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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Thief and the Fox (1x1 Closed RP)

Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

"Please, Kitsu, you're being a bit naive, here. Do you think an item with that much magical power can exist? I doubt it. If anything, it shows me your colors when you're in a mood. That's all I can dig from it." Their ascent was abruptly stopped when she heard the call and she felt Kitsu shift behind her. "Oh great, now what?" Ophelia spun the horse around. She bit her tongue as soon as she realized who it was. "Er, uh, how can I help you, captain? I'm actually rather... surprised that you went this far out to see us," she said with a forced smile.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

"I heard that you had left town after our little meeting. I was under the impression you would meet me at the tavern, or at least use the money I gave you to start a living, like you said you would," he said, frowning as he slowed to a stop next to them. He was looking to Kitsu as he spoke.

"I -- Um... Just was--" Kitsu stumbled over her words, not having expect this to have backfired on them. What was she suppose to do, or say? So, naturally, she just sunk more into Ophelia. The Captain frown, and then surprisingly... drew his sword.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

"She is!" Ophelia said, hiding Kitsu behind her as she spoke. The thief stammered for an explanation as she looked over their current situation. "Er, well, she's going to start a living. With me, that is. You see, sir, I'm a very very close friend of hers and she was so willing to start a new life with me she was willing to give herself up just to make the money. You... understand what I'm getting at, right? I mean, well, I understood the laws in the city and the only way things would work out was if we found a nice place of our own up in the mountains. And you were very generous to donate, really you are. And... once we get settled in, she and I would love it if you came to visit. We don't mind having visitors." The whole time she held a seductive smile, her fingers trailing over the horse's mane as she looked at the captain.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

And, of course, Kitsu had no idea where Ophelia was going with any of this. But the Captain certainly did. "Which region are you going to then? I hardly doubt I would be able to find you, if you went so far. But, I don't believe you... the way she acted with me, hardly seemed like what someone who was interested in you. Something like that, doesn't feel like it could be faked.

"I think you are just con artists, who took your profit and are now skipping town. So, unless you can prove otherwise, or come up with a better story, then I'm going to take you back."

And his horse started advancing toward them.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

She backed the horse up as he advanced. If she killed the captain of the guard, then she'll be hunted from that region as well. She was running out of options and actually had backed herself into quite a conversational corner. She could prove it but Kitsu might not exactly agree with it. It would certainly make the rest of the ride up to glacier peak more awkward.

The thief looked at Kitsu, then at captain, then back at Kitsu. "We're... we're not con artists! See!" she said, before taking Kitsu by the shoulder. The thief paused for a moment, giving Kitsu a reassuring nod before leaning forward to kiss her.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

Kitsu was sure they were caught. After all the reassuring Ophelia had done, she was quite certain this was it. This was where they would be caught. And it really had only been the first time she had done anything wrong intentionally. When Ophelia had taken her shoulders, she thought that maybe she was going to say they had had a good run... or maybe even, to make a dash for it...

But, that was not at all what happened. When Ophelia's lips met her, she was quite confused. What was happening? What was she doing?

And Kitsu's surprised look might have given them away, if the Captain hadn't been just as surprised. He would remain silent, turning his head. "Alright then," he said, and he would turn his horse just a little, facing away from them as if telling them to go. He was no longer interested in the two.

By then, Kitsu's face would be bright red.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

Ophelia broke the kiss, more aware of the fact that she just kissed the girl than tricking the captain. The kiss felt... good. Something she hadn't felt in a long time and by the time she realized it, the captain was already quite a ways away. She had to follow up. So after regaining her composure she waved back after the captain shouting, "We'll let you know where it's at, handsome!" With a wink to seal the deal, even though she was sure he didn't see, she turned back to Kitsu, her face serious but excited at the same time.

"I. Am. So sorry," Ophelia said, biting her tongue and bowing her head. "The situation called for it so... Ahah..." She actually didn't know how to explain the situation and when she saw how red Kitsu's face was she couldn't help but feel more guilty about what she had done. "You're not... mad at me, are you?"
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

Kitsu looked at Ophelia, and raised her fingers to her lips, pressing against them. After a moment, she would shake her head, and then give a nervous smile. "No, you made him leave! That's good, I was really worried." She would give a little laugh, and then tilt her head curiously. "Do... females often kiss one another?" she asked, feeling a little awkward for doing so.

She wasn't quite sure what to think about the kiss. She just felt... Confused. There was no other way to explain it.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

"Yeah well. You'd be surprised to see the things I did to get out of less desperate situatioins. And no, no. Not really. Same sexes kissing each other is not a common thing. Only on special cases since it's sort of looked down upon by the church," Ophelia said, and kicking at the horses side as it started it's ascent.

"So yeah. Consider that special training when you see Fallon." The thief said. She left it at that as she felt a bit strange about forcing the kiss on Kitsu. What made it even worse was it wasn't something she couldn't just walk away from since she had to keep the girl around.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

"Ah, practice?" Kitsu said, as the horse started off. She hadn't thought of that. What if Fallon expected that from her. She would shake her head and forget the thought for the moment. She returned to her normal riding position, holding onto Ophelia around her waist as she rode on.

And as they rode, she could already feel the air growing just slightly colder as they rode. But that was good, that meant they were leaving the troubles of that city behind, and were only closer to finding Fallon.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

The path they traveled zig-zagged up the mountain side and it wasn't long before they met up with the familiar body of water. The stream they had followed since the beginning was now a swift river that flowed down the side of the mountain. Bridges snaked over it several times, each one more worn out than the last as the beaten road turned into a simple, narrow clearing along the mountains edge. It had gotten significantly colder and at one point Ophelia stopped to put on the new layer of furs they had bought earlier that day.

There was a point in the path where the dark brown of the dirt was bordered by bright white snow. From there on it was nothing but a frozen slope with spectacular icy tunnels and dangerous cliff drops that the horse slowly traversed over. "We should be getting to the peak soon. Careful. The... the snowman might be around here, you know."
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

Kitsu felt the cold, but felt comfortable with the furs around her keeping her warm. She, however, was not comfortable with the threat of a mysterious, angry creature. She also didn't like the fact that the path would narrow every now and then and it almost seemed as if they were going to fall to their death. She would cling to Ophelia just a bit tighter in those moments.

She hoped they would come to their camping spot soon. At least there, she could keep watch and listen for anyone or anything that might be coming up on them.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

The peak had a fantastic jagged display of ice, all swirling around as if it were a giant frozen whirlpool with a wide open valley in the center. The peak, which actually turned out to be more of a wide plateau surrounded tall ice, had a single entrance and a single exit at the other side of the mountain for the very few who had every bothered traveling this route. Because of the height, the clouds lay over the area leaving a chilly mist that made it impossible to see very far.

Ophelia stopped, scanning the mist in an attempt to find some kind of landmark in the haze. Suddenly, there came a roar in the distance but because of the echo of the surrounding walls, it mae it impossible to tell where it came from. A figure moved rapidly just outside their field of view. It was big. Very big and Ophelia was on high alert as it let out another roar.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

When the roar came, Kitsu might have nearly squeezed Ophelia in half. "Noooo! Let's get out of here! It's the snow man! He is going to eat us!" She could already picture in her mind a 10-foot tall furry white man, that was angry and attempting to eat them.

She knew this was a bad idea, to come this way. Ophelia had doubted, but here they were! About to be eaten by a rumor!
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

Suddenly, as if out of no where, the beast appeared, charging through the mist behind them. Even though it was crouched down on all fours, it was still as tall as a regular man. Perhaps even taller. The horse reared back wildly and knocked Ophelia off before taking off on its own. The beast charged past them, after the horse as it disappeared into the mist.

"Get up, Kitsu," Ophelia said, climbing onto her feet. All her belongings were there. Their food, their clothes, their valuables. She drew her blade and set the satchel down with all their other belongings as she looked around. The heavy thumps of footsteps and crackling ice continued to circle them. Their horse was no where in sight.

It came again from the mist, approaching Ophelia from the right and knocking her aside with a swift swipe of its arm. The blow knocked the wind out of her and it seemed to be drawn to the food and Kitsu as it set its eyes on the only one between it and the food. It let out a loud roar again, raising its fists to smash the girl.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

Kitsu was thrown off the horse, and she lay in the snow, looking around frantically, trying to find what was going on, and how she was going to survive. But, everything was happening so quickly. She looked at the beast as it charged at her, unable to even comprehend what Ophelia might be saying.

She raised her hands, trying to defend herself, and there was a sudden warmth as flames rose in front of her, tossing the beast quite a ways away from her. She looked through her fingers for a moment, before getting to her feet and looking around. Behind her, there was a person, dressed in a coat with furs, the hood pulled up over their head, hiding their face. She looked at them for a long moment, before the beast gave out another roar, charging again, enraged at the attack. But another wave of fire appeared and the newcomer cast it, and it knocked the beast back again, this time, sending it over the rocky ledge. It wasn't a far drop, so it wouldn't kill it. But, it might give them time.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

"Kitsu!" Ophelia yelled, hobbling over to her as she still tried to get the wind back in her lungs. She fell to her knees to check on the girl and the gem. It was fine. She was fine. No one was really hurt. It was then that she realized that there was someone else standing there. Someone dressed in heavy furs. The face was concealed by the haze but she guessed that whoever it was managed to save Kitsu. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" she asked, not sure if the person was there to help them or to harm them.

The monster could be heard just over the ledge. Hurt, but still alive and she could hear it struggling with the ice to find a way back up top.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

"Well, what a greeting," said the person, now confirmed to be a male. He motioned for them to follow, as he turned to continue on the path they were on. "If you'd like to find a play warm... and less dangerous, follow me."

Kitsu would look at the person, and then to Ophelia. She wondered if they should trust this person; but they had just saved her life. So, she stood, and gathered what she could carry, and quickly followed after the person.
Ophelia Hannelore (played by itsjustgent) Topic Starter

Warm? All the way up here in the frozen plateau? She doubted it nor did she trust this person. She didn't trust mages in general. Especially since their last encounter with a hooded magic user in the forest but Kitsu took off after him with what she could carry before Ophelia could protest. Still fearing whatever that was in the mist, however, Ophelia had no choice but to grab the remaining bits of food and cloth as she went after the other girl.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

Kitsu followed the man, as he lead them down the path. Up ahead, barely visible in the falling snow, was a small cave to the side. He made his way into it, and waited for them to join. Kitsu made her way over to a far wall, and sat her things down in it, and made sure the gem she had was tucked away from sight, just in case this man was a thief. Once Ophelia was inside, he raised his hand, a wall of ice blocking off the entrance.

He then made his way over to the middle of the open cave area, and knelt down. He held out his hand, and a fire started upon a few pieces of wood that had been placed there. It was obvious, he was occupying this before he found the girls.

Once the fire was going, he pulled down his hood, and tossed his coat aside. He had smooth, golden hair, that fell in front of his face, just to chin length, and icy blue eyes. He spoke again to them, as Kitsu looked at him in surprise.

"It will get warm in here quick," he said, looking back to Ophelia. "What brings you out --"

"Fallon?!" Kitsu blurted out, once she was sure it was him. "Is that really you?"

Fallon turned to Kitsu, raising a brow. "Yes... Do I know you?"

Kitsu nearly shrunk back at that comment. Of course he wouldn't recognize her...

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