Posted by Kim on July 2, 2024, 9:00am
Every year I get another reason to appreciate this amazing team of moderators. Over the past months I've been struggling with finding a diagnosis for some kind of sleep disorder that has wildly disrupted my life. And even on days where I had no choice but to sleep for 19 hours - I knew this sweet site was being watched over.That there was a whole team of people who truly cared --
reaching out to chat with users whose recent profile updates sounded like they were struggling.
Who were following up on red flags that lead to the unmasking of transphobes and showing them the door.
Who are reviewing hundreds of images a day for content that needs a warning.
Who keep the site from being overrun by spam bots daily.
Even when I can't exactly sleep well at night, I sleep confidently knowing that there are folks who care about this community the way that I do, watching out for both big and small details.
It's July 2nd, and on the RP Repository, that means Moderator Appreciation Day!
This is a day where we celebrate for all moderators, everywhere. Yes, it's a salute to our extremely hard working site moderators, but I'm certain there are plenty of other moderators in your life, too - moderators of RPR groups. Moderators of Facebook Groups. Moderators of Discords. Moderators of forums. Moderators of LiveJournal groups? Please, take a moment to send a thank you note to the various moderators in your life. They're probably all doing VASTLY more than you know about in order to keep your online experience from being overrun by bots, trolls, and other sea monsters that inhabit the deeps of the internet.Please join me today in thanking our moderation team, and then go out into your online world and thank every other moderator you can think of too!
Post tags: Moderator Appreciation Day
Thanks for fixing my mistakes when I cuss and for getting rid of bad people when they act out, love you guys ❤️
Moderators in this site are the most friendly, the most diligents, the most hard-working. It potrayed on how this forum is growing bigger each day and handling more than 30k members must be insane!
Thank you for the hard-work mods! I'm very very comfortable being in this site and I feel safe because the mods are fast in responding request
It says "The friendliest site" for a reason! So cheers! 🥂
Thank you for the hard-work mods! I'm very very comfortable being in this site and I feel safe because the mods are fast in responding request

It says "The friendliest site" for a reason! So cheers! 🥂
Thank you everyone for the incredibly kind words. 
I've been saying for years that RPR is the best moderating experience I've ever had. Kim's an amazing boss, and the community here is really wonderful. It doesn't feel like moderating a user base of 32,000+ folks.
So, thank you to the community for being so gracious -- and for being understanding when you get those form letters when we remove the f-bombs and mark things mature. It means a lot to us when people are kind.

I've been saying for years that RPR is the best moderating experience I've ever had. Kim's an amazing boss, and the community here is really wonderful. It doesn't feel like moderating a user base of 32,000+ folks.
So, thank you to the community for being so gracious -- and for being understanding when you get those form letters when we remove the f-bombs and mark things mature. It means a lot to us when people are kind.
Thank you everyone for all your kind words. 
The second half of 2023 was a brutal period for me personally (CW pet death, arson) with having to deal with an arsonist burning down my vehicle and the sudden and unexpected loss of my furry soulmate Dette not too long after, as well as the emotional turmoil of meeting several friends over the winter holidays and having to say goodbye after not getting nearly enough time to hang out with them. The first half of 2024 was a period of grief and recovery and trying to keep my head above water, which means I wasn't nearly as active on the site as I'd wanted to be.
My fellow mods were absolute champions and picked up the slack I inevitably ended up giving without a single complaint, steadfast trucking on and doing everything in their power to be there for everyone. I'm slowly coming back around and I'm so immensely grateful to have been given the means to recover from everything without pressure. So thank you to my fellow mods for being so utterly amazing. While the actions we take can be visible to the community, the support the mods provide to each other is largely invisible, and I want to show and emphasize that the mods were there for me when I needed them to cover my duties for me when I couldn't. The support is never ending and I'm so happy to be part of a community as healthy and amazing as this one!!

The second half of 2023 was a brutal period for me personally (CW pet death, arson) with having to deal with an arsonist burning down my vehicle and the sudden and unexpected loss of my furry soulmate Dette not too long after, as well as the emotional turmoil of meeting several friends over the winter holidays and having to say goodbye after not getting nearly enough time to hang out with them. The first half of 2024 was a period of grief and recovery and trying to keep my head above water, which means I wasn't nearly as active on the site as I'd wanted to be.
My fellow mods were absolute champions and picked up the slack I inevitably ended up giving without a single complaint, steadfast trucking on and doing everything in their power to be there for everyone. I'm slowly coming back around and I'm so immensely grateful to have been given the means to recover from everything without pressure. So thank you to my fellow mods for being so utterly amazing. While the actions we take can be visible to the community, the support the mods provide to each other is largely invisible, and I want to show and emphasize that the mods were there for me when I needed them to cover my duties for me when I couldn't. The support is never ending and I'm so happy to be part of a community as healthy and amazing as this one!!
Honestly mods here doing so much for everyone of us to keep us safe. Thank you very much for your hard work.
Thank you Mods!!
Thank you mods!! You're all the best
Thanks to all of the mods here on RPR. You guys are amazing.
Thank you mod team!
So far I had little interaction with you. Just like IT security or maintenance, that means you did your job very well - things go so smooth that it is easy to forgot that they are going smooth because of your work!
Thank you for keeping my favorite site alive and well
So far I had little interaction with you. Just like IT security or maintenance, that means you did your job very well - things go so smooth that it is easy to forgot that they are going smooth because of your work!
Thank you for keeping my favorite site alive and well

I've had some wonderful mod experiences on this site. Thank you for all the work you do!
Thank you to all our wonderful mods; you guys are great!
I say it every year, and I am thankful for the diligence the mods here have in keeping the place safe and clean!
It is appreciated every day! Today it is our day to tell you that! Be sure to have fun among all the modding! Shoutout to Cass for visiting my former group! 🥂Cheers! 🥂
It is appreciated every day! Today it is our day to tell you that! Be sure to have fun among all the modding! Shoutout to Cass for visiting my former group! 🥂Cheers! 🥂
I would like to extend my sincerest Gratitude to the moderators.
For a moderator needs to be the prime example of any member, bearing values of Tolerance, Understanding, Righteousness, Diligence, among many others that represent the player base of RPR.
In the past I have needed the aid of Moderators to help me handle different hard situations and for that Im grateful for those that came to my help.
Enjoy your day.
For a moderator needs to be the prime example of any member, bearing values of Tolerance, Understanding, Righteousness, Diligence, among many others that represent the player base of RPR.
In the past I have needed the aid of Moderators to help me handle different hard situations and for that Im grateful for those that came to my help.
Enjoy your day.
thank you to all the mods who uphold this fun website
Thank you for all your hard work!
Thank you mods! ❤️
I love the team on this site! Only had good experiences, both in forums just with chatting but also when I report something I see that isn't supposed to be here.
I'm so grateful this place exists and is as awesome as it is, and I doubt it would be if it wasn't for the people taking care of it!
I'm so grateful this place exists and is as awesome as it is, and I doubt it would be if it wasn't for the people taking care of it!

Thank you so much mods! You guys are like a ton of Spider-Men running around, keeping this community safe.
We appreciate you and your endless support and care for this website so much. I hope you guys have a wonderful summer!

July 5, 2024