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The great bug bounty hunt

Posted by Kim on October 31, 2011, 2:21pm

Kim tells a bug what for.

Only two weeks ago, the redesigned site was launched. But along with it came strange new bugs.

A bounty in rupees was placed on the heads of all bugs big and small. The response was massive.
A whopping 78 accolades were awarded in the last 14 days.
Thanks to all those great leads on the whereabouts of bugs, the redesigned site was rocketed back to its previous level of stability in a matter of days, and then surpassed that level -- There were even some reports about bugs that had probably been with us since the day we opened!

Thank you all. The rupees may be gone, but accolades of other varieties will always be given to those heroes who make reports that help me to better the site for everyone.

Bugs that were addressed in the last two weeks

  • Multiple game tags in a single notification weren't displaying in a row
  • Notifications about guestbook comments and replies were going to all the wrong people
  • You will once again receive a notification when your own character becomes featured
  • Notifications on player profiles were showing things that had happened 6 months ago instead of the most recent info.
  • Invitations to groups were not showing in the correct location.
  • Making character connections no longer results in an error.
  • "Pending requests" list no longer all bunched up.
  • Recent activity widgets on anonymous characters no longer identify themselves as being owned by random users. Or by anyone, for that matter.
  • Fixed a number of broken links
  • Character and player icons can be uploaded properly once again
  • "Pending requests" list no longer lazily refers to every character tie request as for being enemies.
  • Character ties widget no longer uses the wrong gender pronoun when speaking about characters.
  • Internet explorer now properly shows emoticons
  • Group widgets can be saved again.
  • Pages on character profiles can be reordered again (still not working in IE)
  • Layout of sent messages folder fixed.
  • Fixed basic info words disappearing in editing pane if they were inside of quotation marks
  • New account registrations back up and running.
  • One of the links in verifications emails wasn't correct. It points to the right place now.
  • Under very specific circumstances, unregistered users could post news comments. No longer!
  • Button for going back after submitting a bug report is now properly aligned.
  • Quotation marks no longer break basic info widgets
  • Fixed being able to delete own group forums
  • When a forum is deleted, notifications about topics in that forum are now also deleted at the same time
  • Guestbook notifications now properly distinguish between plain comments and replies to other comments.
  • If your comment on someone else's guestbook was replied to, you will get a notification of the reply, along with the owner of the character.
  • Notifications no longer overflow their bounds when there is no bio on a player profile.
  • No more duplicate notifications about guestbook comments.
  • Private messages no longer occasionally become misaligned.
  • Security on user-inputted text tightened with the closing of several loopholes.
  • Fixed accepting a group application throwing an error.
  • Fixed accepting a group application not generating a notification.
  • BBCode lists no longer cause the player profile customizer tool to show incorrect colors.
  • Correct birthdays shown on player customization preview.
  • Notifications about forum posts are now properly deleted when the forum that they were inside of is deleted.
  • If you have several widgets, each containing a different image that has been aligned to the left or right, widgets dragged past those image-containing widgets no longer have their "dashed-line" guide jumbled up amongst the images.
  • Changing your password no longer results in "You forgot to enter your old password" error. Unless you forgot to enter your old password.
  • Removing a character tie removes the notification about it.
  • Many bugs taken out of removing character ties. It should no longer glitch when you try to do this.

Other stuff that was changed

  • Length of note allowable on a character tie raised from 140 to 512 characters.
  • Moderators added to the new help forum.
  • Accolades now use correct gender pronouns based on what you have currently selected. Previously, it was just static text and remained he or she depeneding on what I had typed in the message. I didn't like this, because if someone was displayed as female when I wrote the accolade but later decided they didn't want to share their gender, their accolades could still give them away. Plus, there are just occasions where I don't know the gender of the person I'm awarding and I make wrong guesses. Accolades now pick the right word from he/she/they and his/her/their on their own, and change when you do.
  • Capped player profiles at displaying 20 accolades at a time. If you have more than 20 accolades, you will now have a link to something called a "trophy case" where all of them will be visible at once.
  • All the button images were redone to be consistent with our new official style & palette. The site is nicer when it looks unified!
  • When you get an email telling you you've received a private message, it will now include a link sending you directly to the message. If you're logged in, of course. Otherwise you'll just go to the home page.
  • Changed to and to , since the original versions were always way more annoyed than anyone intended to be.
  • Added the ability to give gifts.
  • Users you have blocked cannot send you gifts.
  • Added "system messages," where the site itself (as opposed to users or characters) can send you private messages as a heads up about certain events (Such as someone buying you a gift from the store)
  • Added a custom game tag for RPR
  • Added a flying green arrow that points to where widgets can now be found, since users that'd been around awhile were confused about where they'd been moved to.



November 1, 2011

I LOVE that picture, Kim! You tell that bug! :D

YAY, go us! We're such an awesome community! :D


November 1, 2011

I clicked the thread, and first I saw the plushie.
Nostalgia! I have the same (in germany) from ages ago,
but just half the size.


October 31, 2011

we all did well to fix this! That is awesome that we are all such a tight community to help you out. :D


October 31, 2011

I keep saying how proud I am to be part of this community. Seeing how much people have helped fight the bug menace continues making me feel proud :)


October 31, 2011

Awesome work, Kim! :D


October 31, 2011

Huzzah! Those bugs sure did get told off!
(Also that is the most adorable bug plushie ever)


October 31, 2011

Holy dayum, that's a lot of bug fixes! :D