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Joot (played by Jooters)

Share any little detail that doesn't really come up often! It could be anything from its creation, a cool physical detail, funny event its gone through, etc!

I'll start: Joot was originally intended to be a representation of Halloween! Hence why he's a black cat, owns a witch hat, and is a magic user! He was originally a witch too, but that got dropped for a sorcerer.
This character has been thrown through a Tavern all, gotten up drank a bear from the table they crashed beside and belched into a candle to set fire to the monster that threw him through the Tavern wall. 😊
Dominick (played anonymously)

Dominick, not gonna lie, was heavily inspired by the Vocaloid GHOST and Pals song: "Honey I'm Home" when I was really into Vocaloid earlier this year, and in-fact, the faceclaim of Dom is Norman Minecraft from the said song and has a few things like YouTube links and Tagline that reference the song. I was also into Tangled (I'm pretty sure EVERYONE remembers that considering that's how I got my start here LOL) so he belongs to a cult that worships one of the villain characters from Tangled: The Series, Zhan Tiri.
Jooters Topic Starter

Dominick wrote:
Dominick, not gonna lie, was heavily inspired by the Vocaloid GHOST and Pals song: "Honey I'm Home" when I was really into Vocaloid earlier this year, and in-fact, the faceclaim of Dom is Norman Minecraft from the said song and has a few things like YouTube links and Tagline that reference the song. I was also into Tangled (I'm pretty sure EVERYONE remembers that considering that's how I got my start here LOL) so he belongs to a cult that worships one of the villain characters from Tangled: The Series, Zhan Tiri.

Bee vomit I have returned to my household
Dominick (played anonymously)

Jooters wrote:
Dominick wrote:
Dominick, not gonna lie, was heavily inspired by the Vocaloid GHOST and Pals song: "Honey I'm Home" when I was really into Vocaloid earlier this year, and in-fact, the faceclaim of Dom is Norman Minecraft from the said song and has a few things like YouTube links and Tagline that reference the song. I was also into Tangled (I'm pretty sure EVERYONE remembers that considering that's how I got my start here LOL) so he belongs to a cult that worships one of the villain characters from Tangled: The Series, Zhan Tiri.

Bee vomit I have returned to my household

VIska Eliksni (played by Reithesniper)

Viska is in love with salt, mostly because it taste good, but it can actually boost her ability's a little bit-
Peristéri (played by 0785)

played rock paper scissors with a 6 year old and lost 1-5
moved to GGC 2 (played anonymously)

If you run Infernus's full name through Google Translate with a slight alteration to it (separate the vir from victorianvir), it'll roughly translate to "Hella Hot Victorian Man" XD

This is an inside joke between a friend.
Marcus has an unhealthy obsession with elves.
He can do the entire Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal dance.
Adrialethenuim (played anonymously)

"Many of my kind are born blind, but they can still sense human corruption."
Ragna can Cook suprisingly.
"I might have big feet, but I've never put my foot in my mouth, unlike humans."
"Ah can make aneh type o' weapon ye want, and I wouldn't no take me vereh long. Ah've also neveh been tae Scotland. Ah've had this accent since Ah been alive. Even on Cybertron"
the-queen's-spider (played anonymously)

"Random detail, huh?" The blonde raised his brow, hands on his hips, a frown on his face as he tried to think of some random detail.

"Well, my favorite food is Fish and Chips. That's a random detail, inn'it?" Alois grinned, "Another random detail, Hannah, my maid, is a piece of shit!"
"I've pranked every single Avenger. My favorite is when I used liquid latex and put a mustache and goatee on Ms. Natasha's face"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"I...", Azumi blushed, "get scared when dogs are around...."
"I have an honorary knighthood which I got as a reward for saving the Danish royal family from Skrull assassins."
Van Kahr (played by jimmymcgill999)

Van is a Patrick Bateman parody
Spawn (played by FictionDragonborn)

"I hate Clowns."

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