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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » New World Hearts (PM About Joining)

Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis went back to the Bridge, they would deal with Xeres later. For now, she decided they would move forward, and she wanted to tell Saraxx where they were heading next. Retched planet, more like a giant, odd shaped meteor, the surface had such a unique atmosphere that it was pelted with glass as rain, making it's inhabitants flee underground. Underground lived giant parasitic creatures, sometimes making themselves look like caves, only to engulf and devour those who would dare step into them. Others were more obvious, but took up the floors, making traversing across them easy, as they were supposed to only capture the rats and other like sized creatures. Either way, she needed acid proof gear given to her and fitted to Saraxx, or she wasn't setting a foot on that planet.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Why are we going to this planet again?"One of the workers on the bridge asked. She felt the exact same way about the planet as Artemis. Saraxx headed to the bridge, glancing around the ship, still unfamiliar with the ship's technology and design.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Sapient species lives there." Artemis replies. "In the tunnels, very strange ones." She added. "Very tall, average body size, I guess, but a horizontally oval head, and twig like arms. It's a strange sight, their eyes glow yellow and they wear breathing masks over their mouths so they don't break in acidic fumes." The ships design was complex, brilliant shades of blue and orange covered technological surfaces, making keyboards glow, holograms shine, and overall stand out. The text that was written on things were also in Latin, most likely for Artemis. Considering she was the only one with an accent, the workers probably did not speak Latin before signing up for this job.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

After a short while Saraxx found her way into the bridge. She looked around before finding Artemis. "Aren't we going to try and finish up what we were doing here?"She asked having heard that they were leaving.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"We want to give them time to mourn their dead." Artemis said. "The droid ruined the negotiations, for the time being." Artemis added. "For now, we're moving to a less than pleasant planet, hopefully we can get it out of the way."
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. "What's wrong with the planet?"Saraxx asked.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Well, if you think about it, it's full of sapient parasites. They evolved from insects, most of the planet is a living creature, and they steal from it to survive. Being sanitary isn't really a thing to them. They come as humanoid larva, and freakish looking adult forms." Artemis replied. "I have nothing against them, but they have nothing in common with other species."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Hmm.."Saraxx replied. The universe so far had been much much different from what the Dromaea's on her planet described it as. So far most of the races she'd seen didn't seem to have any class system going, they certainly weren't saurian, And the only other planet she'd been to had been vastly different from Nabia Prime.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

It wasn't long before the planet came into view, massive and barren as it was. Huge holes dotted the mountainous landscape, patches of sickly green inside of them. The ship was being driven to one of the larger holes.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx watched the planet draw closer. She remembered what Artemis had called the aliens on the planet. Parasites. She despised the term. So many referred to her as nothing more than a hybridized leeched. Her Comm Feathers flared out slightly, showing her frustration and anger.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis didn't notice, she was too focused on the planet ahead, and the massive hole that was slowly the ship as they moved closer to where civilization was. The comms were quiet, and Artemis pulled up her hood, over her metallic ear pieces.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx watched the hole as they went through into. She glanced around at the walls of the hole, as best as she could atleast.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

It wasn't long until what looked like docks started showing up. Platforms against the sickly green plant like structures imbedded in the rock. Many of the humanoid, twig-armed aliens could be seen rummaging through containers, placing various pieces of trash into bags that were oddly shaped. None of them seemed to notice the ship, or cared, either of those.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx watched the aliens work. She already found most humanoids at the least un-attractive, but this.... things, disgusted her.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

As they moved deeper, it's as if some of the creatures no longer followed gravity, walking along walls and ceilings. As they moved deeper, trading spots were seen, unsanitary areas where the humanoids visibly traded junk for junk. A larger building could be seen now, only slightly more clean than the rest. A door the size of the ship opened, and the ship slowly began to enter.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx blinked as the doors opened surprised by their size. "So is there anything we'll need to do before we get off the ship?"Saraxx asked. "Is the atmosphere breathable? Or does the air have some kind of toxin in it that would drive most species insane?"She asked, wondering how much worse this planet could get
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"The air isn't breathable for us." Artemis said. "Oxygen is like a high for these people. They breath nitrogen." She added. "There are suits near the exit of the ship that can easily give us more than enough oxygen to finish negotiations."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx glanced down at herself. "Will there be anything my kind can wear?"She asked.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Yes, I had the new AI make a suit specifically for you." Artemis replied. "I would recommend making sure it's comfortably fit before we go, I don't know how far we will have to go to make it to the negotiations center."
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. "Where is my suit exactly?"She asked.

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