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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Dragon Island

Niraia (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Nira stirs from her doze, tail twitching silently.
Ani (played by X-01)

He grumbles in his sleep, not too loudly, but noticably.
Niraia (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Hearing Ani , she yawned, and sneezes, scattering flames.
Ani (played by X-01)

He doesn't stir, asleep. Although he does shift positions to his other side.
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

A string of stars spins around the volcano violently, rumbling it. The air inside got really hot, steam rising up from within violently.
Kitsumari (played by X-01)

She wakes with a start at the rumbling. Ani wasn't disturbed, his runes lighting up on his body. Kitsumari looks around, "What's happening?"
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Lava starts to pool up, the heat getting intense. Rocks start to slide off the side of the volcano as the rumbling gets more violent.
Ani (played by X-01)

Ani wakes up and looks at the raising lava, thinking, Oh come on! Can't I get a break? He opens his wings and flies up, landing on a higher ledge.
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

The string of stars moves into the volcano. The heat waves outlines Celest Dark. Nira fell back to sleep, mumbling.
Ani (played by X-01)

He and Kitsumari looks at Celestial Dark. Kistumari waves at it, while Ani just says, "Um.... Hi."
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

It roars loudly, shaking the volcano. Nira stirs awake, mumbling. ''Keep it...Zzz..Down...'' She said.
Ani (played by X-01)

He looks at Nira, "Um..." Then back at Celest Dark, "What can I do for you?"
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Grrmph. Welcome to Dragon Island.''
Ani (played by X-01)

He nods, Kitsumari saying, "Hello again!" Ani looks at her, then at Celest Dark, "Thank you."
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Hmph. Your welcome. And hi again. Beware though. I have detected that an evil Werepyre is hiding out somewhere here.''
Ani (played by X-01)

He thinks, "Black, nasty gash on the back of one of his legs?"
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

It nods. ''I attacked it, but it fled.''
Ani (played by X-01)

He nods, "I passed it on the way here. He doesn't seem so bad, as long as you leave him alone."
Celestial Darkness (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Tats what you think. But he is violent.''
Ani (played by X-01)

He grunts, "Maybe." He didn't think so.

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