friends). with their help, you've formed a sense of self, of your values and morals. but now it's time to rely on yourself for guidance. clarify your goals, and cast others' needs and opinions aside. the future is infinite and it is yours. no one else can see through its layers of light and shadow."

i think this is definitely here as a reminder that, at the end of the day, you know yourself better than anyone else does. you mentioned feeling stressed about your self-identity because of the expectations your family has placed on you, and maybe you value their opinions, but, as the card description says, it's time to rely on yourself for guidance. since this is in future, i believe that it's saying, once you find ways to calm yourself, you should remind yourself of who you are and ignore others' opinions as much as possible. the card description also mentions clarifying your goals, so during this time, i believe it's recommending that you focus on the peaceful resolution that card five mentions. this sounds like a time of great clarity and focus.

card seven (you)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

maybe the fighting with your family is a huge change because now you feel as if your relationship with them is broken beyond repair, but remember to find ways to calm yourself, focus on you and your identity, and step away when you need to. peaceful resolution is possible, but as card one says, don't make any hasty decisions right now. take some time to think about this. the card description mentions things changing course, and that may sound like the family ties will be broken, but i believe it's actually saying the change of course involves the peaceful resolution + acceptance of your self-identity, which could lead to an even stronger closeness with your family.

card eight (external factors)

eight of cups: minor arcana card representing stagnation and ill health. "the eight of cups sends an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. there is no hope of rekindling what's been lost. you must start anew. this card also points to phases of illness and physical stagnation. the message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. lift your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward."

this sounds extremely pessimistic, but i believe that this is actually just saying how you currently feel. the situation is leading you to believe that repairing your relationship with your family is hopeless and you just need to move on, but this isn't how things have to end. as the other cards say, remember to back away when needed, focus on yourself, and find ways to deal with the stress. focus on your goals and your identity. most importantly, take care of yourself, and try not to make any quick decisions.

card nine (hopes/fears)

three of pentacles: minor arcana card representing teamwork, determination, and focus. "the task ahead is a momentous one. usually related to your job or career, the three of pentacles suggests you must focus all of your efforts. discipline, strategy, and hard work are needed more than ever. if you become weary or overwhelmed, rely on those around you. this is a card of teamwork, so you may need the strength of others to conquer the mountain."

despite what's happening, i believe this card is saying that you hope to conquer and overcome everything that's going on with your family and self-doubt. of course, remember to take care of yourself and stay focused. i feel like this is a reminder to ask others for help when you need it, too. everything may feel hopeless right now, but remember that a positive future is still possible, it just takes effort to get there.

card ten (final outcome)

ten of pentacles: minor arcana card representing fulfillment and abundance. "the ten of pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. the number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. so be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. provide guidance to those who struggle. you will be rewarded tenfold."

so, overall, the final outcome looks very positive, you just need to step back and think for awhile. remind yourself of your goals and your self-identity. things feel hopeless right now, so it's important to ask for help when you need it. remember to avoid arguments and to not make any impulsive decisions right now. it seems that, once you're able to focus your efforts and think more clearly, peaceful resolution is possible.

i'm sorry to hear about what's going on right now, but even if this wasn't accurate or helpful, good luck on dealing with everything!

These are incredible to see, Ive never done Tarot before but it has always seemed really cool. I would love to know my future well being (that seems to be really popular but there are some things going in my life rn and I want to know how it turns out) Thank you so much!
Thank you. This is surprisingly accurate for the most part. Glad it seems to be positive.
haunt Topic Starter

LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Oh, I love tarot! I've always wanted to read tarot for others and myself, but I haven't found the right deck, so to speak. But it sounds like you really have a knack for it! So I guess I'll ask my own question...

"How does my future look when it comes to finding someone for a romantic triad with my current boyfriend?"

If the phrasing is off, then I can always rewrite it! I'm honestly just curious about any sort of possibility, nothing more.

not gonna lie, i'm feeling a bit uncertain with this one because i had to do the reading a few times before the cards made any sort of sense to me at all, so if this is really off, i can definitely do another one for you.


card one (heart of the matter)

death: major arcana card representing closure and transformation. "no one loves the sight of the death card in a reading. we spend most of our lives denying death when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think it's bad. don't let the drama distract you from the message: something in your life needs to change. it needs closure. this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed."

to me, this sounds like that, in order to find someone for your relationship, you need to accept a huge change in your life. once you give closure to whatever you need to change, as the card's description says, you'll start to feel a positive transformation, which i feel like could be related to the relationship/finding someone in some way.

card two (opposing factors)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

i feel like that this, combined with the death card, could be saying that you need to accept change in your life in order to progress with the triad, but the tower is saying that you may be fighting against this change and see it as something negative? this change may be jarring, but both cards' descriptions mention a positive future after the initial pain is over. so the cards seem to be reminding you to not fight against the change, accept it, and the future will be very bright.

card three (root cause)

ace of swords: minor arcana card representing truth and mental clarity. "when lightning strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. it's as though you can see everything, and this vision lingers even through the storm. such is the power of the ace of swords. your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. it's a great time to make those decisions you've been putting off."

this also sounds related to the change the first two cards talk about, in my opinion. maybe you've been denying that something needs to change, but eventually, you'll gain mental clarity and, like the card says, make the decision that you've been putting off. i think that all three of these together are saying that something needs to change, and you're fighting against it, but you'll soon find the mental clarity needed to make the right decision and just let the change happen.

card four (past)

son of wands: minor arcana card representing being charming and adventurous. "the son of wands is a true charmer. he's handsome, adventurous, and seems to say all the right things. some call him the white knight of the tarot. but at some point you may find he becomes hard to know. trust your instincts with this one--perfection is an illusion."

in my opinion, this can also be related to whatever change you must undergo. in the past, you've felt that everything was perfect and that nothing will ever need to change, but the cards are saying that this perfection isn't the case and you need to change something for this future triad to blossom.

card five (goals)

son of cups: minor arcana card representing being artistic and introspective. "like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. he's usually a musician or visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. his natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. to others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity."

this one had me a bit stumped (i'm not the best at reading any of the minor arcana family cards unfortunately), but since this card is in goals, i feel like this could represent the ideal person you're looking for? that's really the only thing i can come up with, i hope this speaks to you more than it is to me right now lol.

card six (future)

three of pentacles: minor arcana card representing teamwork, determination, and focus. "the task ahead is a momentous one. usually related to your job or career, the three of pentacles suggests you must focus all of your efforts. discipline, strategy, and hard work are needed now more than ever. if you become weary or overwhelmed, rely on those around you. this is a card of teamwork, so you may need the strength of others to conquer the mountain."

it sounds like, whatever you need to change, you're going to have to put in a lot of effort in order to work through. since your question was related to your relationship, and this card is about teamwork, i believe it's telling you to also work with your current boyfriend during this time, as well.

card seven (you)

daughter of pentacles: minor arcana card representing responsibility, kindness, and supportiveness. "you'll usually find the daughter of pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. she handles details and logistics well--people depend on her. she has vast amounts of inner strength. like all of the pentacles family, the daughter thrives while in nature."

since this card represents you, i feel like it could be describing 1. traits you may have, and 2. reminding you to work hard through the change that the other cards seem to be talking about. i don't have a lot to add to this one, either, but it just seems to strike me as a reminder to work hard and pull through whatever the cards are telling you to change.

card eight (external factors)

father of wands: minor arcana card representing charisma and creativity. "the father of wands is a man of mystique and charisma. others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. usually, you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. he is able to hold steady and still during conflict."

to me, what strikes me the most here is the "he is able to hold steady and still during conflict" bit. since this is external factors, maybe this a reminder to you to try and remain steady during the conflict that can be caused by the change?

card nine (hopes/fears)

mother of wands: minor arcana card representing being attractive, domestic, and vibrant. "the mother of wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. family comes first in her world--she's very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you'd hardly notice her forceful nature. oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. it's important not to get on her bad side."

to me, this sounds like you're hoping to have a very happy, fulfilling poly relationship, and maybe you're even hoping to start a family in the future? if i'm interpreting this correctly, these high hopes will be a very good thing to have throughout the chaos that can be caused by bringing forth change. remember to work hard, remain steady, and get the help from others when needed in order to make your hopes a reality.

card ten (final outcome)

the emperor: major arcana card representing protection, stability, and the father. "the emperor is the father. he's the tarot's perfect counterpart to the empress. he represents the side of you that's protective, decisive, and truly stable. he brings clarity of the mind, and this in turn leads to actions or decisions. sometimes this card is literal and points to a paternal relationship in your life. at other times, it suggests reconnecting with the part of you that stands tall and strong and knows just what to do. with help from the sun, the emperor can see for miles and miles."

like the ace of swords, this card also mentions mental clarity and decision making. i feel like the decisions the emperor could represent aren't related to the change at all, since this is in final outcome. i think that this can represent, after the huge changes that you went through, you need to decide where to go and what to do from there.

so, overall, the cards seem to be saying that, in order to make the relationship you're asking about successful, you need to undergo some sort of change. you may be resisting against this change, and don't think that anything needs to change at all, but it's important to remember that nothing is perfect. mental clarity will help you make the right decision, and once you know what needs to change in your life, this change may cause a lot of chaos and turmoil. remember to work hard, stay steady, and ask others for help when you need it. it seems like you have very high hopes for this relationship, and make sure to let these optimistic beliefs guide you through this. once everything's done, you'll have a clear mind and you'll need to decide where to go from there.

again, i'm really sorry if this reading isn't too accurate. on top of needing to shuffle the deck a lot, half of the cards here are part of the families, and interpreting those tend to throw me off aaaaa. don't be afraid to tell me if this just sounds like nonsense because i'll be happy to do another reading for you, but even if it wasn't, good luck with your relationship and also finding the right tarot deck, if you're still interested in doing readings.
psoliver wrote:
LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Oh, I love tarot! I've always wanted to read tarot for others and myself, but I haven't found the right deck, so to speak. But it sounds like you really have a knack for it! So I guess I'll ask my own question...

"How does my future look when it comes to finding someone for a romantic triad with my current boyfriend?"

If the phrasing is off, then I can always rewrite it! I'm honestly just curious about any sort of possibility, nothing more.

not gonna lie, i'm feeling a bit uncertain with this one because i had to do the reading a few times before the cards made any sort of sense to me at all, so if this is really off, i can definitely do another one for you.


card one (heart of the matter)

death: major arcana card representing closure and transformation. "no one loves the sight of the death card in a reading. we spend most of our lives denying death when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think it's bad. don't let the drama distract you from the message: something in your life needs to change. it needs closure. this will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed."

to me, this sounds like that, in order to find someone for your relationship, you need to accept a huge change in your life. once you give closure to whatever you need to change, as the card's description says, you'll start to feel a positive transformation, which i feel like could be related to the relationship/finding someone in some way.

card two (opposing factors)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

i feel like that this, combined with the death card, could be saying that you need to accept change in your life in order to progress with the triad, but the tower is saying that you may be fighting against this change and see it as something negative? this change may be jarring, but both cards' descriptions mention a positive future after the initial pain is over. so the cards seem to be reminding you to not fight against the change, accept it, and the future will be very bright.

card three (root cause)

ace of swords: minor arcana card representing truth and mental clarity. "when lightning strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. it's as though you can see everything, and this vision lingers even through the storm. such is the power of the ace of swords. your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. it's a great time to make those decisions you've been putting off."

this also sounds related to the change the first two cards talk about, in my opinion. maybe you've been denying that something needs to change, but eventually, you'll gain mental clarity and, like the card says, make the decision that you've been putting off. i think that all three of these together are saying that something needs to change, and you're fighting against it, but you'll soon find the mental clarity needed to make the right decision and just let the change happen.

card four (past)

son of wands: minor arcana card representing being charming and adventurous. "the son of wands is a true charmer. he's handsome, adventurous, and seems to say all the right things. some call him the white knight of the tarot. but at some point you may find he becomes hard to know. trust your instincts with this one--perfection is an illusion."

in my opinion, this can also be related to whatever change you must undergo. in the past, you've felt that everything was perfect and that nothing will ever need to change, but the cards are saying that this perfection isn't the case and you need to change something for this future triad to blossom.

card five (goals)

son of cups: minor arcana card representing being artistic and introspective. "like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. he's usually a musician or visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. his natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. to others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity."

this one had me a bit stumped (i'm not the best at reading any of the minor arcana family cards unfortunately), but since this card is in goals, i feel like this could represent the ideal person you're looking for? that's really the only thing i can come up with, i hope this speaks to you more than it is to me right now lol.

card six (future)

three of pentacles: minor arcana card representing teamwork, determination, and focus. "the task ahead is a momentous one. usually related to your job or career, the three of pentacles suggests you must focus all of your efforts. discipline, strategy, and hard work are needed now more than ever. if you become weary or overwhelmed, rely on those around you. this is a card of teamwork, so you may need the strength of others to conquer the mountain."

it sounds like, whatever you need to change, you're going to have to put in a lot of effort in order to work through. since your question was related to your relationship, and this card is about teamwork, i believe it's telling you to also work with your current boyfriend during this time, as well.

card seven (you)

daughter of pentacles: minor arcana card representing responsibility, kindness, and supportiveness. "you'll usually find the daughter of pentacles behind the scenes rather than out in the spotlight. though quite shy, she's extremely hardworking and responsible. she handles details and logistics well--people depend on her. she has vast amounts of inner strength. like all of the pentacles family, the daughter thrives while in nature."

since this card represents you, i feel like it could be describing 1. traits you may have, and 2. reminding you to work hard through the change that the other cards seem to be talking about. i don't have a lot to add to this one, either, but it just seems to strike me as a reminder to work hard and pull through whatever the cards are telling you to change.

card eight (external factors)

father of wands: minor arcana card representing charisma and creativity. "the father of wands is a man of mystique and charisma. others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. usually, you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. he is able to hold steady and still during conflict."

to me, what strikes me the most here is the "he is able to hold steady and still during conflict" bit. since this is external factors, maybe this a reminder to you to try and remain steady during the conflict that can be caused by the change?

card nine (hopes/fears)

mother of wands: minor arcana card representing being attractive, domestic, and vibrant. "the mother of wands is a vibrant woman and happy mother. family comes first in her world--she's very protective of it and is the dominant parent within the home. though proud and determined, she has enough grace and beauty that you'd hardly notice her forceful nature. oftentimes she has overcome great pain or trauma in her life. it's important not to get on her bad side."

to me, this sounds like you're hoping to have a very happy, fulfilling poly relationship, and maybe you're even hoping to start a family in the future? if i'm interpreting this correctly, these high hopes will be a very good thing to have throughout the chaos that can be caused by bringing forth change. remember to work hard, remain steady, and get the help from others when needed in order to make your hopes a reality.

card ten (final outcome)

the emperor: major arcana card representing protection, stability, and the father. "the emperor is the father. he's the tarot's perfect counterpart to the empress. he represents the side of you that's protective, decisive, and truly stable. he brings clarity of the mind, and this in turn leads to actions or decisions. sometimes this card is literal and points to a paternal relationship in your life. at other times, it suggests reconnecting with the part of you that stands tall and strong and knows just what to do. with help from the sun, the emperor can see for miles and miles."

like the ace of swords, this card also mentions mental clarity and decision making. i feel like the decisions the emperor could represent aren't related to the change at all, since this is in final outcome. i think that this can represent, after the huge changes that you went through, you need to decide where to go and what to do from there.

so, overall, the cards seem to be saying that, in order to make the relationship you're asking about successful, you need to undergo some sort of change. you may be resisting against this change, and don't think that anything needs to change at all, but it's important to remember that nothing is perfect. mental clarity will help you make the right decision, and once you know what needs to change in your life, this change may cause a lot of chaos and turmoil. remember to work hard, stay steady, and ask others for help when you need it. it seems like you have very high hopes for this relationship, and make sure to let these optimistic beliefs guide you through this. once everything's done, you'll have a clear mind and you'll need to decide where to go from there.

again, i'm really sorry if this reading isn't too accurate. on top of needing to shuffle the deck a lot, half of the cards here are part of the families, and interpreting those tend to throw me off aaaaa. don't be afraid to tell me if this just sounds like nonsense because i'll be happy to do another reading for you, but even if it wasn't, good luck with your relationship and also finding the right tarot deck, if you're still interested in doing readings.

No, thank you! Sometimes the one that makes the most sense is the best one to follow! In fact, you hit quite a few nails on the head. I have been resisting a whole lot of things lately, so I needed a reminder to stay strong and positive through all of this.
haunt Topic Starter

Crystalsinger289 wrote:
I have wanted one. Here is my question for when you can get to it...

What is the most possible outcome of my oversea scholarship application?

oof this is hard to see


card one (heart of the matter)

the star: major arcana card representing hope and peace of mind. "standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the stars and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. even though you can't find concrete answers to life's many questions up there in the sky, you can't help but feel comforted and renewed. such is the energy of the star card. it is not about actions or situations. it's simply about connecting to the part of you that's hopeful and serene. this force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. a lovely card."

so this is a really good start. i believe this is saying to be optimistic and hopeful about your scholarship because the future looks very bright. since the card's descriptions says that this isn't necessarily about situations and actions, maybe this is also reminding you to be hopeful and positive in all areas of your life, too?

card two (opposing factors)

the chariot: major arcana card representing strong will and triumph. "the chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. at points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. build a relationship with this part of yourself. try to see the chariot inside you. the more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. with a fixed gaze and sure footing, you will be headed towards all you dream of."

since this is in opposing factors, i feel like this is saying you're currently not confident about your scholarship, but this combined with the star card is reminding you to stay hopeful and confident. like the card's description says, make sure to keep your mind clear focused so you can head towards success.

card three (root cause)

two of wands: minor arcana card representing determination and direction. "with the two of wands, it's clear you're on your way to success. you've focused on a goal and have boldy pointed all efforts in that direction. since the suit of wands deals heavily with the mind, take this time to become aware of your thought patterns, specifically toward yourself. what is the quality and tone of your thoughts? mostly positive or negative? how well do you treat yourself on the journey to your highest dreams?"

so this, combined with the other two cards, seems to be reminding you to remain positive and optimistic as you head towards success. since this is root cause, i feel like it's saying that, in order to be hopeful and confident, you should examine your thought patterns and remind yourself to remain positive and be kind to yourself.

card four (past)

father of wands: minor arcana card representing charisma and creativity. "the father of wands is a man of mystique and charisma. others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. usually you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. he is able to hold steady and still during conflict."

i think i've said this in another post but i tend to have trouble interpreting the family cards, so i apologize if this interpretation isn't the most accurate, but i feel like it could be saying, in your past, you have been able to handle conflict well? again, i'm sorry if this is inaccurate and i hope this makes more sense to you than it does to me right now.

card five (goals)

the moon: major arcana card representing vivid dreams and fears. "in many ways the moon card encompasses the idea of the wild unknown. it is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mysteries are born. much darkness can linger here, and if you aren't careful, this can lead to periods of anxiety and self-doubt..almost as though you've lost your way in a house of mirrors. many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. it's where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air."

i feel like this is saying that, currently, you may be going through a period of anxiety and self-doubt, but you should focus on overcoming these feelings as you head towards success. this and the first three cards are reminding you to examine your thought patterns so you can regain confidence and hope. they seem to be saying that the future looks bright and successful, you just need to be kind to yourself on the way there.

card six (future)

ace of swords: minor arcana card representing truth and mental clarity. "when lightning strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. it's as though you can see everything, and this vision lingers even through the storm. such is the power of the ace of swords. your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. it's a great time to make those decisions you've been putting off."

both this and the chariot mention clarity, so i feel like this serves as a reminder to keep your thoughts in check and remain positive in order to think clearly. i feel like this could all be saying the anxiety you may feel about your scholarship right now is making it hard to think straight, but the cards seem to be reminding you to examine your thoughts and be kind to yourself so you can be optimistic and hopeful about the future. once you're able to regain confidence, your mind will be much more clear, and you'll be able to see that the future will be very positive.

card seven (you)

strength: major arcana card representing mastery of emotions. "it's common to think of this card as the roaring, devouring side of the lion. but look again--the strength this card suggests is a much deeper force that's found within. the lion represents our most patient, composed self. he's a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. when this card comes up, you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself. all the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart."

this also sounds like it's reminding you to stay strong and confident. since this card is meant to represent you, i feel like, as the card description says, "you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself." as all the other cards said before, be kind to yourself and remain hopeful. you need to overcome this self-doubt and see that the future will be great. examine your thoughts and regain mental clarity during this time.

card eight (external factors)

three of cups: minor arcana card representing friendship, joy, and bountifulness. "the three of cups is a lovely card. it foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you'll forever hold dear. these cards are not any ol' friends; they are with people with whom you feel a rare connection. with them you feel truly yourself. enjoy each minute of their company. this card can also indicate upcoming celebration. love abounds!"

since the card description said that this card can indicate upcoming celebration, i believe that this is also another sign pointing towards a very bright future. i also feel like, since this is external factors, this card can be encouraging you to reach out to friends for help and advice when you need it. overcoming anxiety and self-doubt is hard to do alone, so this seems to be reminding you to talk to your good friends whenever you need to as you try to regain confidence and optimism.

card nine (hopes/fears)

the empress: major arcana card representing creation, nature, and the mother. "the empress is the mother, or the goddess, of the tarot. her energy encompasses all that is warm, fertile, creative, and sensual in the world. her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate, and loving without binding. when this card appears, it's pointing to either a maternal relationship in your life or the side of yourself that wants to love more. the empress also suggests it's time for you to reconnect with nature. go outside tonight and find the moon."

this one confused me a bit, and this interpretation may be a bit of a reach, but maybe the main focus here is the "her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate" bit. a lot of your cards mention examining your thoughts, being kind to yourself, finding your inner strength, and regaining confidence, so i feel like this is another example. this card could be saying that you hope that you'll be able to be kind and gentle with yourself in order to find your inner strength and confidence, and i feel like, combined with all the other cards, you can achieve this through introspection and examining your thought patterns. remember that the future is bright and success is on the horizon, just take care of yourself in the process! don't let your vision be clouded by anxiety and self-doubt; find your self confidence so you'll have a straight path directly to your goals.

card ten (final outcome)

two of pentacles: minor arcana card representing balance and change. "the two of pentacles signifies inevitable change. since the pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly. a world of possibilities balances on your delicate wings."

this is final outcome, and your question involves an overseas scholarship foundation, so since this card's description mentions moving and change, i feel like this is a very good sign! success is in your future, just remember to overcome your anxiety and self-doubt. find confidence through examining your thought patterns and remembering to be kind to yourself. find the mental clarity to see that the future will be positive. reach out to friends during this time if you need to. eventually, you'll reach your goals.

i hope this is helpful and accurate, and good luck with your scholarship!

psoliver wrote:
Crystalsinger289 wrote:
I have wanted one. Here is my question for when you can get to it...

What is the most possible outcome of my oversea scholarship application?

oof this is hard to see


card one (heart of the matter)

the star: major arcana card representing hope and peace of mind. "standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the stars and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. even though you can't find concrete answers to life's many questions up there in the sky, you can't help but feel comforted and renewed. such is the energy of the star card. it is not about actions or situations. it's simply about connecting to the part of you that's hopeful and serene. this force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. a lovely card."

so this is a really good start. i believe this is saying to be optimistic and hopeful about your scholarship because the future looks very bright. since the card's descriptions says that this isn't necessarily about situations and actions, maybe this is also reminding you to be hopeful and positive in all areas of your life, too?

card two (opposing factors)

the chariot: major arcana card representing strong will and triumph. "the chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. at points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. build a relationship with this part of yourself. try to see the chariot inside you. the more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. with a fixed gaze and sure footing, you will be headed towards all you dream of."

since this is in opposing factors, i feel like this is saying you're currently not confident about your scholarship, but this combined with the star card is reminding you to stay hopeful and confident. like the card's description says, make sure to keep your mind clear focused so you can head towards success.

card three (root cause)

two of wands: minor arcana card representing determination and direction. "with the two of wands, it's clear you're on your way to success. you've focused on a goal and have boldy pointed all efforts in that direction. since the suit of wands deals heavily with the mind, take this time to become aware of your thought patterns, specifically toward yourself. what is the quality and tone of your thoughts? mostly positive or negative? how well do you treat yourself on the journey to your highest dreams?"

so this, combined with the other two cards, seems to be reminding you to remain positive and optimistic as you head towards success. since this is root cause, i feel like it's saying that, in order to be hopeful and confident, you should examine your thought patterns and remind yourself to remain positive and be kind to yourself.

card four (past)

father of wands: minor arcana card representing charisma and creativity. "the father of wands is a man of mystique and charisma. others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. usually you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. he is able to hold steady and still during conflict."

i think i've said this in another post but i tend to have trouble interpreting the family cards, so i apologize if this interpretation isn't the most accurate, but i feel like it could be saying, in your past, you have been able to handle conflict well? again, i'm sorry if this is inaccurate and i hope this makes more sense to you than it does to me right now.

card five (goals)

the moon: major arcana card representing vivid dreams and fears. "in many ways the moon card encompasses the idea of the wild unknown. it is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mysteries are born. much darkness can linger here, and if you aren't careful, this can lead to periods of anxiety and self-doubt..almost as though you've lost your way in a house of mirrors. many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. it's where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air."

i feel like this is saying that, currently, you may be going through a period of anxiety and self-doubt, but you should focus on overcoming these feelings as you head towards success. this and the first three cards are reminding you to examine your thought patterns so you can regain confidence and hope. they seem to be saying that the future looks bright and successful, you just need to be kind to yourself on the way there.

card six (future)

ace of swords: minor arcana card representing truth and mental clarity. "when lightning strikes, the whole world seems to light up for just one second. it's as though you can see everything, and this vision lingers even through the storm. such is the power of the ace of swords. your mind will become clear, your thoughts precise. it's a great time to make those decisions you've been putting off."

both this and the chariot mention clarity, so i feel like this serves as a reminder to keep your thoughts in check and remain positive in order to think clearly. i feel like this could all be saying the anxiety you may feel about your scholarship right now is making it hard to think straight, but the cards seem to be reminding you to examine your thoughts and be kind to yourself so you can be optimistic and hopeful about the future. once you're able to regain confidence, your mind will be much more clear, and you'll be able to see that the future will be very positive.

card seven (you)

strength: major arcana card representing mastery of emotions. "it's common to think of this card as the roaring, devouring side of the lion. but look again--the strength this card suggests is a much deeper force that's found within. the lion represents our most patient, composed self. he's a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. when this card comes up, you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself. all the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart."

this also sounds like it's reminding you to stay strong and confident. since this card is meant to represent you, i feel like, as the card description says, "you're in need of harnessing this power for yourself." as all the other cards said before, be kind to yourself and remain hopeful. you need to overcome this self-doubt and see that the future will be great. examine your thoughts and regain mental clarity during this time.

card eight (external factors)

three of cups: minor arcana card representing friendship, joy, and bountifulness. "the three of cups is a lovely card. it foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you'll forever hold dear. these cards are not any ol' friends; they are with people with whom you feel a rare connection. with them you feel truly yourself. enjoy each minute of their company. this card can also indicate upcoming celebration. love abounds!"

since the card description said that this card can indicate upcoming celebration, i believe that this is also another sign pointing towards a very bright future. i also feel like, since this is external factors, this card can be encouraging you to reach out to friends for help and advice when you need it. overcoming anxiety and self-doubt is hard to do alone, so this seems to be reminding you to talk to your good friends whenever you need to as you try to regain confidence and optimism.

card nine (hopes/fears)

the empress: major arcana card representing creation, nature, and the mother. "the empress is the mother, or the goddess, of the tarot. her energy encompasses all that is warm, fertile, creative, and sensual in the world. her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate, and loving without binding. when this card appears, it's pointing to either a maternal relationship in your life or the side of yourself that wants to love more. the empress also suggests it's time for you to reconnect with nature. go outside tonight and find the moon."

this one confused me a bit, and this interpretation may be a bit of a reach, but maybe the main focus here is the "her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate" bit. a lot of your cards mention examining your thoughts, being kind to yourself, finding your inner strength, and regaining confidence, so i feel like this is another example. this card could be saying that you hope that you'll be able to be kind and gentle with yourself in order to find your inner strength and confidence, and i feel like, combined with all the other cards, you can achieve this through introspection and examining your thought patterns. remember that the future is bright and success is on the horizon, just take care of yourself in the process! don't let your vision be clouded by anxiety and self-doubt; find your self confidence so you'll have a straight path directly to your goals.

card ten (final outcome)

two of pentacles: minor arcana card representing balance and change. "the two of pentacles signifies inevitable change. since the pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly. a world of possibilities balances on your delicate wings."

this is final outcome, and your question involves an overseas scholarship foundation, so since this card's description mentions moving and change, i feel like this is a very good sign! success is in your future, just remember to overcome your anxiety and self-doubt. find confidence through examining your thought patterns and remembering to be kind to yourself. find the mental clarity to see that the future will be positive. reach out to friends during this time if you need to. eventually, you'll reach your goals.

i hope this is helpful and accurate, and good luck with your scholarship!

Thank you so much you have no idea what this means to me. All of these have really brought hope forward. On the subject of card nine, I was actually worried that my mother wouldn't let me go if I got the scholarship so that also seems plausible. Thank you once again for you help.
Just out of curiousity... How will I die?
haunt Topic Starter

Katia wrote:
When you have the chance, I would love a reading of my future well being. I have had a lot of stuff happen the last year so it could be reassuring.


card one (heart of the matter)

daughter of wands: symbolizing "visionary and passionate." "the daughter of wands is a free spirit, a truly visionary creature. she usually waits until later to settle down or start a family, as she's busy with her career. she can be stubborn and much stronger than she looks. as with all the wands family, the daughter makes a dangerous enemy. this card can also represent a woman going through a transformation or spiritual breakthrough."

i feel like this is saying you're currently undergoing a transformation or breakthrough of some kind. since you mentioned a lot of stuff happening to you in the past year, maybe this is saying you're overcoming the troubles and transforming as a person.

card two (opposing factors)

ten of cups: minor arcana card representing radiating energy. "the ten of cups overflows with positivity. your goals are being realized, and the excitement surrounding you is magnetic to others. you may feel as though light or color radiates outward from you--almost as if you are shining. experience sensations like this with an open and joyful heart. do not doubt this power."

since this is opposing factors, i feel like this is saying that you're currently having difficulty finding positivity and realizing what your goals are. remember to take care of yourself and let yourself go through the transformation card one talks about. clear your mind and let yourself focus on the future.

card three (root cause)

eight of swords: minor arcana card representing feeling trapped and powerless. "surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. you see no way out, no available choices. your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. what keeps you suspended here? yourself or others? the eight of swords demands answer. you cannot hang here much longer."

i feel like this could be referencing the past year and how it's left you feeling trapped and powerless. it seems like this card and the first two are reminding you to keep focused on the future and clear your mind. you need to realize your goals and escape from the hopeless prison that this card indicates that you may have trapped yourself in. find ways to cope and clear your mind. the future is bright, you just have to let yourself move forward.

card four (past)

ace of cups: minor arcana card that normally represents love's beginnings, but it's reversed, so the meaning will be different. "In a reversed position, The Ace of Cups Tarot card generally can indicate sadness, pain or blocked/repressed emotions. It can also signify that you may receive some bad or upsetting news. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that you may find that you are not in the mood for socialising or meeting new people. It can also signify cancelled social events or cancelled celebrations like a broken engagement or cancelled wedding. It can also be a sign that people around you may be reacting to you in a negative way or may have ill will towards you."

i feel like this is definitely talking about the past year for you. it's been a very dark time, but, as the three cards before this one say, remember to keep looking forward. the future will be bright, you just need to let yourself get there. clear your mind and realize your goals.

card five (goals)

the lovers: major arcana card representing union, desire, and joy. "the canadian geese are mates for life, travelling partners within an expansive sky. the lovers card is a welcome sight in any reading, as it suggests a beautiful and strong relationship on the horizon. yes, you'll experience all the thrills and desires of romance, but meanwhile you'll be building a solid foundation together. the lovers honor and respect each other, and with that they can go anywhere. if you're already in a relationship, it's time to be grateful and nourish this precious gem."

it sounds like one of your goals is definitely related to relationships in some way. of course, as the other cards have been saying, you need to clear your mind and focus on this goal. you may feel like you're in a dark spot right now, but let yourself go through the transformation card one talks about and reminding yourself that the future will be bright.

card six (future)

father of cups: minor arcana card representing being diplomatic and open-minded. "the father of cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. he's the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. he's a dignified man who supports his family and community. the only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways."

i feel like the bit the card wants you to pay attention to here is the "the only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities" part. the first four cards seem to talk about feeling trapped and hopeless because of the past year, but now you need to let yourself transform and focus on your goals. i feel like this, along with card three, are saying that what's holding you back from this transformation process are you own insecurities. your insecurities are making you feel trapped, but since this card is in future, i believe it's encouraging you to recognize these insecurities and work through them sometime soon. take care of yourself and find healthy ways to deal with your anxiety. i know this is all harder than i'm making it sound, but the future is bright! just remind yourself of your goals and don't hold yourself back. the past was dark, but that's what it is: the past. it's all over now and it's time to begin a new era of your life.

card seven (you)

six of wands: minor arcana card representing victory, success, and rising up. "from the dark and tangled branches emerges a butterfly. new life takes flight. if you're not revelling in the joy of success already, you will be soon. the six of cards is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds. the obstacles have been relentless, but now is not the time to look back upon them. the more pressing question is: where will you go with your new set of wings?"

it seems like this is another card reminding you to move on from the struggles of the past year and let yourself grow. once you're able to recognize your insecurities and deal with them, along with recognizing the goals you want to achieve, you'll be able to enter a positive era of your life. just remember to take care of yourself and calm yourself when you need to.

card eight (external factors)

nine of wands: minor arcana card representing strength, stamina, and confidence. "as nines usually imply, your journey is near completion. but on this final stretch you find yourself growing weary; doubt and fear are running through your mind. the nine of wands asks you to rally your confidence and realize how far you've come. lift your eyes and take a few more steps...soon all your hard work will start to pay off."

this seems to be another card reminding you that, you may not feel confident at all right now, but the future is bright and your goals are achievable, you just can't let yourself become so hopeless that you give up hope. remember to keep this self-doubt and the insecurities in line and free yourself from the rut you may feel like your stuck in. let yourself change and move forward.

card nine (hopes/fears)

nine of swords: minor arcana card representing dark visions and anguish. "an extremely dark card, the nine of swords reveals the deepest shadows of the self. it indicates insomnia, nightmares, and worries in the midnight hour. often these states are accompanied by guilt, despair, or even depression. you'll be battling with yourself, so turn to others for help. find joy. reach out."

i feel like this is saying that you're afraid that things will become dark again. the past was dark, and you're afraid that it can become even darker. don't let these fears hold you back from transforming. let yourself see that the future is bright and keep moving forward.

card ten (final outcome)

seven of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a period of contemplation. "a curious card, the seven of pentacles shows a period of contemplation and uncertainty. you're looking back at all of your hard work and wondering if it has been a failure or a success. you can't seem to decide. shouldn't you be reaping more rewards by now? maybe so. but the mind has control over perception. it's possible your rewards are waiting for you to recognize them. they are not always monetary."

it seems like, after letting yourself transform and go through everything all of the other cards mention, you may feel like you should have something more. but as the card says, don't worry and let yourself contemplate on everything the cards are urging you to do. don't let your fears and insecurities hold yourself back. you may feel trapped right now, but free yourself through introspection and realizing what you need to do to reach your goals. let yourself go through the transformation into a new era of your life and remember that, although the past was dark, the future looks very bright. just take care of yourself and keep your mind clear.

i hope this was accurate and helpful, and good luck with the future! i'm sorry to hear that the past year was difficult, but i'm sure everything will become a lot more positive soon.
Yeah that was pretty accurate as the last year was rough since I lost my two childhood pets and my grandma in an 8 month period. Thanks for the reading!
haunt Topic Starter

hey @ everyone i haven't gotten to yet, i swear i haven't forgotten! i've been really busy the past week because i just started my senior year of high school today so i've been getting ready for that and i've been really tired and whatnot. i like to be as focused as possible when i do the readings so i'll try to get to the rest friday night/saturday morning.
haunt Topic Starter

Emo wrote:
These are incredible to see, Ive never done Tarot before but it has always seemed really cool. I would love to know my future well being (that seems to be really popular but there are some things going in my life rn and I want to know how it turns out) Thank you so much!


card one (heart of the matter)

five of swords: minor arcana card representing self-destruction. "yet another card of warning, the five of swords depicts destruction of the self. you'll be lured into another situation or argument you know to avoid. your selfishness and desire for power will lead you to defeat. pain and discord will result."

since you mentioned going through some stuff right now, i feel like this could be saying that this is your current mental state. this is here to shine light on the situation and how you feel. i believe it's here as a reminder to find ways to calm yourself down and ease the pain, or your pain will only increase. maybe right now you're finding yourself getting into arguments frequently? try to avoid them as much as you possibly can and take some time to be kind to yourself.

card two (opposing factors)

ace of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperous beginnings. "in the center of even the giant redwood trees, a tiny seedling once stood. such is the energy of the ace of pentacles--it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. you're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. stay grounded. go outside and take time to appreciate nature. you may also find a windfall of wealth along the way."

because this is opposing factors, i feel like that this, combined with the first card, are saying that you need/want to enter a prosperous new phase in your life, but you're holding yourself back due to your current mental state. maybe you find yourself getting into unnecessary conflict or feel like you're out of control? either way, these two seem to be recommending to take care of yourself and find the peace you need in order to start a positive new era of your life.

card three (root cause)

ace of wands: minor arcana card representing expansion and inspiration. "an extremely high energy card, the ace of wands indicates new growth is all around you. your ideas and outlook will expand, and creativity seems endless. this fertile time can also have literal meanings...a pregnancy or birth may be on the horizon. though it's thrilling to embark on your new journey, your good judgement is needed more than ever. don't rush into it."

i believe this is pointing to the new beginnings that card two mentions, since this card is root cause. it seems like, right now, you might be in a lot of pain and feel like everything could be falling apart, but i feel like this card is saying you need to channel your creative energy and become more inspired. this card also talks about a new journey, so combined with card two, it could be telling you to find your inner creativity and focus on your passions in order to enter a new positive phase in your life. also, the card's descriptions says "don't rush into it" so i feel like that's definitely a reminder to take as much time as you need. don't think I NEED TO BE CREATIVE RIGHT NOW, start five million projects, and then feel even more chaotic and lost. take your time and don't force anything. remember to avoid unnecessary conflict and take some time to do something that makes you happy. creativity and inspiration will come to you once you take time to clear your mind and aren't focused on any arguments you may find yourself getting dragged into.

card four (past)

two of wands: minor arcana card representing determination and direction. "with the two of wands, it's clear you're on your way to success. you've focused on a goal and have boldly pointed all efforts in that direction. since the suit of wands deals heavily with the mind, take this time to become aware of your thought patterns, specifically toward yourself. what is the quality and tone of your thoughts? mostly positive or negative? how well do you treat yourself on the journey to your highest dreams?"

because this is in past, i feel like it could be saying that maybe you were on the way to success, but you got lost along the way, leading to the self-destruction that card one talks about? maybe you were feeling very positive and determined, but something happened, and now you seem to be stuck in this endless cycle of pain that card one mentions. as the card description says, examine your thought patterns and be kind to yourself! let yourself regain this determination and focus. you'll know what you're doing eventually, but take baby steps. don't rush into anything so you don't get overwhelmed. let yourself gradually enter this new phase of your life.

card five (goals)

four of cups: minor arcana card representing greed and discontent. "an outsider would look upon your life and ee supportive relationships, pleasures, and even a bit of luxury. but you don't see it that way. instead, there's discontent, apathy, and even greed for more. the four of cups warns not to take your situation for granted, or the people who supported you along the way. look around you. what are you truly longing for? name it."

don't worry the tarot drags everyone this is a judgement free zone. card one and card five both talk about greed/selfishness, so maybe you feel like you're currently being selfish, or you know that you're currently being selfish but don't really know how to stop it? since this is the goals section, maybe this card is here because you want to find what you truly want in life. discovering what you're really longing for can help you focus on it and lead you into the beginning phase that cards two and three are mentioning. again, remember to examine your thought patterns and remind yourself of your goals. be careful and take it as slowly as you need to, but remind yourself of what you're grateful for in life and don't let yourself become surrounded in negativity. an optimistic mindset can change everything.

card six (future)

seven of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a period of contemplation. "a curious card, the seven of pentacles shows a period of contemplation and uncertainty. you're looking back at all of your hard work and wondering if it has been a failure or a success. you can't seem to decide. shouldn't you be reaping more rewards by now? maybe so. but the mind has control over perception. it's possible your rewards are waiting for you to recognize them. they are not always monetary."

this could be pointing towards the negative mindset card one mentions that you've found yourself in. maybe you'll look back on all of the hard work and determination card four mentions and feel like you haven't done enough, but, again, remember to take your time. the change won't happen overnight. this can all be very overwhelming right now, but start with one thing and work your way up. once you're able to achieve a positive mindset, all of this doubt and pain will melt away. the cards seem to be reminding you to focus on what you really desire in life, remind yourself of what you're grateful of, examine your thought patterns, and then go from there. let inspiration and creativity come to you naturally, don't force it.

card seven (you)

son of cups: minor arcana card representing being artistic and introspective. "like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. he's usually a musician or a visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. his natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. to others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity."

since this is you, i feel like this is definitely saying you're very creative and are really successful at anything related to art/music/self-expression of some kind. since this is RPR, maybe it's also pointing to writing. both this card and card three talk about creativity and inspiration (well this one doesn't directly say anything about creativity and inspiration, but, like, it talks about the arts, so y'know), so maybe this is also here as a reminder to get yourself back on track with your creative goals/projects and let inspiration come to you naturally. don't force yourself into anything, first you need to sort out your thought process and current mental state.

card eight (external factors)

son of pentacles: minor arcana card representing being loyal, quiet, and dedicated. "the good side of the son of pentacles is that he's loyal and determined. he's inventive and can be trusted wholeheartedly. but sometimes this figure becomes stubborn and persistent to a fault. this, combined with his quiet nature, results in him being hard to get to know and socially awkward at times. he commonly only has one or two close friends rather than many."

i feel like that this card heavily ties into card one. maybe you're being extremely stubborn and persistent, which could be what's leading you into getting into arguments and conflict with others. but also, since this is external factors, maybe you know someone else that's being extremely stubborn and persistent, which is what's leading you into getting into arguments? either way, i feel like that's definitely the part in the description that needs to be focused on, and, again, remember to walk away from arguments as much as you possibly can. don't let your current situation become even more stressful.

card nine (hopes/fears)

six of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperity, growth, and generosity. "the six of pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. this card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. if this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use."

so, it seems like that you're hoping all of your hard work will finally be rewarded. i feel like this really corresponds with card four and card six. maybe you feel like you've poured all of your energy and determination into something, but you're wondering if your rewards will ever come and if all of your hard work has gone to waste. don't worry! i feel like card one is definitely indicating you've lost your motivation and determination, but this is reminding you that you really want to get back on track. remember to follow the advice all of the other cards talk about.

card ten (final outcome)

father of pentacles: minor arcana card representing being steady and entrepreneurial. "the father of pentacles is a steady, gentle man. upon first meeting, he can almost seem dull because of his extremely calm temperament. but underneath is an incredibly passionate man who prioritizes the stability of his job, family, and home. he is entrepreneurial and diligent at work. a true pleasure to know."

so it sounds like that, in the end, you'll be able to find your passions, focus on your goals, and work hard to achieve them again. right now you might have found yourself falling off the path to success, but remember that the beginning stages of a new positive era of your life are on the horizon. take care of yourself, take things slowly, and remember to examine your thoughts and the way you think about yourself. don't let yourself become surrounded in negativity. remind yourself of what's important to you, what you're grateful for, and what you really want in life. you may find yourself getting dragged into unnecessary arguments, so remember to step back when you need to. you may feel like your hard work has gone to waste and you're wondering where your rewards are, but this isn't the case! just remember to get yourself back on track and clear your mind, and then the rewards will start to show themselves. once this is done, you'll be able to find your motivation and determination again. this time sounds like it will be a time of great creativity and inspiration, but don't try and force it, let that part all come naturally so you don't feel overwhelmed. mentally, you may be in a lot of pain right now, but just remember that all hope isn't lost and positive change is on the horizon.

i hope this is helpful, and good luck with the future! since i waited a few days to answer this because i got busy, i'm sorry if it's not still applicable, or anything.
haunt Topic Starter

Skipbab wrote:
Just out of curiousity... How will I die?

weirdly enough this actually isn't the first time i've been asked this question.


card one (heart of the matter)

two of pentacles: minor arcana card representing balance and change. "the two of pentacles signifies inevitable change. since the pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. face it with the grace of a newly formed butterfly. a world of possibilities is balanced upon your wings."

so i feel like this is saying you'll have difficulty accepting the fact that you're dying, but you need to embrace it, as weird and morbid as that sounds. i feel like it's telling you to just realize and accept the fact that you'll be at your life's end, even though you fear it. also, since this is kind of saying "you fear change but need to accept that it needs to happen," i feel like that's saying you'll have time to accept the fact you're dying? so i'm thinking some sort of illness.

card two (opposing factors)

seven of wands: minor arcana card representing courage and inner strength. "a single wand stands up tall, ablaze with light. the others fall away in shadow. such is the story of the seven of wands. you'll not find any strength or support from others, only yourself. it's time to be truly courageous and stand up for your beliefs. you may feel overwhelmed with caution and fear, but your internal fire will guide the way."

i feel like this is saying something getting in the way of you accepting that you're dying is being afraid. so, this seems to be here as a reminder to find your inner strength and courage and embrace the end of your life.

card three (root cause)

the chariot: major arcana card representing strong will and triumph. "the chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. at points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. build a relationship with this part of yourself. try to see the chariot inside you. the more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. with a fixed gaze and sure footing, you will be headed toward all you dream of."

like card two, this one is also talking about courage and inner-strength. since this is root cause, though, i feel like it's saying that, in order to be at peace with your life and accept the fact you're dying, you need the courage and strength to do so. so, it seems to be reminding you to keep your mind focused and find this brave part of yourself.

card four (past)

seven of cups: minor arcana card representing illusion and deception. "the seven of cups is not the most welcome card. it indicates you'll face temptation in many aspects of your life. whether it's cheating for pleasure or for money, you'll soon realize you've been building a house of cards. you may feel as though you can't see clearly, can't judge right from wrong or up from down. this is the spell of the seven of cups. it's best to remove yourself for awhile, step back until you can see straight again."

i feel like, since this is past, this could be indicating that you're looking back on your life with regret? you may feel like you didn't make the best decisions in your past, so looking back on it, you feel ashamed. but i feel like all of the other cards together are telling you that the past is the past and you need to accept death.

card five (goals)

six of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperity, growth, and generosity. "the six of pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. this card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. if this is the case, accept the help with grace and put resources to good use."

since this card is in goals, maybe it's saying that you will want help from someone else? card two talks about finding your inner strength on your own, not from others, so i feel like this is reminding you that no one else can bring you acceptance and peace. you need to find this strength and mental clarity on your own.

card six (future)

seven of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a period of contemplation. "a curious card, the seven of pentacles shows a period of contemplation and uncertainty. you're looking back at all of your hard work and wondering if it has been a failure or a success. you can't seem to decide. shouldn't you be reaping more rewards by now? maybe so. but the mind has control over perception. it's possible your rewards are waiting for you to recognize them. they are not always monetary."

going with card four, maybe this is saying that you will look back on your life and feel like you haven't been rewarded for all of your hard work, which can add to the regret you may feel? either way, this seems to be reminding you to examine yourself and your life in order to really see what all you've been rewarded with in the past.

card seven (you)

the tower: major arcana card representing unexpected upheaval. "when the tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. the well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart--and you didn't see it coming. even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. you'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. you might even see it as a personal breakthrough in the end."

going with my illness theory, i think this is referring to the diagnosis and how you feel like your entire world just fell apart. i feel like this is reminding you that you may feel pained and confused because of it all, you need to find your inner strength and courage in order to accept what's happening. death is inevitable and natural.

card eight (external factors)

son of cups: minor arcana card representing being artistic and introspective. "like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. he's usually a musician or visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. his natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. to others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity."

since this is external factors, maybe this is saying that other people feel like you're at peace with what's happening, but deep inside you feel very intense and worried? this probably goes along with the other cards about finding your inner strength on your own.

card nine (hopes/fears)

the star: major arcana card representing hope and peace of mind. "standing outside on a dark night, you gaze up at the stars and sense glimmers of wonder and hope. even though you can't find concrete answers to life's many questions up there in the sky, you can't help but feel comforted and renewed. such is the energy of the star card. it is not about actions or situations. it's simply about connecting to the part of you that is hopeful and serene. this force will bring light back into your life and infuse you with positivity. a lovely card."

so, because this card appeared in hopes/fears, i feel like it's definitely saying that, through it all, you want any pain you feel to end and find hope and comfort. maybe you feel like demanding why you were diagnosed with this illness (back to my original theory) but, even though you can't really find an answer, you hope to learn how to accept it. i feel like it's saying that this hope is definitely obtainable, you will just need to find the courage and strength a lot of the other cards talk about.

card ten (final outcome)

the devil: major arcana card representing addiction and negativity. "though it may feel frightening when the devil appears in your reading, this card carries an urgent message and must be interpreted with total honesty. the darkness of the devil card takes the form of addiction, negativity, and materialism. it can indicate an ugly relationship with a person or substance. identify the dependency and how it's holding you back. the devil's hooves are strong and relentless--their grip will not loosen unless a conscious change is made. free yourself."

i feel like this is literally telling you that you will need to let go of life and free yourself. since this card also represents negativity, maybe it's pointing towards the negativity you feel about the situation and your past. i think all of the cards together are telling you that you will need to find your inner strength and bravery in order to accept and find peace with your difficult situation. you hope that one day you will be able to accept what's happening and find this peace and clarity, and it's definitely achievable, you just need to remember what the other cards are saying.

so uhhhhh i pretty much always end these posts with saying good luck and i hope this was accurate but i think if i said this here it would be. weird? but sorry these answers were all kinda short, it's kinda hard to give advice on something that hasn't happened yet, if that makes sense?? tarot is mainly used for advice, insight, and guidance, not really directly saying THIS WILL 100% HAPPEN THIS WAY AND THIS IS EXACTLY HOW. so yeah i hope this was insightful and if it's accurate feel free to me from the dead lmao.

psoliver wrote:
Emo wrote:
These are incredible to see, Ive never done Tarot before but it has always seemed really cool. I would love to know my future well being (that seems to be really popular but there are some things going in my life rn and I want to know how it turns out) Thank you so much!


card one (heart of the matter)

five of swords: minor arcana card representing self-destruction. "yet another card of warning, the five of swords depicts destruction of the self. you'll be lured into another situation or argument you know to avoid. your selfishness and desire for power will lead you to defeat. pain and discord will result."

since you mentioned going through some stuff right now, i feel like this could be saying that this is your current mental state. this is here to shine light on the situation and how you feel. i believe it's here as a reminder to find ways to calm yourself down and ease the pain, or your pain will only increase. maybe right now you're finding yourself getting into arguments frequently? try to avoid them as much as you possibly can and take some time to be kind to yourself.

card two (opposing factors)

ace of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperous beginnings. "in the center of even the giant redwood trees, a tiny seedling once stood. such is the energy of the ace of pentacles--it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. you're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. stay grounded. go outside and take time to appreciate nature. you may also find a windfall of wealth along the way."

because this is opposing factors, i feel like that this, combined with the first card, are saying that you need/want to enter a prosperous new phase in your life, but you're holding yourself back due to your current mental state. maybe you find yourself getting into unnecessary conflict or feel like you're out of control? either way, these two seem to be recommending to take care of yourself and find the peace you need in order to start a positive new era of your life.

card three (root cause)

ace of wands: minor arcana card representing expansion and inspiration. "an extremely high energy card, the ace of wands indicates new growth is all around you. your ideas and outlook will expand, and creativity seems endless. this fertile time can also have literal meanings...a pregnancy or birth may be on the horizon. though it's thrilling to embark on your new journey, your good judgement is needed more than ever. don't rush into it."

i believe this is pointing to the new beginnings that card two mentions, since this card is root cause. it seems like, right now, you might be in a lot of pain and feel like everything could be falling apart, but i feel like this card is saying you need to channel your creative energy and become more inspired. this card also talks about a new journey, so combined with card two, it could be telling you to find your inner creativity and focus on your passions in order to enter a new positive phase in your life. also, the card's descriptions says "don't rush into it" so i feel like that's definitely a reminder to take as much time as you need. don't think I NEED TO BE CREATIVE RIGHT NOW, start five million projects, and then feel even more chaotic and lost. take your time and don't force anything. remember to avoid unnecessary conflict and take some time to do something that makes you happy. creativity and inspiration will come to you once you take time to clear your mind and aren't focused on any arguments you may find yourself getting dragged into.

card four (past)

two of wands: minor arcana card representing determination and direction. "with the two of wands, it's clear you're on your way to success. you've focused on a goal and have boldly pointed all efforts in that direction. since the suit of wands deals heavily with the mind, take this time to become aware of your thought patterns, specifically toward yourself. what is the quality and tone of your thoughts? mostly positive or negative? how well do you treat yourself on the journey to your highest dreams?"

because this is in past, i feel like it could be saying that maybe you were on the way to success, but you got lost along the way, leading to the self-destruction that card one talks about? maybe you were feeling very positive and determined, but something happened, and now you seem to be stuck in this endless cycle of pain that card one mentions. as the card description says, examine your thought patterns and be kind to yourself! let yourself regain this determination and focus. you'll know what you're doing eventually, but take baby steps. don't rush into anything so you don't get overwhelmed. let yourself gradually enter this new phase of your life.

card five (goals)

four of cups: minor arcana card representing greed and discontent. "an outsider would look upon your life and ee supportive relationships, pleasures, and even a bit of luxury. but you don't see it that way. instead, there's discontent, apathy, and even greed for more. the four of cups warns not to take your situation for granted, or the people who supported you along the way. look around you. what are you truly longing for? name it."

don't worry the tarot drags everyone this is a judgement free zone. card one and card five both talk about greed/selfishness, so maybe you feel like you're currently being selfish, or you know that you're currently being selfish but don't really know how to stop it? since this is the goals section, maybe this card is here because you want to find what you truly want in life. discovering what you're really longing for can help you focus on it and lead you into the beginning phase that cards two and three are mentioning. again, remember to examine your thought patterns and remind yourself of your goals. be careful and take it as slowly as you need to, but remind yourself of what you're grateful for in life and don't let yourself become surrounded in negativity. an optimistic mindset can change everything.

card six (future)

seven of pentacles: minor arcana card representing a period of contemplation. "a curious card, the seven of pentacles shows a period of contemplation and uncertainty. you're looking back at all of your hard work and wondering if it has been a failure or a success. you can't seem to decide. shouldn't you be reaping more rewards by now? maybe so. but the mind has control over perception. it's possible your rewards are waiting for you to recognize them. they are not always monetary."

this could be pointing towards the negative mindset card one mentions that you've found yourself in. maybe you'll look back on all of the hard work and determination card four mentions and feel like you haven't done enough, but, again, remember to take your time. the change won't happen overnight. this can all be very overwhelming right now, but start with one thing and work your way up. once you're able to achieve a positive mindset, all of this doubt and pain will melt away. the cards seem to be reminding you to focus on what you really desire in life, remind yourself of what you're grateful of, examine your thought patterns, and then go from there. let inspiration and creativity come to you naturally, don't force it.

card seven (you)

son of cups: minor arcana card representing being artistic and introspective. "like all of the cups family, the son truly excels within the arts. he's usually a musician or a visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. his natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. to others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity."

since this is you, i feel like this is definitely saying you're very creative and are really successful at anything related to art/music/self-expression of some kind. since this is RPR, maybe it's also pointing to writing. both this card and card three talk about creativity and inspiration (well this one doesn't directly say anything about creativity and inspiration, but, like, it talks about the arts, so y'know), so maybe this is also here as a reminder to get yourself back on track with your creative goals/projects and let inspiration come to you naturally. don't force yourself into anything, first you need to sort out your thought process and current mental state.

card eight (external factors)

son of pentacles: minor arcana card representing being loyal, quiet, and dedicated. "the good side of the son of pentacles is that he's loyal and determined. he's inventive and can be trusted wholeheartedly. but sometimes this figure becomes stubborn and persistent to a fault. this, combined with his quiet nature, results in him being hard to get to know and socially awkward at times. he commonly only has one or two close friends rather than many."

i feel like that this card heavily ties into card one. maybe you're being extremely stubborn and persistent, which could be what's leading you into getting into arguments and conflict with others. but also, since this is external factors, maybe you know someone else that's being extremely stubborn and persistent, which is what's leading you into getting into arguments? either way, i feel like that's definitely the part in the description that needs to be focused on, and, again, remember to walk away from arguments as much as you possibly can. don't let your current situation become even more stressful.

card nine (hopes/fears)

six of pentacles: minor arcana card representing prosperity, growth, and generosity. "the six of pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. this card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. if this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use."

so, it seems like that you're hoping all of your hard work will finally be rewarded. i feel like this really corresponds with card four and card six. maybe you feel like you've poured all of your energy and determination into something, but you're wondering if your rewards will ever come and if all of your hard work has gone to waste. don't worry! i feel like card one is definitely indicating you've lost your motivation and determination, but this is reminding you that you really want to get back on track. remember to follow the advice all of the other cards talk about.

card ten (final outcome)

father of pentacles: minor arcana card representing being steady and entrepreneurial. "the father of pentacles is a steady, gentle man. upon first meeting, he can almost seem dull because of his extremely calm temperament. but underneath is an incredibly passionate man who prioritizes the stability of his job, family, and home. he is entrepreneurial and diligent at work. a true pleasure to know."

so it sounds like that, in the end, you'll be able to find your passions, focus on your goals, and work hard to achieve them again. right now you might have found yourself falling off the path to success, but remember that the beginning stages of a new positive era of your life are on the horizon. take care of yourself, take things slowly, and remember to examine your thoughts and the way you think about yourself. don't let yourself become surrounded in negativity. remind yourself of what's important to you, what you're grateful for, and what you really want in life. you may find yourself getting dragged into unnecessary arguments, so remember to step back when you need to. you may feel like your hard work has gone to waste and you're wondering where your rewards are, but this isn't the case! just remember to get yourself back on track and clear your mind, and then the rewards will start to show themselves. once this is done, you'll be able to find your motivation and determination again. this time sounds like it will be a time of great creativity and inspiration, but don't try and force it, let that part all come naturally so you don't feel overwhelmed. mentally, you may be in a lot of pain right now, but just remember that all hope isn't lost and positive change is on the horizon.

i hope this is helpful, and good luck with the future! since i waited a few days to answer this because i got busy, i'm sorry if it's not still applicable, or anything.

Thanks so much for doing this! It ijs totally still applicable and really helpful thank you again…your awesome!
haunt Topic Starter

bump because i love doing these and the queue’s empty :0

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