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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Cube Symbol (SOLVED)

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Lol, nevermind! 42 has already been tried, sorry đŸ˜‚
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Bonus clue dropped! :)
I joined just to help solve this xD wish i could help more~~
Snake Eyes/Snake eye also not it, along with a multitude of Dice Games (Dice Game(s) also not included)
The luck hint is definitely making me think it's dice related, especially with the symbol!
Dragonfire Moderator

Ah! Seven has also been capitalized.

Maybe this is another Star Trek thing after all?
Hear me out... the furry captain is an astronaut. There were 6 missions that successfully landed humans on the moon, and I think all (or most) had three crewmembers: a commander, a lunar module pilot, and a command module pilot
"Three and six missions."
Libertine wrote:
Hear me out... the furry captain is an astronaut. There were 6 missions that successfully landed humans on the moon, and I think all (or most) had three crewmembers: a commander, a lunar module pilot, and a command module pilot
"Three and six missions."

I tried Apollo the other day because I was thinking the same thing and no dice there. Unless it's referencing to something else.
Maybe it's Mars rovers? There have been 6, there are 3 now; also, the third of those six, as far as I can tell, was Opportunity; which operated for 57 times its intended lifespan. :)) Perhaps that would make the third more significant? I thought maybe the third clue being the third clue could... Be part of a clue itself? ^^
The 6 moon missions - 3 crew are definitely compelling, and also worth noting is that the crew who died in the Challenger accident are sometimes called "the Seven", but I'm not entirely sure that it's the right track.
I definitely think the bonus hint and the object itself hints strongly toward die. A d6 of course doesn't have a 7, but it shouldn't be capitalised. It might be related to a specific game system?
Could it be Apollo 13?

The failure of Apollo 13 denied us of seven successful moon landings.
13 is associated with luck.
It took someone with a birthday on the 13th to unlock a clue.
Dragonfire Moderator

Y'know, I'm back on my bull, and... I don't think this one has to do with actual moon landings. It's on a prism that's mostly been focused on science fiction (and the puzzles, but those don't count, LOL).

What with the cube, and the magic changing capitalization in the first clue, I think we're looking at a Star Trek riddle. Almost certainly to do with Seven of Nine. Maybe something to do with Picard-the-show? I haven't watched the latter two seasons so I'm not quite sure.
I read a big spoiler but I don't think I've seen enough of the show to put it together quickly. XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Ilmarinen said that Shaw denied her - I think he was her commanding officer when Starfleet finally accepted her? Maybe that's a path to chase.
Ooh. So from what I can tell Voyager went from 1995 to 2001, six seasons, and Seven of Nine was introduced in season 3. Maybe that could be the three of six missions?

Edit: I haven't had coffee yet. It's seven seasons. I'll come back XD
Some of my thoughts... off in many directions but listing them in case they become important down the track for anything. A few leads for what we could plug in.

Prewarning I WILL be covering Picard spoilers below.

Cube symbol.
- Borg cube.
- Starfleet became Borg in Picard?

Denies Seven.
- Seven of Nine was denied a lot by Captain Janeway.
- Starfleet denied Seven.
- B'Elanna did not at all like Seven joining the fleet, interrogating her at first about how she could not feel guilt by how many she hurt as a Borg. They never really got along.
- Could this mean NOT Seven?
- Seven did NOT join the assimilation in Picard, she was too old.

Three and six missions.
- Three + six equals Nine.
- Season 6, episode 3 of Voyager was Barge of the Dead. In it you see The Doctor singing Klingon drinking songs to Seven of Nine, who "fails to see the merit of learning a Klingon drinking song" but is coerced into singing them with The Doctor.
- The same episode centres around B'Elanna, which might be important.

Perhaps the most defining number.
- Emotion is what defines Seven of Nine eventually, even though she at first appears emotionless.
- She is, in my opinion, the most defining member of the Voyager team and how they survived so long.
- Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One is her full name.

Not arrived at by math or logic, but by luck.
- Seven is a lucky number. She gave Voyager a Spock-type character but she is not a Vulcan who are driven by logic.
- In season 6, episode 8 of Voyager there was some talk of luck that could be important, not sure. The Doctor again, EMH.

EMH: Perhaps. We're all finished here, except for one thing. Would you record some images when you're inside the ellipse, for those of us not lucky enough to make the trip?
(He hands her his holo-imager.)
SEVEN: You envy my participation in this mission?
EMH: There isn't a crewman aboard who doesn't.
EMH: I can only tell you how I felt that morning when I materialised on Arakis Prime. I left my footprints in the magnesite dust and thought, one small step for a hologram, one giant leap for mankind.
SEVEN: To coin a phrase.
EMH: Well, I know the sentiment isn't exactly original, but the fact is, I was exhilarated.
CHAKOTAY [OC]: Chakotay to Seven of Nine. Report to Shuttlebay two.
EMH: Good luck.

The Doctor was originally a virtual copy of his human creator, Dr. Zimmerman, and Seven of Nine was born human and then assimilated into the Borg collective as a child. And both exhibit many human traits, even as the world or even they themselves deny their own humanity. They are a duo of luck and machinery.

The Furry Captain.
- Seven of Nine became a captain in the latest episode of Picard.
- Captain Janeway was Seven of Nine's captain in Season 6, episode 3 of Voyager.
- The image name for the guardian is guardian-truffle:
Chadre’kab was one of the first things Neelix made for Seven when she started eating and later used it as payment to the Think Tank for solving the "Hazari paradox" in 2375. The delicacy was later seen at Neelix's birthday party in 2376 and at a Seven of Nine dinner party where it was served roasted with Luhvian quail in a truffle sauce.

Suggested potential answers
- Seven of Nine
- Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One
- B'Elanna
- The Doctor
- Chadre’kab
- Captain Janeway
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Bonus clue dropped! :)
Dragonfire Moderator


It is the Borg, it's just a matter of tracking down this rogue number, now.
Dragonfire Moderator

Alright, looking a little more closely at this, it looks like this is probably referring to Shaw! He was at the Battle of Wolf 359 and only survived because he was ordered onto the last life pod. In fact, he was lucky, and was given the final, tenth spot.

*waggles eyebrows*
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "lucky number 10".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)

Some spoilers for Star Trek Picard Season 3, eps 1-4 ahead. ;)

One of the character arcs of Captain Shaw is his hatred of the Borg leading him to refuse to refer to his first officer by her chosen name, Seven of Nine.

"I have kept this train running for five years, thirty-six missions. You don't get where you're told to go by standing in front of it and then moving the track."

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