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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam runned to the cabin. She didnt want Seren to know she was there.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Sam? Where might that women be?" Seren takes a look around but suddenly he sniffs the air. "An animal I presume. Well I might as well eat breakfast." Seren them morphs back into his dragon form. He then pounces on the target and bites its neck. The deer squirms and tries to escape but then dies from suffocation. Serem then gives out a triumphant roar. And drags his prey back to the cabin. He then lets sam know through telepathy. "Look at this." He then drops the dead deer at the door
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam Closed her book. "Nice! Want me to Cook it?" Asked the girl.
Felyx (played by Explosion003)

Felyx was feeling... Something. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he thought he saw something plowing through the woods. "What the hell is that?!?" That woke archer up. "Archer, stay here, okay? I'm gonna get Sam and Seren so that they can see this." He then ran to the cabin to get the others.
Yelling through the cabin window, Felyx said "you two! We need to get to the..." Felyx was thinking... Could it be? No... "Wait a sec, do you two have a thing goin' on or what?"
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Yes but I'll hunt for my own deer. I doubt less than half a deer will fill my appetite." Seren then ruffles his wings and let's out a long yawn. "I'll eat anything but sheep. Those dastardly little things. They give me hair balls and indigestion. Just the thought of eating one of those gives me chills. Also there's the fact that the burnt will stays in my teeth." Seren then transforms back into his human state. But then he spits out a charred lump of deer meat and a chill runs up his spine. "Yet I'm still not used to that.
Felyx (played by Explosion003)

"Um, Seren? Are you just gonna pretend I don't exist? Because THERE IS A DEMON TRAIN THING HEADED STRAIGHT FOR THE CABIN!!!
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam fastly putted her glasses in her pockets and yelled: "Bring it on!" She ran the fastest possible there.
Felyx (played by Explosion003)

"Sam, no! You'll die fighting that thing without backup!", said Felyx. But she was already gone. "I'm going after her. Coming Seren?" And then he dashed off. "Hmph. I'll finally be able to show off what I've got."
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"I'm coming as well. Just don't die on me Felyx." Seren then chases after the two. After catching up with the two he spots a demonic looking trail. "What the hell is that? Well there's no point in watching." Seren then jumps up to the the train and gives it a large slash but it goes right through. "What the?" The train the strikes Seren plowing him into the ground. "Guys dont attack it'll do no good!" Seren the rushes up to Felyx and transforms mid sprint. He then grabs Felyx with his large paw. "Gotcha! Where's Sam?" He looks through the land actively looking for her.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam was already trying to smash the train with her axe. ''STUPID, DONT MESS WITH AN EARTH-BENDER!'' She was yelling at the train, seeing that it wasnt affected.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Knock it off. You'll only succeed in getting yourself killed." Seren then swoops down and grabs her in his hind talon. "Your a tough one you know that? Ive got an idea. Both of you cover your eyes!" Seren then blinds the area in a flash of golden light. The demom train seemed sensitive to the light and flew away. "That's right and dont come back!" Seren then breaths a triumphed breath of fire and drops Sam and Felyx to the ground. "It should be for for now." He then shifts back into his human human state. Afterwards he kneels over. He then spots a gash on his right leg. "It must have got me when I attempted to slash it earlier. Ah! It stings..." Seren tries to get up but ends up falling over again. "I can't walk..." He then punches the ground in frustration.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam tried picking him up. She succeeded but it was kinda heavy for her.. She tried walking the fastest possible at the cabin. ''Let's go!'' Her nude feets (because she never wears shoes) were hiting the floor fastly.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

As they arived into the cabin Seren looked at his wound. "It is not fatal. I'll live. He then attempts to heal his wound with magic but to no avail. "It's not working. I dont have enough energy to hold the spell out long enough. Crap!" Seren then hits the ground causing it to burn. "He then attempts to get back up but falls over with each attempt. "Must get back up..." His stubbornness kept making him from stopping. But with each attempt his would got worse.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam putted her glasses back on. ''Hey, stop, its just getting worst, ill find something in one of my books. For now, just lay down and try to sleep.'' said Sam, getting seriously worried. She got up and tried finding a book about healing. After a couple minutes, she found. She passed pages by pages, trying to see if there was anything for stinging wounds.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Humph." A few patches of smoke come out of Seren's nostrils showing that he is not willing to give up yet. He then wraps a nearby bandage to his leg. "Alright fifth times the charm. One. Two. Three!" Seren attempts one more time to stand up but again falls this time on his back. He lands right at Sam's feet. He then spots her directly above him. He then crosses his arms in frustration. "Well I give up." He then lies back first on the wooden floor.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam facepalmed. ''I found it. You got to put salt, water &.. apple juice? What?.. Well i guess thats what were gonna do..'' said the girl, feeling weird about this recipe. ''Ill go find the apple juice and the water. Felyx can you find salt, please?'' asked the earth-bender. Sam ran into the forest to find a tree with apples & a river.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Speaking of which where is Felyx?" Seren looked around tbe room to fins that he was gone. "I TOLD THAT IDIOT NOT TO LEAVE THE SQUAD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Seren then moaned to himself amd tried to find some salt on his own. "Alright I can't walk. Hmmm. Ive got it!" Seren manages to crawl his way over to his item pouch and pulls out a vial of salt. "Haha! I should let sam know i've got salt." Seren attempts to speak with her through telepathy but still cannot concentrate. "Crap! Well I guess I'm waiting. I hope she hasn't realized how I feel about her yet. But what do I know. The world is funny luke that sometimes." He then smirks to himself and begins to toy around with his sword.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam managed to fastly find an apple and gather a little bit of water. She ran back to the cabin. ''You found salt?'' asked the girl. She took the apple and smashed it into pieces with her fist. She collected the juice that was falling and gathered it in a pot. She mixed it with the salt and the water and poured it on Seren's wound. ''Might hurt a little bit.. by that.. i mean alot..'' said the girl while pouring it.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"What do you mean by alo..." Before he could finish his sentence she was.already pouring. He then attempts to hold back tears. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Gods that hurts!" He bites down on a strap of leather he uses to ease his anger. But in the process it is bitten in half. "BY THE GODS THIS HURTS!" The stinging sensation was proboly the worst he's ever felt. Even though he was a hard proud warrior this hurt more than A thousand stabs to the chest.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam finished pouring. ''Sorry for that.. the recipe says you got to relax for 2 days and it should effect.'' said the girl as she put the cup away. ''I guess we are going to report that fight?'' questionned Sam, smiling and trying to not laugh of Seren's reaction with the liquid.

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