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Forums » RP Discussion » Any characters that you gave a second chance?

I'm currently working on revamping an old character that I've never really written properly before, and I'm quite excited to use them.

Do you have any characters that you've brought back and revamped - even if it's after never really using them? How did you find it? And what are they like now?

Any feedback or suggestions relating to my new/old chara, Fie, are useful too - mainly because at the moment they are under-developed, and in all honesty I've got no idea if people will find them interesting or not.

Thanks in advance!
Noella Taylor (played by Falyn)

Hi Skylark,

I find your character Fie very interesting. He seems to be one of the more unique supernatural characters I've seen. I really hope you get some great storylines for him.

I have Noella here who was created as an npc. I tried creating her as a full OC on her own a first time while keeping her backstory, but it fell through and I ended up deleting here. I'm bringing her back as a more mundane character, but I've left a page for her as her original design and hope to RP her again in that context when she's older and I've fleshed out more of her personality through having her be a more "normal girl."

The best advice I can give is don't turn down more ordinary slice of life RP with your character. I love magic, action and the supernatural, but what I find makes and shapes a character for me anyway are their relationships with others; co-workers, friends, family, etc. Their pains, joys and growth is what will make me love a character and wanting to RP them in the long run.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

Thank you, that really means a lot! Fie is my first real attempt at creating a more "supernatural/fantasy" character, honestly. My others are very realistic and grounded, I really prefer slice-of-life and totally agree with you on that one! It's a brilliant way to develop a character in unexpected ways, and it makes it so much more dynamic.

I really like Noella, and I hope you find what you're looking for with her! She looks like she's got huge potential once you decide what direction you want to go in with her :)
Noella Taylor (played by Falyn)

Thank-you, I have a roadtrip lined up for her within a group role-play I hope will be a lot of wacky fun and help me flesh her out more.

Wishing you all the best for Fie and a lot of fun with him. :)
_Skylark_ wrote:
Any characters that you gave a second chance?!
I have with most of them. I have had four incarnations of Abigail and think she hold an unlucky character slot or something.
Most of my other ones have been repurposed from their original reason for creation. I have yet to bring any of my old characters from when I roleplayed in high school back because most of them are rather cringeworthy, lol.
Theo Stark is an interesting one for me. I was extremely hesitant to use him after I got banned from F-List due to a careless mistake I made while rp-ing as Theo. So much so that I seriously contemplated killing him off for good. In the end, I just decided to keep him, but toned down the angst in his personality so that it only surfaces when he's provoked.
Sturmtiger, definitely. The profile got shut down because I was careless and didn't make it anti-nazi enough, as well as me copy-pasting the real-world history, complete with references to the pushbroom-mustached man. I was fixing to straight up delete him, but I remade the profile to be vehemently against the regime.
Been considering refitting this guy but aside from giving him a stock avatar, I cannot think of anything else to do with him, so I'll probably just keep him as-is for now. (His avatar is just an old 10 minute doodle. I need to make him a proper one sometime when I am not bogged down with exhaustion and art block.)

I have 2 other characters in draft mode. One was used in a game which is still my favorite game on-site, but which died largely due to my own health issues last year, and the other was from a Discord campaign that died back at the end of March. Unfortunately, both were made specifically for those games, and even though I have ideas for them, I've still not been able to let the attachment go. (Plus, they both need avatars. I took the lazy route with one of them and gave her a Picrew, and that bothers me. The second just has none. Art is hard sometimes.)
I suggest you make them more interesting or build on their backstory a little more. That's what I did with Cyphrus! I originally salvaged it from an old story I worked on for school, but I incorporated him into the backstories of 3 characters, as well as made it the villain of 3 stories! Characters also need to be versatile, so you can use them whenever you can! Hope this helped!
Dana Wyne (played by Dawnia)

My very first character I created here on RPR because when I registered, the new user tutorial had me think it was a requirement to make a character. Dana was the simplest and easiest to create here as I had a shell profile saved from an old RP from school days. She had had a few RPs that were written to conclusion, but I have three alt character timelines with her. Anyway, the point is she was given a 2nd chance when I first came here to RPR!
I've retooled Danny and Meg a few times. No major changes other than slight age adjustments and their locations. I have tweaked them here and there for various roleplays.
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

The whole Lizbeth is in fact a complete ‘second’ chance. I started (few years ago) with an equine male character and had some nice RP, but it didn’t evolve like I wanted. Too much male. So I started experimenting some other characters and it turned out that this doe was the only one where I (OOC) felt best with.
So I worked on her a lot (very long WIP…) and picked her up again after a few years of inactivity. She got the same ‘success’ as in the beginning.
And now her second, third, fourth chance is experiencing another world of RP, the RPRepository, thanks everyone


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