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Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis stood in front of it, arms crossed. "You are in violation of intergalactic law. Stipulation 34.674 B states that any and all attempts to violently interfere with negotiating affairs is illegal. You are being held for breaking this law."
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Your pointless laws mean nothing to me. I was built to kill, and destroy and that is what I am doing."The drone said. "Does this thing even know what a law is?"Engie asked Artemis quietly. "This unit has a given Designation Organic. And yes, I do know what a law is. Your laws interfere with my purpose however."The drone added.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"We have laws for a reason. It's so we don't kill each other and send ourselves back to the Paleolithic Era. We have harsh punishments for things such as you. I have a friend I can call up, very similar to yourself in the way that she is mostly cybernetic, and she can tell me all the ways to bend your metals just right." Artemis said. "So cough up your orders and who sent them."
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"You will find your friend to be unfamiliar with my build. My kind aren't in any codex's or books you may have."Xeres responded. "You will get no such information. I would sooner delete this information from my memory banks then divulge it to you."The robot responded in a monotone voice.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Then we will simply get the toughest machine we can find and crack your head open like a nut. We have the tools, F.I.S.T. is mainly a mining company. And if you don't cooperate, if and when we have the information, we can just launch you into the nearest star." She replied sternly.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I can assure you 'cracking' my helm open is not the proper procedure to extract information from my memory banks. The chances of my processor being damaged in the procedure are approximately 88.934876. And the chances of you extracting information with mining equipment is zero."The drone explained. "And according to my research, your organization does not have the equipment required to forcefully extract any information from my processor. I lack the commonly used access ports, the un commonly used access ports, and the out dated access ports required for connection."The drone added. "Will your ship open fire?"Engie asked. "No. It will not. I was the only combat capable build on the vessel."Xeres explained. "Well, we atleast don't have to worry about that. Right?"
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis waved over another Engineer. "Bring the Man-Opener." The Engineer jogged out after a moment, and Artemis just crossed her arms. The Man-Opener was a device designed to pry open or closed space-grade and above metal, but it wasn't normally called that. They were designed by F.I.S.T. to help save lives, but one of the few they received was faulty, clamping shut and refusing to open until the magnetic plates were centimeters apart. The Engineer ran back in with the orange contraption, thin, flat metal sheets were on the end. They looked like high-tech giant pliers. "Then I'm sure you don't need your leg."
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I am certain I can replace or repair the damage."Xeres responded with an odd clicking sound being heard. "Please proceed if you feel it is truly necessary."The drone said.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Then we take your eyes, or whatever the hell you use for them." Artemis replied. "Then your legs, then your mouth, then your arms. We will leave you, stripped of everything but what you use to hear. And people, humans, robots, aliens alike, will walk by, commenting on how worthless the piece of junk they see is. And you just get to hear it until you run out of power, can't talk, can't move, can't respond. We will make your body a prison, unless you cooperate."
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I bid you good luck removing my parts. I believe you will find my build to be unique to the common mechs you work with."Xeres said. "Cut him open now?"Engie asked. Before artemis could respond, a loud odd shriek like noise was heard before Xeres shut off, having loaded multiple pieces of useless information and caused a crash in his systems. Soon a voice came over the loud speakers. "Uh, captain Artemis. The owners of the drone just phoned in. It's those Terra-Tech guys. Their captain wants to speak with you."The voice said.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

Artemis sighed. "Put the machines on hold." She said as she jogged back to the main area. She stood facing a blue holographic screen as the holographic transmitter became active. "This is Artemis, Saurian-Human Captain of this ship. Is there a problem?"
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Yes there is."A large burly man said over the video screen. His voice had a thick russian accent. "My name is Captain Vladimir Tarov, and I was sent out to retrieve an experimental war mech and war ship. Neither are complete or properly functional. I got word of the warship being here, and had reason to believe the mech wouldn't be to far from it. The natives of this planet informed me that you found a mech that tried to kill you and you took it into custody. I would like it back."Valdimir said.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"We will, as long as you pay us for damages and tell us what it wants." Artemis replied sternly.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"It wants to kill. That is what it's programmed for. It escaped before it's 'Friendlies' list was complete. What I believe happened was that the drone escaped and decided to hunt down the nearest inhabited planet that wasn't on its list of friendlies."Vladimir explained. "Terra-Tech will transfer you a proper sum based on the damages that you should receive in four to five business days."Vladimir added
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Then why was it targeting a small group of soldiers, including me, instead of a city full of citizens?" She questioned.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Vladimir shrugged. "I didn't directly program it, or set it's limits. Maybe one of our programmers had it programmed to ignore civilians as non-combatants until they attack."Vladimir said.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"I don't have much reason to believe you Vladimir, and frankly, I don't. Ask your tech boys how to get this thing to talk, and we will ask it ourselves. If you are telling the truth, we'll hand it over, if not, then I'm afraid your breaking galactic law." She replies sternly.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Vladimir sighed. "Good luck getting it to talk."Vladimir said terminating the call. "Should we wait for him to get back to us on making it talk, or proceed with our interrogation?"Engie asked, having followed Artemis.
Artemis (played by Harvest) Topic Starter

"Continue holding the droid, don't do anything with it yet." Artemis replied. She sighed, lost in thought for a minute. "We are heading to our next location, and get the acid proof spray ready, you and I have both read about this next one." Artemis wasn't exactly looking forward to the next planet.
Xeres (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Engie nodded, heading back to the room Xeres was being held in.

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