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Forums » Forum Games » For A Dollar Would You...?

mmmm...big fat nope, lol.

FADWY stand completely still in the corner of a room, staring at the wall for an hour?

Noooooooo FADWY would you watch sharknado movies for 24hrs straight?
Nooooope, I have better things to watch than those...weird things.

FADWY sleep in your favorite class?

Sure... I’ve done it for free. :D

For a dollar would you take a shower with your clothes on?

Sure save on laundry FADWY act like a cat all day?
If by acting like a cat you mean eating, sleeping and glaring disdainfully at people and asking for affection without a shred of embarrassment then sure

FADWY kiss a snake?

Depends in whether I need a buck.

Fadwy eat bbq snake?
Ew no. Rather eat alligator

FADWY fight Dr. Phil
I’ll fight anyone for a dollar.

FADWY eat crickets?
Nope, you'd have to pay me a lot more just to try.

FADWY eat dandelion salad?

Sure if it wasn’t sprayed.

Fadwy drink dandelion wine?
Sure. I don't like alcohol, but you're paying me, so screw it.

FADWY go to a public gathering (concert, protest, political rally, etc) and throw an egg? It must go high enough to garner attention but doesn't have to be thrown at whoever is leading the event (if any.)
Lol...sure. I mean I could hard-boil it beforehand so it doesn't make a mess, anyway. XD

FADWY listen to the same song on repeat, nonstop, for a whole day?
You mean I can get paid for doing that?

FADWY allow yourself to be transported into your favorite fandom?


Fadwy sing karaoke?
Only reason I'd say no is because it costs like 20 bucks to rent a room but if I'm not paying AND I get that dollar, I'll sing any song you want.

FADWY walk around a mall in an anonymous mask and an umbrella?
Only if I could wear it backwards and whistle "Singing in the Rain" (and I wore the rest of my clothes too...).

For a dollar would you bathe in ramen?

Absolutely noooooooo FADWY Would you eat a plate of worms?
FADWY watch law and order memes 24 hours straight?

I have lol

No bells FADWY Watch sharknado movies all labor day weekend?

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