Posted by Kim on December 23, 2020, 9:00am
It's finally here! Let all your friends know that you're out of town for the week without spamming the forums or needing to write individual PMs.To post your first status update, go to your own profile and look for this link:

Click "post status" and you'll be presented with a textbox in which you can type your update. Once posted, it'll show up on your profile and in their notifications stream.
Status updates are ephemeral; once you change your status, all old ones are deleted. If you post a "blank" status update, it will remove your current status and set you back to not having one. (Even "deleted" statuses can still be accessed by mods in an emergency, so make sure you are complying with the guidelines for public areas of the site in your status update. Nothing mean or naughty, please!)
Not interested in seeing status updates from your friends? You can adjust your notifications feed like this:

Uncheck "Status updates" on your Personal Notifications Settings page
Are you someone who only plays on anonymous characters and are not sure how user status updates will help you tell your friends you're taking a break from RP? You're right, it won't! You may wish to utilize the character journal feature instead.

Post tags: Feature Explanations
@BleedingPascal - That was a very valid concern! Many feature additions turn into a balancing act between competing needs and concerns, and this one was no different. One of the things that took the longest in producing it was just deciding how it ought to work because of all those different things to balance!
I'm glad most people seem to feel I've struck a good or at least okay balance this time.

Amazing! I was a bit afraid that some users with lots of active friends (that means "Not me", because I don't have lots of friends, hehe) might get spammed with status updates, but good to see you thought about that and made an option to turn it off.
You're a super-admin!

Just learned about it today! Thanks for the feature, Kim!
I'm enjoying all the Santa and snowflake emojis suddenly populating my homepage

This is very useful. Thanks for the update.
It can be very useful indeed.
Loving the new feature

Nice! I noted the status yesterday but it looks like a lot more in the settings!
I'm so glad you all like it so far!

Omg thank you so much! Super useful and kind of cute. What a wonderful Christmas gift. â¤ï¸
A feature which can both be useful and a way to goof around making weird in-jokes with friends? Hecc yes!
Seriously though, being able to just kinda.... let people know if something's going on is super useful, and I bet people will be remarkably creative with the utility aspect, too. ^v^
Seriously though, being able to just kinda.... let people know if something's going on is super useful, and I bet people will be remarkably creative with the utility aspect, too. ^v^
YAS! SO MUCH YAS! Thank you a ton, Kim! Keep being fabulous, please!

Thank youuu!
This new feature is amazing i luv it!
caeneusDecember 29, 2020