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Answers to questions about Life, the Universe and Everything, 2 of 2

Posted by Kim on October 3, 2013, 8:47pm

And now, the final installment of stupid answers to your questions.

How is a raven like a writing desk? Rah

Neither is made of plutonium.

How does snow feel like? =3 Annie_isOkay


How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Yeah couldn't resist. Merenrave

That depends. Woodchucks work at double capacity when utilizing power tools.

Pepperonis. How are they that? Agentmoore

I want to know why Kettle Corn pops round when regular popcorn doesn't. Muddy91

There are hundreds of species of corn in the world! Some of them pop different colors, some different flavors, and some different shapes. The “regular” corn that you are most likely familiar with has been bred for “high popping yield” at the expense of flavor or texture ”“ if you ever get the chance to try some heirloom popping corn, do! There's zillions of flavors, most more delicious and rich than what you are familiar with, although, as I've already implied, there will be more unpopped kernels left over.

Anyway, there are two main shapes corn will pop into. The “regular” kind is called “butterfly” corn. But some species of corn are in the “mushroom” category of popping, which means they pop round.

Can eggs turn green? SUNDROP

Yes. If you overcook a hardboiled egg, ferrous oxide forms where the yolk and the white meet, when iron from the yolk reacts with hydrogen sulfide from the white. That makes the yolk turn sort of gray-green. I'm told it's harmless, but I don't trust bird ovum for a minute.

What exactly is the function of a rubber duck? TornBySanity


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Wizard

Oh dear. I had thought that Wizard's time magic might have been wrestled under control since last year, but it appears he is still suffering from a localized temporal distortion that is garbling his sentences. Perhaps next year Wizard will have perfected his chronomnacing and we will be able to understand him? :(

Who was the first man to milk a cow...? Degu

No one knows the specific person, but we do know it probably happened between 9000 and 7000 BC somewhere in the area we now call the “middle east”. This is around the time humans started to develop agriculture and domesticate animals.

Could you please tell the monster in my basement to start paying rent instead of freeloading on my expense? Rynh

Yes, I could.

Are you suggesting Coconuts Migrate? SweetyCeltic

Not at all! They could be carried.

Can you please explain why '42' is the answer to life? Chibidoitsu98

42 is merely a computer error code that the vast computation device Earth spat out. When looked up in the owner's manual, you will find that “Error 42” means that no one actually defined the question. Life is a noun, not a question!



October 4, 2013

While green eggs are a sometimes reality, I'm pretty sure that ham is a myth.


October 4, 2013

I want some green eggs and ham...


October 4, 2013

Because reasons, Wizard. You know that.

Additionally, I am prepared to face pepperoni when the time comes. Thank you, kind soul.


October 4, 2013

I am down with the references. ;)


October 4, 2013

OMG you got mine XD i was worried you would not know what i was talking about..


October 4, 2013

HM, plutonium, never thought of that....


October 3, 2013

This isn't really that will even actually sometimes whether to that or however quite is fast.

If you cannot then before as to go even well much, how when anyway it kind well been had?