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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » ring of fire (a 1x1 rp with tri-sarah-top)

Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Who shrugs "Well I just want to make sure the only people im insulting are alien bastards" He says eating some more, He then swallowed and spoke "So, You chose to eat with me rather than in the food tent? Thats nice of you... Though personally I would not sit with myself... I can be quite annoying sometimes" He said with a small laugh
"Only sometimes" she joked and giggled then continued eating. Truth be told she enjoyed his company, well after the first night anyway.
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

HE smiled and continued to eat, he then finished and looked at her "So, How have you been doing? It must have been a rough few days for ya... Walking for so long, Then all the fighting"
She sighed "I will admit it is a bit tiring. Even before the war when I was on the run I never walked that much." She admitted blushing "but its all worth it to help people. In a way you sort of prepared me for what was to come. I was prepared to run and come back for you. It built stamina." She finished eating and put the bowl aside. "I'm adjusting though." She smiled
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

He smiled at her "Well you are a very tough girl, I respect you" He says and lays down, but still looks at her "So. Anything else you would like to do?" he asks with a curios look
She shrugged "I'm not sure other then you promised me you'd rest all day tomorrow." She smirked evilly.
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

he sighed "I know... as boring as that may be... When I make a promise, I keep it" he says smiling "So your sure there is nothing you want to do? Nothing at all? Because I am going to die of boredom" He says laying half on the bed half on the floor looking up at her
She rolls her eyes "hey you need to get your kiester back in that bed bfore you hu r t yourself even more."she said standing up and trying to get him to do the same.
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

he rolled his eyes "I wont hurt myself..." he got up and looked at her and smirked "But fine..." he then lays down
She smiled in triumph and sat back in her chair but before she did she lais his cover over him. "Its supposed to be chilly tonight." She smiles
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

He smirks and pulls you onto the bed "Well, Then I would not want you to get cold watching over me now would I?" he says with a sly look
Vickie gasps and blushes as he pulls her close. She looks into his eyes still blushing a little flustered. "I'm not the one in the hospital." she mused
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"True" he said smiling looking at her "Well what ever you decide to do is upto you of course" he says removing his arms from her back, having a sly look on his face
She smirked at him but stayed on the bed laying next to him and sighed ."Well I suppose I can stay for the night so you don't freeze to death or die of boredom."
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

He wraps his arms around her "Well aren't you my hero" he said smirking and gave her a kiss
SHe blushed and kissed him as well. "Well someone has to save a hero sometimes."
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

he nods and smiles "Sometimes indeed" he says holding her close, pulling the covers over them both. He looked at her and smiled "Good Night" he says kissing her
She smiles as the light turns out and holds him close then kisses him back. "Good night." she closes her eyes not believing that this actually happened.
Buck (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

he falls asleep rubbing the back of her head holding her close, He loved her... And He was glad she loved him
She slept peacefully throughout the night in his arms happy that she was keeping him warm and vice versa. She woke up the next day and blushed looking up at him.

You are on: Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » ring of fire (a 1x1 rp with tri-sarah-top)

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