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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » You Can't Take The Sky From Me (OPEN)

Tyler Coolidge (played by JayBird)

Tyler laid on his bunk as he stared at his fish tank. When his cat, Charlie, jumped onto his lap and meowed, the captain of the Viator turned his attention to the cat, rubbing its ears and jaw as he thought hard on what he was going to do.
The 'Miranda Incident' had thrown the 'verse into an uproar, with civilians protesting and demonstrating, enormous civil unrest, and former Independents wearing their brown coats openly. Business had boomed for him and his crew, but now Ty found himself grounded. The climate was dangerous even on Ariel, and a long lasting riot had kept the Viator from taking off for three weeks. Coolie knew that his crew was getting to be upset with him, and he was sure that if they hadn't have been grounded on Ariel, some of them might have jumped ship.
Petting Charlie gently, Tyler let his eyes travel back to his fish tank, watching the 'bloops', as he called them, swim around. It wasn't right. They weren't right. And they damn well might not ever had been Tyler had been a war hero for the Alliance, fighting in some of the bloodiest and fiercest battles, and had made a few key victories in the Battle of Serenity Valley. But he couldn't but help to wonder if he had picked the wrong side after all.
Ty's hand drifted to a halt, prompting Charlie to meow pitifully. "Sorry, Charlie. Got something to do." Carefully setting his cat aside, Tyler ran up the ladder out of his quarters and to the bridge, bringing up the communicators that he insisted that his crew all carry whenever leaving the ship. "Everybody, get back to the ship. We've got something to discuss." Clicking off the communicator, Ty crawled beneath the navigation station and pulled out the IFF transponder that he had installed like a good law-happy officer when he bought the ship. While he waited for his crew to arrive back on the Viator, the captain busied himself with preparing for take off, not wanting to waste any more time or to over think his decision.

[If anyone wants to play a crew member of the Viator, you're more than welcome to!]
Merrion Kambel (played anonymously)

Merrion had been in the middle of a delicate procedure when the call came through, the sudden voice startling him enough for his hands to twitch and snap off a very important piece of equipment. He twisted his head around, giving the communicator sitting on his table a dirty look as the order for all crew to return finished. He'd never even left the ship, on a planet like this he never would unless he was forced or paid. Turning back to the old handheld radar he had been piecing together which now needed another new part, he dug out the broken bits.

Great timing, Captain. This better be good and not an announcement that we're stuck on this damn planet indefinitely. He thought irritably as he began putting his parts, tools and various pieces of broken equipment into the aptly named "Box of Scrap" he kept under his bunk. Once it was put away, he grabbed his pistol from its spot on the table next to the communicator and holstered it before heading to the bridge. Not only because he hated going anywhere unarmed, but because if the talk the Captain wanted to give really was about being trapped on this planet for who-knows-how-long, he might just have to shoot someone.
Rhyzo (played by Pyrroglaux)

Many ships had been stranded on Ariel since the riots began. Aristide wandered about some of them, looking for crew members belonging to them. He desperately wanted to get off the planet. If he had had any say in it, he wouldn’t have stayed longer than a couple of days until hopping onto the next ship, but then the riots happened.

Personally, Aristide didn’t see why there was this much outward violence from the general population. He thought the ‘Miranda Incident,’ as everyone referred to it, was quite a fascinating bit of biochemistry. Unethical, certainly. He wouldn’t try to condone it, but it had happened and it couldn’t be undone, so they had best try to put the required data to good use. Some of the best scientific discoveries had happened this way, he reasoned. Then again, people had told him he could be a bit detached from reality sometimes. He wasn’t too detached to figure that this was one of those times.

Regardless, he was as stuck on this planet as everyone else was, and he wanted off. There was no work for him here. As soon as his name was entered into a computer, red signs would flash and warning bells would ring. Well… figuratively. No decent pharmacy or hospital would hire him with his history. And there were only decent places here. With decent people. He wasn’t one of those anymore, and so he had to scale things down a bit. He wasn’t too proud for that. Not anymore. Anything was better than living with his old mum.

He noticed some people returning to what seemed like a transport vessel. He drew closer. Perhaps he could stop one of crew and ask if they had any room for a passenger on board.

(((OOC: If you’re alright with all this, Jay, I thought I could have some random crew member of Tyler’s bring Aristide to the bridge to ask if he can come along in my next post?)))
Tyler Coolidge (played by JayBird) Topic Starter

(((I am absolutely okay with it. I'll wait a bit longer before my next post, to see if anyone who expressed interest in the idea originally decides to post as well, though this will remain open. Gotta tell you both, I'm super excited.)))
Tyler Coolidge (played by JayBird) Topic Starter

Tyler kept a very watchful eye on the sensors in the Viator, waiting until the last of his crew had boarded before closing up the hatch and locking it down. The Captain hesitated a moment, his eyes staring at the console before him. Doubt started to loom in his mind, and he very nearly reneged on his decision when something bumped into his leg.
Charlie wound her marmalade body between Tyler's feet before looking up to him with wide yellow eyes. Coolie stared at his cat a moment, then nodded and picked her up, tucking her into a zip up pouch made just for her that he had attached to the pilot's chair. Then Tyler made his irrevocable decision and ripped the wire bundle that controlled all the communication systems, even the one that spoke to the port authority and kept them locked down.
Grabbing the mike for the in-ship intercom, Ty called out a quick warning for everybody to hang on before he gave full power to the thrusters, pushing the Viator off the ground and skyward, leading them towards freedom and the black.
Merrion Kambel (played anonymously)

Walking down the corridor at a slow pace, Merrion kept running a piece of his Wife's advice through his mind. "Shooting people isn't always the best solution." Once he dropped the bit that came after it about stabbing them being just as easy and less of a waste of ammo, it sounded like a rational argument. One he'd have to try and accept during whatever speech the Captain had planned. After all, shooting someone wouldn't get him off the planet any faster, if anything he'd be stuck there longer on assault or murder charges.

The notice to hang on snapped him out of his thoughts and he glanced at the nearest flat, bare wall. "Hang on to wha-" Was all he managed to mutter before the ship lurched violently and he was thrown from his feet. Landing on his right side and rolling a couple times before he was able to stop himself, he groaned from the pain now shooting through his hip.

Figures I'd land right on my gun. He thought crossly, rubbing the ache with one hand and straining to push himself up with the other. That tidbit of advice entered his mind again and he frowned. Might not be the best solution, but right now it would damn well make me feel better.
Rhyzo (played by Pyrroglaux)

Aristide hurried to catch up with the few crew members that headed into the transport vessel. He hastily boarded behind the last one, and cleared his throat.

“Excuse me?” he ventured, fidgeting with the strap of his large, leather duffel bag that he carried over his shoulder, “Could I speak to your captain about transp-…”

Before he could finish his sentence, however, the rasping, grating sound of oiled machinery interrupted him. He turned to look behind him and witnessed the hatch close and lock. He blinked a couple of times, gazing dumbly at the sealed exit.

“… Oh,” he mouthed silently.

Someone snorted behind him. “I guess you’re coming with us,” the crew member he had addressed said laconically.

Aristide dragged his eyes away from the hatch and stared at the crew member. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted once again. This time by a message from -presumably- the captain that sounded over the intercom. Aristide hadn’t really listened, too shocked that he now found himself stuck on a ship he knew nothing about, with people he knew nothing about. He saw the crew member he spoke to before grab on to something solid, and so he did the same. Just in time, too. Shortly after, the noise of engines powering up filled his ears, and he felt the ship lurch beneath his feet.

Well, he thought, bracing himself as the ship took off, At least I’m off the planet…
Tara O'Conly (played by L0v3lyInk)

((Mind if I get in on this?? If you want me to butt out just say so but I’m going to post just in case you say the more the merrier. Oh and hope you don’t mind if my character is a girl.))

Tara had seen this coming from a mile away. Captain Coolie, as she called him when not in his presence, had never been one to stay in one place for to long. He always got antsy when he was grounded. She hadn’t been on all that long with the crew but she was vigilant enough to notice that. She couldn’t say that she wasn’t surprised as she tried to pick herself up off of the floor though.

She had been on the ship to begin with in her bunk when he had called everyone back on the communicators. She hadn’t thought it was a big deal though. He called meetings every so often about stupid shit. So she had decided to quickly grab a snack from the pantry. She knew everyone bitched about others taking little snacks here and there but she had a little in with one of the cooks. In return for getting little snacks here and there she had traded off one of her better knifes that she had stolen from another planet. It wasn’t anything super but it had been a favorite of her’s. Lo and behold the man spotted it on her hip when she got caught the first time. So that was how that little trade started.

She had slipped into the pantry and grabbed a stick of jerky, well actually two, and had been walking through one of the corridors when she heard him say hang on. Unfortunately for her and some of the other men, it didn’t register fast enough and down to the floor they went, some landing on their asses and others on their face.

“Well damn…” she groaned as she got up, glad to still see the jerky she had snagged still in her hand. She quickly slipped it into her vest pocket and looked around seeing someone down the hall had landed on their face. She stifled a laughed and looked away, glad she had landed on her now bruised tailbone rather then her face.
Tyler Coolidge (played by JayBird) Topic Starter

The flight became a little bit of a fight as Tyler gained more altitude, having inadvertently set off something of a stampede to get off world after an Alliance defense battery snapped off a pot shot at him.
"Sorry, sorry!" Boomed the captain of the Viator, his voice carrying just as well as if he'd used the intercom when forced to run a zig-zag through the stream of traffic, Coolie having a moment where he was very glad that he decided to spend the money on a Series III Firefly and have it updated and upgraded rather than buy the Series IV, which was faster but considerably bigger and harder to maintain. Finally breaking atmo, Ty wasted no time in going for full burn, rocketing his ship out into the nearest piece of empty sky that he saw.
Once his acrobatics were complete and his heart rate began returning to normal, Tyler took a moment to breathe, then picked the mic for the intercom back up, his voice having returned to its normal soft level as well. "Everybody in the galley in thirty. You might guess that we won't be welcome on Ariel for a while, and we're going to talk about it." The acts of breaking a port control lockdown, fleeing from the authorities, and even the prospective felonies of promoting unrest and inciting a riot were all extremely illegal and could result in bounties on the heads of every single person aboard the ship, including Charlie. They were massive departures from Tyler' normal law-abiding behavior, and he figured that the the crew would have questions.
Sighing to himself, Tyler let Charlie out of her flight bag and petted the cat's head a moment before slipping out of his seat and onto the floor, beginning to reconnect some of the wires that he'd ripped out.
Merrion Kambel (played anonymously)

Once he was upright and the ship was finally stable again, Merrion checked his gun to make sure nothing had broken on impact. It looked fine, but didn't want to take any chances. Switching off the safety and leveling the sights at the nearest speaker that the Captain's voice was coming through, he fired a bullet through the center of it. Having been hired for general maintenance, he knew he'd end up having to fix the speaker anyway, so he didn't think the Captain could get too mad about it if he found out. With a smirk he clicked the safety back on and returned the gun to its holster.

"Yep, still works fine." He said brightly for the benefit of the couple fellow crewmen that had been nearby and were now looking at him like he was crazy. Mood lightened by the senseless violence and finally being off Ariel, he made for the galley, humming on the way.
Rhyzo (played by Pyrroglaux)

Aristide had been on spaceships before, and he was fairly sure this was not how a normal, routine take-off was supposed to feel. When the ship stabilized, the captain’s voice resounded over the intercom once again, requesting that his crew gather in the galley.

“Galley? Where’s th-…?” he began, releasing his death grip on a railing, only to notice that the crew member, who had been clinging to the same railing not so long ago, had already walked off. “Marvelous…” he grunted to himself.

He shifted the strap of his duffel bag to hang more comfortably from his shoulder, and began to walk. He headed up some stairs where he had seen the back of the crew member before it disappeared from view. He wandered the transporter’s corridors and figured that, surely, he would be able to find the galley in less than thirty minutes.

And he did, in fact, find it. Quite quickly, too, purely by coincidence. He didn’t want to be so forward as to claim a chair, and stood around awkwardly, waiting for others to arrive and preparing himself for a lot of odd looks.
Tara O'Conly (played by L0v3lyInk)

Tara sighed and sat on the ground as she waited for the captain to steady the ship. She rolled her eyes as she, and the rest of the crew, heard his echoing apology. She sighed and slowly got up once she could feel the ship slowly steady. She looked up as she heard the system come on. "Go figure..." she mumbled simultaneously as the captain came on requesting to see everyone in half an hour. She rubbed her lower back as she made her way over to the galley, seeing as she had nothing else to do at the current moment. She walked in with plenty of time to spare and looked around. There weren't many people there yet but she looked around and noticed a face that just didn't seem quite right. She stood in the entry way for a few moments staring at him, trying to decide if she had seen him before but not enough to remember or it he was just blatantly new. She finally made up her mind to go over and ask.No point in pondering when she had a voice.

She sauntered over to him and stood right in front of him. As soon as she was close enough she knew that she didn't know him. He looked like he could fit in but he wasn't apart of the crew just yet. "How did you wind up on this vessel? You must have hopped on right at the last moment." she said trying to sound amused but the rather serious look on her face counteracted any jokes she might possibly attempt to crack. She meant to continue standing in front of him but her tailbone started aching. She grabbed the closest chair and carefully sat down on it sighing heavily before mumbling to herself, "This is going to take forever to heal."
Kyta (played by IviCelebrindal)

(I hope you don't mind if I join in, if you do, let me know and i'll butt out)

Kyta skips into the galley smiling. "Hi guys. That was fun." She walks over and sits in the chair beside Tara. "Oh, did you get hurt? I just got stuff for the 'hospital room' that may help." She smiles and looks around. "Where's the food? I'm famished." Her long red hair whipping back and forth as she searches the room for something to eat. Her bright aqua eyes settle on the new person and she jumps up from her chair.

"Hi, I'm Kyta, the ship's supply person. Who are you?" She asks as she extends a hand towards him.
Tara O'Conly (played by L0v3lyInk)

Tara sighed when she heard Kyta first speak. Tara wasn’t a very upbeat kind of character. Nor was she very peppy. Kyta was the bipolar opposite of her though and on occasions she just couldn’t handle the physician. “Yes I’m hurt. That lovely ride the captain took us on landed me right on my ass bruising my tail bone. Unfortunately, despite how advanced we are with everything there isn’t anything to patch up a bruised ass Kyta. Even with all your fancy gadgets.”
Kyta (played by IviCelebrindal)

"What about a heating pack? It may help it feel better," Kyta said looking serious. She smiles at the new person "Who are you?" Kyta watches the room waiting for the rest of the people to come into the galley for the meeting.
Rhyzo (played by Pyrroglaux)

((OOC: Oops! I thought there was a posting order. Wasn’t being deliberately slow. XD Sorry for the inconvenience!))

He had to suppress an instinctive need to flinch and step back when one of the crew members walked right up to him. He pulled his eyebrows down into a frown, a guarded expression on his face, which he forgot to uphold when he noticed the woman’s mismatched blue and green eyes. For a short moment, his mind mused on the oddity rather than the uncertainty of his current situation. He was brought back to reality when the woman spoke, though.

He twitched a mouth corner into a weak, apologetic grimace, more a wince than a smile. “I did at that, in fact,” he replied, at the woman’s suggestion that he got on at the very last moment.

He was relieved when she moved away to have a seat, and relaxed a bit, only to tense up again when he was addressed by a second crew member. He was temporarily stunned by the fact that so far everyone had been quite laconic about his presence. He had expected worse. And so, while he stared at the second woman’s extended hand, he was too late to react, registering he should shake her hand only after the two women started talking. When she asked her question again, he did have the presence of mind to reply.

“Er… Rhyzo,” he said after a moment’s hesitation, using his middle name instead.

He didn’t have a criminal record, just a damaged reputation, yet still he thought it better not to use his actual name. He was reluctant to share his surname too, in the event anyone happened to have heard of his mother. She used to be a fairly well-respected diplomat in her days before her retirement, and now lived a wealthy life on Bellerophon. She certainly didn’t need him besmirching her good name.

“I… er… The hatch closed behind me when I got on to ask for the captain,” he explained.
Tyler Coolidge (played by JayBird) Topic Starter

"And now you're on this ship with a free ride."
Tyler eased down the steps into the galley and immediately lowered the lighting. The more senior members of the crew would be able to recognize the way that Ty was squinting, along with his photo-sensitivity, and would know that the captain had somehow managed to give himself a headache. "Kyta, once I've said my piece, please get into the medical supply locker and get my medication for me?"
Turning to the newcomer, Coolie gave the lanky blonde an even stare as he sized him up for a moment before turning the still serious gaze towards Merrion. "Merr? Any particular reason I heard a gunshot from inside the ship?." Despite the mangled appearance of Tyler's ears, they still heard quite well.
Sliding into the seat that he normally too, the captain spoke, pausing only briefly to allow Charlie into his lap. "We are now fugitives, and to those of you that care, I apologize for that. I myself broke the lockdown that was on us, and I myself piloted the Viator off of Ariel. If any of you are butt-hurt about it," a glance was shot at Tara, attempting to preempt any comment that she might make. "You can get off on our next stop, which has not been decided yet."
Kyta (played by IviCelebrindal)

Kyta nodded to the captain when he asked for his medications from the supply locker. Her face had grown serious and she was paying attention to what he said. She was concerned that they had broken the law and left port while under lockdown. Without saying a word, her mannerisms showed how serious this was. She watched the captain intently, waiting for what he had to say.
Merrion Kambel (played anonymously)

((OOC: Fell into the same boat as Ethelle, sorry about that.))

Merrion had waited to enter galley until a couple minutes before everyone was due there, since he didn't want to spend any more time in there with those people than he needed to. Not that he didn't like the crew, he just wasn't comfortable in large groups. His gaze drifted through the galley, stopping on the only unfamiliar face in the room. A non-crewman standing in full view of everyone, and hardly anyone has noticed? What the hell have the security guys been doing? He wondered, making sure his pistol could be in his hand at a moment's notice if need be.

The Captain entered and Merrion was smirking not five seconds later because of his remark to the stranger. That's one good thing about Coolidge, pretty much nothing slips by him. Was his first thought, but when the Captain turned his attention on him and inquired about a gunshot he was wishing a few things would.

"One gunshot and you think of me first? It's like you think of me as the ship's troublemaker or something, Cap'n." He said quietly in response, trying to look innocent. The Captain had kept going until he reached his seat, giving no hints that he had heard the reply, which was probably for the best.

The announcement the Captain made didn't illicit much reaction from Merrion. He'd been a fugitive before, for things far worse than what the Captain did. There was little doubt in his mind that being stuck on Ariel was more unpleasant than anything they'd deal with in retaliation to breaking a lockdown, anyway. So it's business as usual for me... but I'd better give the ship's combat equipment a higher spot on the maintenance priorities for now, just in case.
Rhyzo (played by Pyrroglaux)

Aristide – or Rhyzo as he called himself now – looked up at the man who addressed him as he came down the steps, walked to the table, and lowered the light. He recognized the voice from the intercom and deduced by the man’s manners and the way he carried himself, that this was indeed the captain.

“It wasn’t my intention,” he said, “I am willing to pay.” He only muttered the last sentence, as it seemed the crew had more important things to discuss.

He decided to keep his silence unless asked to speak up. He didn’t belong to them, so his opinion didn’t have any relevance. The situation the captain wished to discuss didn’t mean much to him either. He was fairly sure he only needed to drop his mother’s name, and he would be cleared of all charges. If there were any charges at all, since it was unlikely that anyone knew that he was on board – apart from this ship’s crew, of course. And so he just listened, and took the opportunity to have a good look at each crew member, memorizing their faces. They all looked like reasonable people, although in the case of the one addressed as ‘Merr,’ Aristide wasn’t quite so sure yet.

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