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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren's face then gives off another flash of red ad his face blushes. "Oh do you think that was funny?. "Seren then trips her over with his tail. "Haha!" She then accidentally stumbles falls atop of him.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam was just.. really embarrassed right now. She blushed and didnt know what to do or to say. ''U-uh.. i.. will.. g-go b-bend some.. ear-earth..'' she said, shy, as her eyes turned purple. She fastly got up and ran away, nude feets. Her glasses dropped off her pockets when she got up, but she didnt realise.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Hmmm?" Seren noticed she dropped her glasses. He then picks them up and tries to think of an idea to give them back to her. "Aha." He notices a branch within arms reach. He then carves a walking stick using the branch amd his sword and spots her outside. He gets her attention by placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey you dropped your glasses back there." He gives her a heartwarming smile which is new to him due to him not being so open with people.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''T-thanks.. i was just gonna put them to the cabin but.. hum.. you know.. um.. i was kind of.. embarrassed.. So.. i do earth-bending to relax.. and somehow it reflects what i am thinking about..'' she said, her eyes still purple of shyness. The Earth-Bender smashed the ground 4 times with her fists and a statue appeared. At first it wasnt really clear what it was, but after it seemed more like a man. And after seemed more like Seren. ''Y-yeah.. this is even more embarrassing..''
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"No no. It looks nice. Actually kinda cute. But it is missing one important thing." Seren props himself up with his stick and takes a few steps toward the statue. Then mutters a few words and a humanoid shaped block of cooled magma appears. Then Seren shapes it to look like Sam. "And for the finishing touch." Seren then places her glasses on the cooled magma statue. "Perfect." He then smirks to himself admiring his work.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam laughed. ''Nice! But.. i always break my stuff, somehow.. i dont know why..'' she answered. She smashed the ground one more time and earth bended under her to put her in the air. ''Let's go to the cabin!'' said Sam as she bended earth under him to make him go there too.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren gives her a happy smile as he is lifted back to the cabin. "That reminds me. I know this might be somewhat of a personal question. But why do your eyes change color? Ive noticed it on several occasions. It's like thay act like a moon ring. And I'm curious. You don't have to answer if you dont want to."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''I-i dont know.. they just change with my emotions.. even if i dont want to.. i'll explain..

When my eyes are brown.. i am just normal.. thats their normal color..
Red is when i am mad,
blue when i am sad,
purple when i am shy,
green when i am anxious,
orange when i am happy,
pink when i am scared
and grey when i am thinking. Oh yeah.. and when they are blood red, you dont want to be near.'' explained Sam.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Ahh. So that explains a lot. So the times your eyes glowed purple you were shy and red when you were angry. That's actually kinda cute. So they change colors depending on your emotions."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Yeah.. and i cant control it, i cant stop it, it just does that on m-.. wait what did you just say after that?'' Sam asked, as she just realised.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"I said it was kinda cute. So what color would your eyes changed if I did this..." Seren then lightly kisses her on the cheek.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam's eyes turned light purple and she fell on the floor. She blacked out. Everything was so weird to her. The earth-bender was dreaming about her parents.. weird stuff..
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Oh gods what did I do! I knew it! I knew it was a bad idea to kiss her. Why did I even try that. Oh gods no." Seren places his ear near her chest and breaths a sigh of relif. "Oh thank goodness. Shes still breathing." He then starts to shake her trying to wake her up but to no avail. "come on wake up!" A single tear steams down his face. He then starts to shake her harder attempting to wake her up.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam was muttering while blacking out: ''I-i.. swear d-dad.. i.. didnt.. take.. your vodka..''. The girl woke up in hurry. ''UH WHAT!? WHERE AM I?! WHAT IS GOING ON!? WHERE'S MY DAD SO I CAN PUNCH HIM?! Oh.. it's just you. Hi.'' she said, acting normal.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren released a sigh of relief. "Wait a second do you remember anything before you blacked out?" Seren gives Sam a confused yet worried look.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Not really i just remember talking to you about my eyes changing of color and then POOF!'' replied Sam, wipping dirt off her face.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

"Oh thank the gods you didn't remember. Tou should lie down for a minute. What I'm about to say might just come as a shock to you. But I'll explain later. Rest now." Seren then inhales and exhales slowly. Calming his mind for minute.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''Mkay, well tell me when youre ready.'' said Sam, as she got up and smashed the ground with her fists again to train.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

Seren then walks towards Sam with a worried look. "Well it's hard to explain but his ought to jog your memory. Faciam ut mei memineris." Seren then places a spell on sam letting her and Seren visually see the memories that she had forgotten. "Well this should clear things up." They both see the memory of Seren kissing Sam and Seren blushes. And then the memory cloud disappears. "And that's about it"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam's eyes turned purple and she blushed but didnt fall back. She punched the ground one more time. ''That's what youre were hiding'' answered the girl. ''Lets go to the cabin now, i need to do some work.'' said Sam, like if nothing happened.

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