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Forums » Smalltalk » I've got a kitty!!

Sanne Moderator

Her story is quite interesting.

My friend's mom had a lease car which was returned to the dealer. The dealer called my friend's brother, telling him they forgot their pet. So the brother goes back, finds the unknown kitten in the trunk of the car and takes her to his mom. No idea how she got in the car, she wasn't owned by anyone, probably a stray who managed to get in there and hide.

His mom was supposed to keep an eye on the kitten until they found someone to take her in, but she misunderstood and called the shelter who picked the kitten up. My friend had asked me if I wanted her and of course I agreed, considering I've been wanting to have one for a while now! My friend and her brother were quite pissed that the kitten was taken, but managed to take the kitten back in.

The brother kept her for the night and we arranged for me to pick her up this morning. I arrived at 10am and took her home with me.

She's a bit malnourished and has fleas, but the vet who I made an appointment with at 12pm checked her over and she's fine otherwise. I went and bought some Frontline spray which I applied the second I came home and she got a worm treatment.

Other than that, she's an adorable little thing! A little bit shy (she's been through a lot the past two days!) but once you pick her up and pet her, she turns into a purring mush and cuddles a lot with you.

She's been hiding under the couch for a while until I lured her out with a little treat stick, and then she climbed all over me onto the back of my chair to sleep there. Now she's back under the couch. I'm looking forward to this weekend!!

Her name is Dette, unrelated to the char I RP. :3




Mstislav (played anonymously)

*squeals* So adorable!
Awwww! How adorable! Precious little Dette <3 (how do you pronounce that by the way? o-o)

Having a kitten is totally AWESOME. You'll be sure to get on her good side if you give her treats and pets and cuddles. I'm so glad the little sweetheart got a good person to take care of her <3

I expect updates on the little bundle of fur!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

You had a lot of fun with the cats you were looking after recently, now you have one of your own! :D

As Celestina said, tell us stories of things she gets up to! :)
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

@Mstislav *Squees with!*

@Celes Uhm.. It's a Frisian name, so it may not be easy to pronounce. XD I suppose you can start with "Odette", but rather than it ending it "et" there's a "uh" sound at the end, just like with Sanne. I'll record something for you later :3
And yeah, she still shies away from me when I approach her, she's hiding, but it's easy to lure her out with food since she's hungry all the time. Once she gets used to me it should be fine!

@Darth I do! I had two failures trying to get one, but third time's the charm, right? :D I may have a big story when I get her vaccinated at the vet's in about two weeks, who knows!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Here's the soundfile Celes! Dette's name is pronounced as...
Oh. My. Goodness.

Dette is the most adorable lil' bundle of kitteness I have ever SEEN! Along with my own kitten that is. Ahem.

Isn't it funny how those things work out though? We had sort of the same situation with our own lil' guy-- ends up somewhere it shouldn't, someone takes it in, it gets moved around a lot, and then bam, it ends up in the loving arms of one of us folks!

Congratulations on the new kitten, Sanne. <3 She'll be a wonderful lil' pet, I'm sure!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Hehehehehehehe. She took her first dump in the litterbox. She made sure that turd was buried so deep it would never be found again! It was so cute and gross at the same time!!

Also, more pics and a video! She's not so skinny anymore as she was yesterday, I've been feeding her small amounts of food every 1-2 hours with quite a bit of cat milk, because she wasn't drinking water.



And video:
Awww at tuxedos. Our stray kitties can be friends. I think it's especially heart warming when people take in strays. We found our cat meowing at a drive through coffee shop trying to get in the window.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Oooh, they're called Tuxedos? That's awesome!

And my heart is breaking, she's meowing really loud and long while running around. I think she's calling for her mom or her siblings. D: And she still runs away from me.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

sjdhgskdajnbs Omgodthisissocute.

Yeah, I'm going to murder you all with excess amounts of AWWW OMG CUTE DAWWW EEEEE!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Kitten needs pettings! Since this morning she's been allowing me to pick her up without having to bribe her with treats and has been nestling into my lap for petting sessions. When I walk into the kitchen she also doesn't run away, she just kind of ducks and backs up two steps but that's it.

Progress! :D
ADORABLE. Also \o/ I guessed right on how to pronounce that!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

You rock my kitty's socks, Fox! :D

She's doing REALLY well. I'm amazed by how tidy she is. When I first brought her home, the first thing I did was use the anti-flea spray. After that, the first thing I set her down into was the litterbox. I put her in there a few times throughout the day and removed the top so it would be fully open. She's not peed or pooped outside of the litterbox at all, which I kind of expected considering her age and that she's lived out on the streets so far.

What stunned me most was that she started scratching at the scratching pole and the cat tower, but she hasn't touched a single other piece of furniture yet (besides my desk chair for climbing purposes, my desk appears to be highly interesting!). Now the scratching pole and tower were gifts from my friend and had been used by her cats (my cat-sitting cats from before), so maybe it's the cats' scent on them. But if she keeps this up, Dette's going to be such a well behaved kitty! *knocks on wood* :D
I love how big her ears are, she looks adorable and gracious somehow xD
A little diva ;) and my sister has picked up a cat from the streets too.
Similar face but different fur coloring. She got her child in front of my sisters door.
She kept them and was looking for a home for the both of them.
The woman my father is with, has her now and loves both of them. They are well behaved and totally thankful.
The mother cat that was living at the streets it super intelligent.

I guess animals know it when you sort of rescue them and will thank it to you.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Probably! She's also figured out I'm the food dispenser and the litterbox cleaner. XD

She looks much, much better now too thanks to all the food she's getting. It's making her fart and burp a lot though, but thankfully I'm already used to dog farts. :P Kitten farts aren't that bad.
Sanne wrote:
Probably! She's also figured out I'm the food dispenser and the litterbox cleaner. XD

She looks much, much better now too thanks to all the food she's getting. It's making her fart and burp a lot though, but thankfully I'm already used to dog farts. :P Kitten farts aren't that bad.

I guess she needs to get used to the food, and will stop farting - hopefully.
But as far as i can tell, cat-farts are not as bad as dog-farts xD
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Yeah, she was starving so her system needs to get used to regular feeding again. Her stomach and intestines now need to work hard to digest the food, so a lot of gasses are the result. All animals fart a lot though, it won't stop when she gets older. XD

What's also good is that she's not scared of me anymore. She sneaks up on me when I sit at my desk, then sits and stares at me when I turn around. Yesterday when I tried to reach for her and pet her, she ran away. As of today she flinches a little, but she'll let me pet her and pick her up.

Right now she's snoozing in my lap and occasionally watches the screen. She's played with her toys a bit so far too, and my fingers. It's so adorable that she doesn't use her claws on me! <3
lol, dont let her get addicted to furcadia ;)

and yea, it will take a bit but then i guess she will follow you on the heel.
Kim Site Admin

I can't believe I just found this topic. She is adorable! Congrats! :D

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