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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Castalysts of Putrefaction (Open)

Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"He's not human." Saraxx said. "Never was" She added. "We're not on Earth, Humans are kind of rare on the more distant planets" She said.
Akara (played by Doomboyify)

He blinks in confusion, looking at Saraxx with somewhat wide eyes as he put his sword back and blinked again "Your telling on another planet?" he said, his tone sounding very surprised as he looked at the three people in the room and sighs "That would explain quite a bit actually..." he mutters
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

"You walk upon Acta, the capitol planet of many Reptilian races, and yet, it reeks with newfound turmoil." The Actarian spoke as he looked down toward his former brother-in-arms. "The creature's name was once Jiokal. He was once a valiant yet brash warrior of our order, and in the end, it had consumed him." Xiara turned his head toward the newcomers, it was quite a happy coincidence to notice a familiar face in these dark times. "Just what brings you both here, of all places..?"
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

" I was hired to hunt down a criminal, I think I found them though" Saraxx said glancing over at Jiokal's corpse. " I don't know what he's doing here though, I just ran into him."Saraxx said.
Akara (played by Doomboyify)

he looks at the two, rasing an eye at them. he sighed a little, putting his sword away and shrugs "I really don't know what I'm here for..."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"So, was he a friend of yours?"Saraxx asked glancing at Jiokal's body. She wasn't sure if he was why she was brought to the planet or not, though if he was why she was brought there she wouldn't be surprised at all.
Akara (played by Doomboyify)

He just sits there and listens to the two of them, taking in there words
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

"Friend? More or less like a brother." Xiara spoke with an empty and mournful voice as he looked over the corpse of Jiokal. "It pains me greatly to see what he has become. Jiokal became an empty husk the very moment he gave in..." Taking a deep breath, Xiara knelt down and took what remained of the monster's broken helmet, now simply a ruined mess of red, complete with a snapped face-guard, which helped show just how far Jiokal's neck had stretched. It would serve as a reminder of Jiokal before the force took his sanity away.

Standing up once again, the caretaker looked to the light of the cave, exhaling another deep breath. The deed was done, he could now leave. He was unsure of what to do with these two faces. Their fates weren't necessarily his concern but he could not leave them here in the sand dunes. He would have to take them to the Shadowed Temple-city, the fortress of Xiara's Serpentine canton.

"Do the both of you have any form of transport..?" The caretaker asked.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I have a ship, but I think we should atleast bury him. IF he was as close as to you as you say he was, then we should atleast have some kind of funeral for him. Even if he did become a monster in both body and mind, he shouldn't be left to rot in some dank cave." Saraxx said glumly, grabbing onto Jiokal and trying to drag his body outside.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

As Saraxx dragged Jiokal's body, Xiara placed his gauntlet upon the monster's anorexic leg, attempting to keep a firm grip. Xiara shook his head at the proposition of a burial.

"As much as it hurts me to say this, I simply can't allow a burial for a murderer. Jiokal allowed himself out of his own free will to be fully enveloped in this... this force... He simply did not fully understand the consequences of his actions. And that, is what led to this. And even then, the corpses of all these unfortunate souls, Jiokal himself is responsible for their demise. I could never glorify him after this atrocious act, even if he was a brother of my order."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Well, last I checked people don't just up and decide to mutate into some kind of monster. I don't think it was entirely his choice"Saraxx said, hopping up onto the corpse. "Besides, on my planet it's customary to hold a funeral after the death of anyone, even murders and criminals." Saraxx said.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

"Pardon my bluntness, but this is Acta, a planet where absolutes are always dealt. I'd rather hold a funeral for his victims than Jiokal himself." Xiara's tone was harsh as he spoke. "You may be right that he did not decide outright to become a mutant, but Jiokal allowed his body to endure through the process of Demonification in order to strengthen himself. It failed, and the aftermath is what you see here."

"What I want to explain to you may sound like a fairy tale or some sort of unbelievable hoax, but it is the reason for the unexplained mutations, and why the entire planet is in grave danger."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx let out a quiet hiss before hopping off of Jiokal and grabbing one of hsi victims and dragged it outside. "Let's atleast get them taken care of"She said. Evidently she didn't like leaving Jiokal, even if he did allow himself to become the monster he was. When she was a chic her mother had always told her that when they held a funeral for a murder or someone similar they were honoring the person the murder used to be.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

Xiara gave a small nod as he picked up a few of the beast's unfortunate victims. He would have to explain the unexplainable for another time. It was a terrible feeling having to drag their broken bodies up to rot under the ever flowing sand, but it needed to be done. The uneasiness came not from the fact that they were half eaten, but that it was a fellow order brother that had done this. When Xiara had reached the light of the cave, he laid the bodies of the fallen in an organized fashion beside the entrance, to honour those that had suffered in despair in this terrible place.

"There's no need to bury them. The dunestorms flood the desert with sand constantly. They shall be covered entirely in a couple of hours." The caretaker explained as he placed the dead upon the sand.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Xiara glanced at the bodies. She looked around for anything to makr the grave with, seeing a dead tree in the distance. She trotted over to it, pulling off a few limbs and arranging them into some sort of symbol. She carried the marker over, and placed it in the sand, with it standing up. The object had a vague resemblance to a cross, having a long base, and close to the top two of the limbs crossed forming an X. To make sure it stood Saraxx gathered several rocks and put them around the base of the marker to help keep it up. After she finished she let out a series of squawks, hisses, and chirps. She closed her eyes and flared up her Comm Feathers, before letting out a breath. "Alright, let's get to my ship." Saraxx said starting off in the direction her ship was.
Akara (played by Doomboyify)

(Damn I missed a lot...)
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock) Topic Starter

(Sorry about that, we got carried away.)
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Oop: Didn't miss that much really. Just an argument between a six foot turkey and Xiara
Akara (played by Doomboyify)

Just sits there, letting the two do there thing, quietly absorbing their words
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx waited for Xiara and Akara. She turned to look for her ship, seeing the familiar shine off in the distance. She was relieved knowing it was still visible enough to get to.

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